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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. Things have taken an even more interesting turn! Great thread and the body looks really cool.

    [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1401444397' post='2463624']

    I'm just a fingerstyle plodder who is neither remarkable nor special, as such far from indispensable in a band context so I've much more important things to worry about (like playing sans mistakes as far as possible) than what voltage my preamp is running at ;)

    If I were to analyse my ability, I would describe it as exactly that. Uncanny (and more than a bit uncomfortable to realise!)...

  2. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1405598227' post='2503421']
    Thanks to this thread I've been listening to Morrissey all morning :)

    Dug out my early 90's CD's and really enjoying some of them!

    Yup. Viva Hate and Bona Drag get a frequent listening. There are excellent musicians on those albums.

    I don't pay attention to his outbursts and only hear about them on here. I don't care, either.

  3. [quote name='isteen' timestamp='1403956687' post='2488044']
    What If you go directly from your bass to a Sansamp preamp/DI --> mixer/PA?
    Will that give a flat and dull sound from the bass?

    I do this at band practice with a Dave Hall Amps valve DI and it sounds great. I've not tried it in a gig setting, though, as I have my amp with me and also DI from that.

  4. I decided to go with multifx. Why? Price, really. I can pick up a unit for the price of a good pedal. I I find that the unit leaves me a bit cold, I can sell it for pretty much what I paid for it and then buy a couple of pedals.

    Anyway, scored a Line6 XT Live bass version on eBay for a song. I'll see how it goes.

  5. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1405070428' post='2498468']

    Maybe a bit of subtlety got lost in the translation of the communication - remember, it will be a German replying in his second language.

    This is quite possibly the most pedantic I have ever been in my life, but here goes...

    It may not be a German responding. There are thousands of expats in Germany from all over the world. The person responding could have English as a first language or third, fourth or whatever.

    End of unendurable pedantry.

  6. [quote name='elephantgrey' timestamp='1405007386' post='2497876']
    Getting a DI box with ground lift can be a life saver live. My sugestion is that whatever you end up with, you make sure that either your DI box has that, or whatever pedal you use for DI does.

    The DHA has a DI with ground lift. It's a fantastic piece of kit and I want to hang on to it, really. Valve too. I fully agree about it being a lifesaver! I keep a passive Behringer in the bag too, although I have not had to use it yet.

  7. Hello!

    I'm torn at the moment.

    I want a DI rig that can be used with my amp bit also without it.

    At present, I have a DHA VT1 which is great. I want to add a spot of chorus and octave to it.

    So...do I get individual pedals and go octave > chorus > DI/preamp or get a Line6 multifx and go from that to the DI?

    I can see the benefits of a Line6, but as the one I'm looking at doesn't have a DI, that pedal needs to stay. I could end up with some joy with the other fx and the amp sims could be cool.

    But, on the other hand, a decent chorus and a decent octaver would sound better. I'd be looking at the MXR stuff. A bonus is that I have a pedalboard already.

    As I mentioned, I'm torn. BC massive - what should I do?

  8. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1403966257' post='2488159']
    Here's my gorgeous Sandberg Fretless 5 String Jazz


    Yes please!

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