My battle to get my bandmates on IEMs is starting to reach the end of the beginning.
We have a Behringer X18 (I think that's its number) which has 6 programmable monitor feeds. I use the iPhone app; it is ok, but not exactly wonderful, either. I found that the mute button on my feed was, by default, on, and not easy to tap to switch off.
Before now, I have had a DI out from my pedalboard to a mixer and a mic for the room. It worked, but it was long from good; but, finally, I could hear myself properly.
But once we started to record rehearsals - also good for finding a new singer, which we are doing again - and once I got the XR18 set up properly, and once I got the damn mute switched off the Behringer app! At last, all the instruments were clear and nicely piped into my ears. It was a glorious moment and one that reinvigorated my rehearsals.
Of course, my reaction when it all suddenly started to work and sound good...well, let's just say it caused the others to realise that IEMs might be a good thing, after all. I must need to work on a bit of "if it is too loud, you're too old" line of thinking that is still left.