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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. I use a 700RB into a GK 1x15 and 2x10, both of the SBX series. I had problems being heard with just the 2x10, but not so much now I have the 15" speaker too. I found that I could only hear myself with just the 2x10" if I stood directly in front of it. There is far more of a spread with the 15" speaker now, but there are still elements of dead spots in the room.

  2. I bought a GK 700RB-II amp head off our Steve in February of this year. The whole transaction was nice and easy. Now, over six months later, I feel a bit of a chump writing feedback - I really should have done this a while back!

    The whole thing was great - his static might be dirty, but his morals are clean! Thanks again!

  3. I've both considered and rejected the Gator version! I need one with shoulder straps, and the Gator one only has the one strap. I can't recall any more reasons, but I remember saying to myself that it was the SKB or nothing.

  4. That's rather nice of you, thanks! I'll drop you a line (and fund postage and pint, of course!) when the time nears.

    Again, it looks really nice. Glad to hear it sounds good too. This is the kind of stuff you want to hear just before you embark on a similar project! Well done!

  5. Aha, but having moved from London to Sweden, I find I no longer need to put the case between my legs on buses. In fact, on the train in the morning, I usually have a couple of spare seats next to me for the case. I do live in a small town outside the middle of nowhere, though.

    Review coming "soon". It will take a week to get here, and it will be used on Mondays and Saturdays...so about two weeks, then.

  6. I ordered the SKB just now - I'll report back when it gets here and I have had a chance to use it. I bought it to replace my hard cases, which, although they provide excellent protection, are just too heavy to be practical right now. I take my bass to practice by bus/train/foot.

  7. I would rather moderators worked out who was a scammer and who was sound based on reasons unlike the one you gave above, thanks for asking. Being in Hong Kong doesn't mean someone might be a scammer, but first post and website pictures do.

    I have no problem with the fact that you were suspicious, my problem is with your initial explanation of why you were suspicious.

  8. The remote location should have nothing to do with it. Let's not stoop down to the xenophobic level of thinking that everyone on the other side of the world is trying to cheat Westerners.

    What made me raise an eyebrow was the ":hyper:" and ":bassist:" bits in the ad. This suggests that it is from another forum.

    And it is - a quick Google of "New bass is coming, so something have to go" (as it contains incorrect subject/verb agreement and should stand out) pops up two items - this Basschat ad and one from Talkbass. Same user name and location in both, neither account is newly opened, and 13 positive feedback on TB.

  9. Thanks all for the great replies!

    I have managed to get my mitts on a Unibass. And I'm a lucky thing too - there was an article in Bass Guitar Magazine about them (Essential Effects)...I can't help but notice that the last two I saw on Ebay have gone for a good deal more than I paid for mine!

    I have not been able to play it in a band setting yet, though, but will get to use it in rehearsal in a little over a week from now. It sounds great with the fifth when played at home with headphones. Score!

  10. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='925341' date='Aug 15 2010, 09:42 AM']I'm just an observer here, but I've seen the bumpage here, and am wondering if potential purchasers are put off by the unknown cost of postage from Lithuania. Perhaps you could give estimates?[/quote]

    Yup. I am looking for an Ibanez 5er to defret...there's one defretted here. I might be interested if I knew the postage charge!

  11. I have just completed a deal with jpdabass for a pedal. Excellent pedal, excellent transaction, excellent chap.

    I was kept up to date with everything, the pedal was packed very well and I was even given a scan of the postage label and so on. A great guy with whom to do business - I wouldn't hesitate at all to go through it again.


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