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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Make-Your-Own-Electric-Guitar/dp/0953104907/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1374745994&sr=8-1&keywords=melvyn+hiscox"]This book[/url] by Melvyn Hiscock is what did it for me. It goes into some depth but is rather more about guitars than basses. My projects have not really been able to get off the ground, but that is due to my itinerant lifestyle more than any lack of info.

    Basschat's own Builds forum is a good place too.

  2. Hello

    I have a pair of EMG40TW pickups plus pots, quickconnect wires, jack and battery connector.

    I bought these a couple of years ago and was unable to get them to work. After that, I moved (twice, and I'm moving again in a week or so) and became a father and frankly gave up on them.

    Info from EMG about them [url="http://www.emgpickups.com/products/index/76"]here[/url].

    But it boils down to this: I am not overly comfortable selling something that I suspect is broken. But I am comfortable making it into some sort of gamble...so, this is the deal: if you buy them and they work, then that's great and you have a stonking bargain as these tend to go for £70 each (new, excluding postage and customs from USA). If they do not work, you send them back and I will refund you what you paid upon receipt. Yes, this means that you will need to pay for return postage to me in Sweden. We can say that you will have 30 days to check them, give or take.

    More info:[list]
    [*]2 x EMG 40TW pickups with Quickconnect (they both have residue of foam on the backs of them). Used, no scratches or anything horrible like that. 9/10 condition on the fronts.
    [*]2 x EMG quickconnect cables for 7pins.
    [*]2 x EMG tone pots with capacitors, mostly wired up. Includes washers & nuts.
    [*]2 x push/pull volume pots, one wired up. Washers and nuts included
    [*]1 x battery clip for a 9V battery
    [*]1 x Switchcraft stereo jack with washer & nut
    [*](If it doesn't make the postage more expensive) 1 x Duracell 9V battery as I seem to have about a half dozen of them hanging around

  3. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1373650599' post='2140277']

    Good DI? Check (whisper quiet) and a really flexible tone shaper/overdrive/clean boost too.

    Oh, and it's also a headphone amp... :gas:

    I have one of these and use the DI at band practice. It is excellent.

  4. Hello

    I have a set of black knobs from a John East U-Retro Deluxe that I would like to exchange for a set of chrome knobs. I have three stacked knobs and a single/normal one. The knobs are in great condition (I can't see anything wrong with them; the colour is all still there) but are used.

    I am looking for the exact same set of chrome knobs in similar condition - three stacked and a single.

    Not for sale!

    Here is a pic with poor lighting:

  5. Reality hit me...there is no way that I will be able to paint the bass myself and have it ready much before August 2014. I have asked Dave to paint it for me. In white, [i]bien sûr...[/i]

    [i]Edit to add: ...when my dang SMTP server decides to work again! How typical that it cut out during our email exchange![/i]

  6. It is pretty much done. Dave said that he needs to deepen the neck pocket a bit, trim the scratchplate and have a final check that the pickup rout is the right size, and then it's off to me!

    Here it is:

    To do when I get it:
    Cut the nut
    Paint the body

    Painting the body will be a little less easy than I thought as I shall have much reduced access to my shed (due to a job move) than previously thought. So, instead of me blasting through it in a few weekends, it will likely take me a lot longer. Hopefully I shall be able to do it before the warm weather passes...otherwise, I shall end up having to wait until next year!

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