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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1428831690' post='2744869']
    Hopefully he will get caught soon. If he applies to join a band every week, he can rack up a fair bit of cash. I would maybe tell him that the word will be out that he steals kit at auditions. At least that way, people will be wary of him and not give him the chance.

    As much as I want to give the singer the benefit of the doubt, it really does seem like he has taken your gear. I too would spread the news. Perhaps let it be known that a certain gentleman who looks like [...], aged [...] and [any other defining features] has [b][i]been linked to the theft[/i][/b] of your gear.

    Really sorry to hear about this, gt4ever.

  2. I was on a flight with them a few months ago (Stockholm to Amsterdam; they were changing planes there) and they were all incredibly nice to each other, the airline crew and their fellow passengers.

    I happen to like their music, too!

  3. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Building-Walking-Bass-Lines-Builders/dp/0793542049/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1428257339&sr=8-1&keywords=Building+Walking+Bass+Lines+-+Ed+Friedland+%28Hal+Leonard%29"]Building Walking Bass Lines - Ed Friedland (Hal Leonard)[/url]

  4. I totally understand the price. I have not had the pleasure of playing one, so I cannot comment on whether they are worth their price. I can understand that a bass could be worth that much, though.

    I find it beyond foolish to pay a huge sum of money for cars, but many people I know own cars that have dropped £11k in value since they bought them.

    A Fodera bass [i]worth[/i] £11k? Sounds fine by me.

  5. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1426286326' post='2716717']
    Methinks there's far too much moaning on this forum.

    Remember the olden days when your choice was guitar and (in minute letters under the main word) bass magazine. That's right folks a guitarist magazine with a little subsection for those lesser subset guitarists who play bass. As if to reinforce that stereotype I have come across often (a belief amongst some that bassists are failed guitarists whose place can be substituted by the guitarist playing the bass whenever they want). Unfortunately such people usually have no clue what the role of the bassist is let alone how to play it.

    I rejoice in the fact my local newsagent can get me Bass Player and Bass Guitar magazines monthly and oh yes, as well as leafing through and reading the odd things that take my eye, if I really want to get into it I can learn a song from a transcription - I rarely do it but bask in the glory of having learned kid Charlemaine, Sir Duke and others over the years. Or even look into some wierd scales or the Coltrane system in Giant Steps. So these magazines have had a cumulative effect on my bass playing and general joie de vivre as it were ......

    As I say far too much moaning guys. The one thing that does piss me off is the number of bass players shown playing Fenders. I just watched U2 playing one of their v early singles and Adam Clayton was playing a proper bass - an Ibanez Musician :-)

    I remember those days - you had a magazine with a few pages of bass stuff (usually not so bad, but nothing too exciting) but you got the rest of the magazine with guitar and music stuff in.

    Now, BGM is no better than those few pages at the back of Guitar & Bass Mag but you don't get the guitar stuff. I wish BGM would stop thinking that it is the only bass guitar magazine this side of the Pond (and the American magazines are not overly good, either) and start thinking that they are a small player with enormous amounts of competition. They need to be the as good as they can be, not as good as they mistakenly think they have to be.

  6. SOLD

    An excellent pedal, but not the sound I am after.

    Box included (no gubbins inside, though - just the box). Velcro on the bottom.

    Apologies for the poor picture quality. The pedal is in mighty fine condition.

    £70 including postage to anywhere in the EU.

  7. [quote name='lowdowner' timestamp='1424352060' post='2695433']
    *laughs* - yes, you've got a good eye! They're 21oz selvedge (non-dye-fixed) jeans made by Unbranded. Bought at a local shop 'The Union Project' here in Cheltenham: [url="http://www.theunionproject.co.uk"]http://www.theunionproject.co.uk[/url]

    Nice. I had a pair of Naked & Famous but I have moved on to the [url="http://www.ironheart.co.uk"]Iron Heart[/url] range. Fantastic jeans (achingly expensive, though) that are made to last for ages.

  8. [quote name='inate_hex' timestamp='1424194764' post='2693710']
    If it was me I would go with fretted. I've dabbled with fretless and it was not for me. I didn't like the sound.if you don't try it, then you will never know if you like it or not.

    Thanks for your input. It is nice to have someone suggesting fretted. I happen to have an unfinished fretless project bass here that I have a fiddle with now and then and I am a great fan of the sound and feel of a fretless.

    I intentionally gave sparse information above to try and keep this based in rational thinking rather than emotional stuff.

    The fretless neck would be this bass's last neck. A fretted neck would, at a later point, go to a sunburst Jazz body to make a fretted workhorse and I would end up purchasing a fretless neck for this body. In a sense, it would give the body a feeling of completion and finality and would give a feeling of completeness to the new bass too. Yes, I know that this is verging on the insane, but it seems like a valid point in my mind.

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