I'm torn at the moment.
I want a DI rig that can be used with my amp bit also without it.
At present, I have a DHA VT1 which is great. I want to add a spot of chorus and octave to it.
So...do I get individual pedals and go octave > chorus > DI/preamp or get a Line6 multifx and go from that to the DI?
I can see the benefits of a Line6, but as the one I'm looking at doesn't have a DI, that pedal needs to stay. I could end up with some joy with the other fx and the amp sims could be cool.
But, on the other hand, a decent chorus and a decent octaver would sound better. I'd be looking at the MXR stuff. A bonus is that I have a pedalboard already.
As I mentioned, I'm torn. BC massive - what should I do?