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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. ...but it has now been found. Really unhappy with how the delivery went - the website is still saying that they have received a booking but not collected it yet. Allegedly, someone tried to deliver it to me on the 28th May and then took it back to the depot. No note through the door, tracking not working, no phone call...how am I to know? Terrible. Interparcel using DPD.

    The neck is lovely. There is a great level of flame without being OTT.

    I shall let the neck acclimatise overnight and see if I can get it on the body tomorrow. Besides, I'm far too tired to be making decisions at the moment.

    Next steps:

    Get the neck on the body
    Tuners on the headstock
    String retainers up there too

  2. I had an Edwards Les Paul that was utterly fantastic. I bought it from Ishibashi.

    If you can live with the fact that it is not the real thing, go for it. The fact that it was not a Gibson ate at me and, after a while, I bought a Gibson and sold the Edwards. In spite of all that, I ended up with an ESP Les Paul Custom type guitar that I still have today and the Gibson was sold years ago.

  3. Gnnnngngngngngn neck has been finished in clear nitro and will soon be making its way to me. The photos are [b]absolutely fantastic[/b]! More info and pics of the neck when it gets here...I would estimate that it will take a week or so.

  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1431960695' post='2776615']

    I don't think they're making them any more. They never reply to emails, anyway.

    Palm muting works for me.

    Dang. They say on the website that they will be at the London Bass Guitar Show 2015 a few months back, so I thought that they might be back up and running but a little behind on updating the site.

  5. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1431878920' post='2775817']
    If you don't have one, you'll gas for one at some point. I know I did!
    P bass, Sunburst and Maple mmmm (classy)

    Tweedledum's Jazz is what changed my mind about sunbursts: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/10285-show-us-your-rig/page__view__findpost__p__2353933 Up until then, I too linked them to cheap and nasty copies. But that bass...it kicked my GAS into overdrive. I shall do a Warmoth Jazz V in 3-tone sunburst, bound and blocked, rosewood etc.

  6. I am having the exact same problem and popped in here to find advice. Thanks, everyone!

    I never really noticed it when playing brutal metal...I pretty much mainly played on the B, E and A strings. My left hand took care of all my muting needs that were not covered by my right hand fingers hitting the string below it (i.e., plucking E would lead to fingers landing on the B string and muting it). Now, in a blues band, with walking lines all over the place, I find that I need to work on my muting far more. It is especially horrific to hear the B string ringing with pride whilst I am somewhere else!

  7. Hmmm. A bass with two pickups will give you what a bass with one pickup has [i]and more[/i], yes. For example, my PJ gives me P and J and then, with the blend, PJ in whichever shade I would like.

    Except I use it 100% P about 95% of the time!

  8. I have a Johnny Shredfreak that was mighty fine...a quick Google has not come up with a place that sells them, though. I recall it having enormous MA output that was enough to power my whole pedalboard and then some. I bought it a good few years ago (2009? 2010? earlier, even?) and it is still going strong.

  9. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1391953726' post='2362905']
    What remains now is to get a fretless neck for the Warmoth J body I have.

    I also saw a photo here (in the Show Your Rig thread) of someone's sunburst Jazz with a bound and blocked neck. I had never known that I fully, 100% needed a sunburst Jazz with a bound and blocked neck before that moment. Something tells me that my next project will be started soon after the fretless neck is done…two or three-tone sunburst, black scratchplate, passive, flamed maple neck...

    Well...a fretless neck from Warmoth has now been purchased and is being sprayed in clear nitro gloss. This will go on the Jazz V body I have had sitting around since I stole the neck off it for the PJ in this thread. Happy days!

    The sunburst Jazz with a bound and blocked neck is going to happen at some point soon - probably all Warmoth, probably body and neck finished by the chap doing the fretless neck now. Something tells me that I shall have all my bass sounds covered with the PJ, the Jazz fretless, the sunburst Jazz and my trusty Ibanez SR1205 for anything more metallic.

    More details when the fretless neck is ready and in my hands!

  10. A cheeky bump. The price has risen to £7.99 plus £3.99 postage...almost the same as a whole set*!

    (*4-string, in the US, not including postage, customs or duty costs)

    Does anyone happen to have a spare .45 D'Addario Chrome string?

    (Anyone disappointed the link above doesn't work...it is now here http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/strings-c1/bass-guitar-single-strings-c536/daddario-daddario-cb045-chromes-xl-flatwound-bass-single-string-045-long-scale-p6105

  11. A little update...

    I have purchased an MB 500 Fusion. It is very portable, about as powerful as my 700RB-II and sounds, to my ears and those of my bandmates, better than it.

    Before, I had the 700RB-II in a wooden flightcase/rack with a power distributor and a compressor. Now, using an ABS rack, the whole thing weighs about as much as the 700RB did on its own. I find the rack easier to carry (with one hand) than the 700RB in its bag (slung over my shoulder).

    I have had two rehearsals and one gig with it now. First rehearsal with just my 2x10 (not as impressive) and the gig and other rehearsal with just my 1x15. I think the amp is a keeper. The 2x10 might not be, though! I would like to try it at 4ohms with both cabs before I start making any decisions, though.

    All in all, very happy.

  12. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1430408972' post='2761151']
    I have scratchplate GAS. This is ridiculous.

    I too have scratchplate GAS and I too think that it is a ridiculous thing to have. I'm looking at my P and Strat and thinking silly thoughts. Enough internet for me for a while.

  13. Just had a mixed bag.

    Guitarist 1 in the band turned 60 yesterday so guitarist 2 (his son) threw a massive surprise party for him in a slightly chilly barn in the middle of nowhere without toilets. Two weeks ago, our drummer fell ill and had to drop out. I managed to find a replacement for the evening. One rehearsal on Wednesday evening for the Saturday gig.

    Set one (an hour later than scheduled) went ok, but I made a mistake early on which threw me off my game for the rest of the set.

    Set two was unplanned...jamming, mostly. A guest guitarist came up and played a couple of songs that I had not heard or played before. We had some breaks for which I missed the nod/message.

    My feelings? So-so, really. A lot of fun, but a lot of discomfort too. I feel that we were underprepared and I was not on normal form.

    The audience? They loved it. I received an offer to participate in a recording session and everyone was full of praise. Score!

    Just when we left, the heating was put on. Now...why wasn't that on earlier?

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