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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1384023944' post='2272096']
    [size=4]What needs to be done:[/size]
    Attach tuners to the new fretless neck
    Put the string retainers on too
    Attach the neck to my Warmoth Jazz body
    File nut

    And, on the body:
    Take off scratchplate to access thumb rest and misc bits and bobs that are being stored in the cavity
    Shielding tape for the cavities
    Mounting foam for the pickups (on order…I foolishly left some behind)
    Wire it all up

    Right…I have managed to get four of the tuners on. The fifth one has been cross-threaded and needs replacing. How did this happen? Either I did it or it was like that from the factory (a little less likely). The holes were a little too tight for the tuners and I think it may have happened when trying to put it on the fourth hole (for the D string). I widened the D and G holes with a bit of sandpaper and now the tuners go in nicely. I shall order a new Ultralite for the G and curse the mounting costs of this project! But you know what? I shall order it already changed to left-handed. Pardon my French, but "ce n'est pas possible à convertir les Hipshots" so I shall only order from somewhere that will change it [i]before[/i] sending it out!

    Still lots of photos on the way. The body is full-on luscious. I shall get to shielding it this week coming up. I'm away for a couple of days but I should have it done before the week is over so I do all the wiring next weekend.

  2. I've had the bass in my possession for about a week now. I am now finally finding the time to put it together. What I have done so far is just fiddling - I put my Warmoth neck on Dave's body (perfect fit) and had a play.

    What needs to be done:
    Attach tuners to the new fretless neck
    Put the string retainers on too
    Attach the neck to my Warmoth Jazz body
    File nut

    And, on the body:
    Take off scratchplate to access thumb rest and misc bits and bobs that are being stored in the cavity
    Shielding tape for the cavities
    Mounting foam for the pickups (on order…I foolishly left some behind)
    Wire it all up

    What has to be said - and I think I said it when doing the last project - Hipshot's tuners are great but they really are not adjustable. They claim to be left or right handed; all you need to do is unscrew the bolt thing. Easy as 1-2-3!!! Except this is not the case. The bolt takes an Allen key (the smallest one known to mankind), is made of amazingly soft metal and has been monster-tightened so it is nigh impossible to get it out. I have the tuner in the freezer in an attempt to shrink the metal a little bit so I can unscrew it easier. It worked last time, so...

    Many, many photos to follow.

  3. [quote name='Biaeothanata-Bassist' timestamp='1382372754' post='2251387']
    Oh man, why have I only just seen this? This is ridiculously beautiful! You need to do some sound samples pleaaaaase!

    Your wish is my command! I shall do some when my fretless P project has been completed.

    [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1382377614' post='2251469']
    Looks Mega!!!

    Thanks! Plays mega too. So well, in fact, that I have had the neck cloned for my P bass!

  4. Poor Dave...I keep adding things to this.

    We are in discussions about a scratchplate now. The idea was that he would send one which I could use as a template, but due to my recent move, I am not in a position to do anything like that at all. The two scratchplates he has used as props in the pics in this thread - the brown/red tort and the red tort - are in poor nick, so that's them out.

    I would also like to point out that Dave kindly offered to send me his nut files so I could sort the nut out and also to wire it up for me if I sent my pickups. What a gent! There was no need for either, as I brought my soldering iron and nut files with me [Aug 2013-Jan 2014: living out of a couple of suitcases].

  5. A rather nice update from Dave; it is pretty much ready. He has made a thumbrest out of an offcut from the ebony fingerboard. The bass looks stunning...as I said to Dave, that first ding is really going to hurt me!

    Quick edit to add: the thumbrest is not attached. Dave has cut down some screws to be able to show what it will look like once attached. I shall need to experiment (using double-sided tape) with positions before I attach it in a more permanent way.

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