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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. I am at a crossroads and I am really unable to decide. Hence, this post.

    I have sold enough stuff to fund a new neck for a spare body I have lying around at home. Do I go for:[list]
    [*]A fretless neck - this would allow me to fiddle with fretless but would not be of much use in a band setting.
    [*]A fretted neck - this would be for when we play in standard tuning etc and as a general backup or second bass.
    The backstory:

    I made a Warmoth Jazz V that was smashing. I used the neck from it for a PJ bass that is also smashing. I now have the Jazz body sitting in a cupboard. The project details and build diary are [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/120798-warmoth-build-jazz-bass-v-60s-styling-modern-twist"]here[/url].

    There. That should be enough info to keep everything as objective as possible!

  2. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1423998686' post='2691261']
    I once wrote and recorded a song on a 4 track in the 90s, and Pulp released somethig that sounded exactly the same a few months later. I never knew how Jarvis got hold of my tape.

    Do You Remember The First Time also sounds pretty much like New Generation by Suede, although Pulp released their's first.

    I had a similar experience. I had my guitarist round for a musical session. I played him a track I was working on - just drums, rough guitar and bass tracks down, and only about 40 seconds - and he really liked it as he was a fan of Racer X, whose song "Scarified" I had rewritten.

    How Paul Gilbert had heard it, gone into a time machine to the late 80s, recorded it with a band and released it, I'll never know.


  3. [quote name='bjelkeman' timestamp='1419979663' post='2644641']
    TKS/Tommy is based in Norrköping. I don't think there is a reseller in Stockholm. But check with us at [url="http://www.pratabas.se"]http://www.pratabas.se[/url] There must be half a dozen bass players in Stockholm with TKS speakers. We occationally have getogethers and try each other's stuff.

    Thanks for the info. I am registered on pratabas, I think, but I do not spend much time there. I shall have a look and see if I can bjuda in mig på a Stockholm rendezvous!

  4. I have neither bought nor sold any basses this year. I have a new neck on the cards that will complete a bass, but nothing new.

    Regarding gear, I've had a bit come and go:

    In - MXR Compressor, MXR Fuzz Deluxe, Line6 Bass Pod XT
    In & Out - Line6 Bass Pod XT Live. Great piece of kit but too complicated for my needs. Sold on to a very, very happy chappy.
    Out - some studio gear. This will finance the Warmoth neck that will go on my Warmoth jazz body.

    Learnt this year? Technique, licks etc. I'm in a new band with really talented folks and a little (but not too much) out of my depth, so I am learning lots and feeling motivated to learn more. I am building a pedal board (after years without effects) for future projects. Musically, I think I am in a great place.

  5. Hi tks,

    Where are you based? I've read the website a few times and this thread but cannot seem to see your location. If you have a stockist in the Stockholm area, please let me know as I am interested in testing a few cabs with my amp and, ideally, with other amps too.


  6. Thanks for that, hamfist. Two 15"s would look fab and probably sound fab too. It is my favourite cab sim on my Line 6.

    Interesting point about the amp. I'm torn. The amp head gets carried every practice, so I am tempted to swap it for something lighter. But, as mentioned earlier, it is a cracking piece of kit and central to what has been my sound for years. I'm leaning towards keeping it.

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