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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444759250' post='2885726']
    I've never actually had a go on a Wal.

    Neither have I. Not only that, I have never seen one in the flesh.

    [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1444759250' post='2885726']
    Are they any good?

    Yes, they are the best thing ever, stunning masterpiece, gorgeous beyond belief.

  2. I had the same problem when I moved to a more, ah, rural area. All the cool kids move to major cities, so the town only had youngsters (screamo etc) and old people (blues/rock covers). I ended up joining a newly-formed rock/pop covers band who only played three gigs in as many years. Then I moved.

  3. I often play in the 5th fret area and above on my 5er. It is much less of a stretch. The low D is also used relatively frequently. The C and C# are hardly used at all, but I will throw in a low B occasionally.

    It is also great when the guitarists fancy a blast on my bass. It throws them off something rotten!

  4. This has to be one of my all-time favourites. Perhaps my favourite dirty bass sound too. Any ideas what kind of effects would get this kind of grind?


    Another Loop favourite is Arc Lite


    Only good if you like this kind of stuff, though! Loop might very well have been one of the most influential bands of my life. Whilst I have never played this kind of music, a good part of anything I write has its roots in Loop.

  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1443402445' post='2874422']
    Is the implication that "made in China" is something to be avoided?

    Do we worry about where our jeans and trainers are made?

    Does the original post have a point?

    Yes, I find t important to know where my things are made. For example, the children who make trainers in Thailand are far more skilled than the children in Bangladesh but, oddly, the Bangladeshis are far better at stitching tshirts than the Thai children. The adults in Japan who are paid a proper wage and work in safe conditions who make my jeans are far better skilled than the children in Bagladesh or Thailand.


    My hard currency is not going to finance political oppression in China as much (components, etc, are still mostly made there) if the amplifier is made in the UK.

    But to the matter at hand: before I cancelled my subscription, BGM was consistent. It always had poor photographs, poor writing (in all ways) and poor content. There is a thread here about it that ran for many pages that highlighted the flaws and suggested how to make the magazine less (ahem) boring, but it seemed that nobody at BGM cared (or dared) to read it.

  6. Last time I stained a body, I used a mix of hot water and spirits with the powdered dye suspended in that. The idea was that the fluid helped the dye penetrate the wood but, as it was spirits, it evaporated without getting the body soaking wet. It worked a treat!

    I can't remember the mixture, though. Sorry. It was definitely not more than 50% water. Possibly only enough water to dissolve the dye, then topped up with spirits.

  7. I left the battery in for far too long (December 2009, if my memory serves me well) and it leaked and stuck to the terminals. Upon removing the battery, it took one of the terminals with it. It should be an easy fix, I can't be arsed to fix it and I do not really need this anyway. I have a great DI on my amp.

    No postage - no time for that! You can catch me on my mini Scottish tour next week (work, not music).

    Glasgow: Monday 3rd August (late evening) up until Tuesday lunch
    Edinburgh: Tuesday 4th August (late evening), Wednesday lunch

    I'm trying to add a Dundee date for Wednesday evening, but it does not look likely.

    Other alternatives:

    Hull, Monday 10/8 (late evening)

    Manchester - early September at some point. Three day conference, so plenty of opportunities.

    As I am trying to avoid chucking this in the bin, price is by no means set. Trades welcome - pickled onion Monster Munch, chocolate etc gladly accepted.

    Stock pic (mine has the old logo):

  8. Hello

    My DHA pedal has a terrible buzz when using the DI. It only affects the DI signal - the standard signal is fine. I have tried it with no signal going in, with different XLR cables, via a power strip or direct and the noise is still there. I do not have another 12v DC power unit to try, though.

    I think - [i]think[/i] - that this is a new development but I am unsure. I have used the DI many times before without there being a problem at rehearsals, but it is possible that the noise level was not high enough to have been a problem when playing in that environment or, even, that there was a noise gate in place that cut out the buzzing when not playing.

    Has anyone here experienced something similar? I am not overly keen on pointing the finger at the power supply as it works fine when not using the DI. The headphone out has always been noisy. Oddly, fiddling with the headphone volume (headphones not connected) affects the sound too. I'm starting to wonder whether this is a bit of a lemon!

  9. It took me a while to get things in order, but it is now almost all done.

    Neck on the body - I had to sand the neck pocket a tiny bit. I used a thumb rest as a block and a piece of 320 wet&dry (used dry) to take just a smidgen off each side. The rest went on without any bother.

    Next steps:

    Wait for the neck to settle
    Gentle tweak of the truss rod (perhaps only an eighth of a turn) to reduce the relief a bit
    Lower saddles on the bridge

    The bass feels great at the moment. The body had been sat in a cupboard for the best part of two years. Joy!

  10. Nice...I've always had a bit of a thing for these Jacksons.

    I sanded a Tele body from (not even close to) TV yellow to the wood. The top coat came off with difficulty before I saw that there was an even harder layer of plastic underneath. Bits of it flaked off - it was about 1mm thick, perhaps more - but the rest came off through sanding. It took ages and really took its toll on my elbows. I later stained it cherry red and coated it in shellac and it came out rather nice.

  11. EMGs tend to be fairly easy to find on the secondhand market.

    I have a 17.5mm spaced bass and I found that Seymour Duncan did a good set which was not overly expensive. On my other one, I have a Nordstrand that is fine in the bridge, although the P pickup is a little misaligned. Both of them do the Jazz sound very well - perhaps see if they can sort you out?

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