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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1391165767' post='2353933']


    Oh my goodness…that bass…the amp, too, but [i]that bass[/i]! I have not been able to get it out of my head since I first saw this photo. Congratulations on such [i]fantastic[/i] taste!

  2. What remains now is to get a fretless neck for the Warmoth J body I have.

    I also saw a photo here (in the Show Your Rig thread) of someone's sunburst Jazz with a bound and blocked neck. I had never known that I fully, 100% needed a sunburst Jazz with a bound and blocked neck before that moment. Something tells me that my next project will be started soon after the fretless neck is done…two or three-tone sunburst, black scratchplate, passive, flamed maple neck...

  3. I've been busy recently...

    Some bad news. The fretless neck that Dave made - that wonderful, beautiful piece of wood - developed a fault and has been returned. Dave, ever the professional, said he would refund.

    The good news: the P5 is complete. The body Dave made joined perfectly with my Warmoth neck and together have created a bass of joy. Perfect balance, not too heavy at all, excellent sound, as resonant as you could wish…and with flawless finishing too. To trot out the old cliché, the photos don't do it justice. This is for a number of reasons, such as a lack of natural light (it's winter, after all), poor photography skills and the fact that white does not photograph well, I find.

    I have wired her up so the controls go volume, tone, blend. The space at the end was tight, and the blend pot is a small one, so that was the way it was. I am not happy with the passive blend for its own inherent flaws (the middle position's weakness) and I am going to go active which will also give the bass a bit more oomph. I am in no hurry to do this as the passive sound is utterly excellent. The P on its own sounds massive and the J on its own is none too shabby either. I am very happy with this bass! I have been playing it for a good while now and it makes me grin like a Cheshire cat.

    A brief summary:
    BC's own Nugget (Dave) made the body
    Warmoth Deluxe V neck
    Hipshot A bridge, Ultralite tuners, string retainers, ferrules
    Schaller straplocks
    Nordstrand P5 and NFJ5 pickups
    Fender neck plate, scratchplate, knobs

    And here are the photos:

    Better photos in April!

  4. As a little update to this...

    Ebay have said that they would refund me what I paid for customs etc (i.e. the "y" mentioned above), although I am still waiting for this to arrive after a week.

    At this moment, the seller refunded me x + y, Ebay will refund me y, I have the vase in a cupboard awaiting Ebay's refund (which will cover postage costs back to the US) and the seller has said she is willing to send me the jeans anyway. She will not be using the Global Postage Programme again.

  5. In a parallel universe, RHCP publicly turned down the gig as it clashed with their principles. Basschat members mainly think that this is really honourable, but some add that they perhaps should have done it for the exposure. Others chime in that this has given them bucketloads more exposure and it is all positive.

  6. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1390142549' post='2341840']
    I would try leaning heavily on the seller and insisting they send the original item at their expense - it was their mistake after all. The vase is their property, and they should have to arrange for its return, not you. If they won't play ball, don't accept delivery of the vase, open a dispute through eBay for an item not recieved, and leave them to sort it out. You've bought and paid for jeans - that's what you should get, and if they don't arrive you should receive a full refund.
    [quote name='mentalextra' timestamp='1390143499' post='2341855']
    +1 Its not your mistake

    Thanks for the support, fellas. I know that this is not [i]my[/i] mistake. The problem is this: I paid (x + y) for the jeans, x being the price of jeans plus postage and y being the extra postage and customs charges. The seller received x. Ebay received y. The worry is that the seller will only (or even only be able to) refund x and Ebay will say that I received the package etc etc.

    Anyway, it seems that the seller is very keen to make this work…probably as she sold the vase for 6x! [size=4]Thank Heavens that my seller is willing to pay all costs plus a bit for the inconvenience, as Ebay made it rather apparent that they are going to do nothing about it. [/size]

    The initial purpose of my post - to highlight that the Ebay Global Posting Programme will likely leave you high if there is a problem - still stands. Be advised! I, for one, will be avoiding it for the foreseeable.

  7. Sigh…word of warning, folks.

    I am in the middle of a MASSIVE HASSLE to fix someone else's mistake. The Ebay Customs thing is what is turning this from a simple thing to solve to a major problem.

    I bought a pair of jeans from the US and paid for customs and duties through Ebay. This means that the seller is given an address in the US to which to send stuff and this central place takes care of relabelling and shipping.

    I then receive an email from the seller stating that she has accidentally sent me a vase. How one would muddle up the two boxes is beyond me, but there you go.

    I call Ebay to see what to do. If I collect the vase, how will I get the customs fees refunded to me, how will I get the return postage refunded etc etc. Ebay initially tried to tell me that they will not "shoulder the costs of the import fees" and tried to fob me off. It looks like I am going to be screwed here. They expect me to pick up this vase, relabel it and send it back. Upon receipt, I will then be refunded at least what the seller took off me. Whether I will get the customs charges refunded is a mystery.

    I would try and choose standard p&p and take care of the import fees yourselves if I were you, at least until Ebay trains its staff to deal with problems arising from this new thing!

  8. Thanks for the link! It is for a guitar version; however, the bass version can be found here: http://www.stringsdirect.co.uk/p/914059/daddario-cb045-chromes-xl-flatwound-bass-single-string-045-long-scale/ I had taken a look at Stringbusters but couldn't see that they offered singles.

    At £6.99 plus postage of £1 UK or £3 EU, I'm willing to bite the bullet but I'd rather "help" someone by relieving them of one that is gathering dust!

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