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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='923869' date='Aug 13 2010, 02:46 PM']These look great. I remember seeing them just before they came out.
    Shame about the cost though.[/quote]

    For anyone else about to look, the RRP is €429, and the website states that they are only for "passive basses and guitars". They aren't doing themselves any great favours there!

  2. Can you use the Unibass with a standard 9v dc adapter? If one does use the 5th above and 4th below, is just single note bass lines simple enough, or do they need to be slowish tempo too?

    Sorry for the questions, but I'll never know otherwise!

  3. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='919004' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:06 PM']I'm struggling with this now. You're going to put the octave'd signal through a fuzzbox [i][b]and [/b][/i]a chorus but you're worried about it sounding "natural"?

    Just go with the Unibass. Great box and there's no particular problem with power supply AFAIK.[/quote]

    Nope. I'll occasionally put it through a distortion and a chorus, but not all the time. If it sounds horrendously unnatural before the effects, it will likely sound bad after them. If it only sounds good with effects, then it reduces the tonal palate considerably.

  4. [quote name='billphreets' post='918828' date='Aug 8 2010, 05:21 PM']microPOG does a decent octave up if you dont mind a sterile digital sound [...][/quote]

    I can probably work around that. Distortion covers up a multitude of sins, especially a good one.

    [quote name='billphreets' post='918828' date='Aug 8 2010, 05:21 PM'][...] and latency..[/quote]

    Ah. Not acceptable, really. Thanks for the info - it's invaluable.

    What I am going for is this, with all the permutations it offers (ie pedals switched in and out):

  5. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='918807' date='Aug 8 2010, 04:39 PM']There are bass examples of the Octron in the Talkbass Effects Wiki[/quote]

    Thanks! It sounds huge - especially [url="http://www.talkbass.com/wiki/index.php/Effects_Clip_Database#Foxrox"]the first clip[/url] with chorus and distortion. This is pretty much what I am looking for! But at a little over $200 plus customs...ouch! I'd best see if I can dig up some cash!

  6. I haven't considered an 8 string, mostly because I am so comfortable on my basses and I really do not want to change.

    It's a shame the Unibass doesn't sound natural (and I hear it cannot be powered off a standard power supply - this makes it pretty much a no-go), but again it is relatively old. The micro POG, on the other hand, seems to be more recent. I might be completely wrong here, though. The Foxrox sounds like it could be good - a quick skim didn't show up any bass examples; I'll carry on looking, even though the price tag puts it [i]way[/i] out of my reach.

    Any POG owners here who use it in a similar way and are able to comment? I hear mixed reviews...some that it is excellent and tracks really well, others that it tracks so-so and sounds fake.

  7. Hello

    I have come to the conclusion that the band I am in needs a bigger and thicker sound. We play 80s thrash, and it's a three-piece. When the guitarist heads off into a solo, the rhythm sound (ie me and the drummer) is lacking. I have tried kicking in a bass distortion and, although this sounds wicked, it is a little thin.

    What I am looking for is an octave up pedal. It would be used very heavily, so it would need to be a natural-sounding pedal, and it has to track well, ideally the entire range of a 5er. I've had a play on some fuzz-octaves (on guitar) and they just don't sound natural and they didn't track well on the lower registers of a guitar, so I'm worried that I will come up empty handed.

    Is the EH Micro Pog as good as it seems? I've heard some YouTube examples, and I can't make up my mind. If I were to go that route, I would likely take the octave up signal and put it through a distortion and perhaps a light chorus before mixing it back in with the original bass signal.

    Sorry to ask such a common question, but the old threads here don't quite satisfy my curiosity. And besides, technology moves at a fast pace!

    Thanks in advance!

  8. Hmm. Let me just get this straight, velvetkevorkian:

    Laptop headphones out to playback in on mixer
    Other stuff to other ins on mixer

    Your headphones to headphone out on mixer
    Your speakers to speaker outs on mixer

    This might be a better idea. I have no aux in or anything on the Phonic, only line/mic ins. It seems to me that your playback in is for an MP3 player or something along those lines, right?

    How would I check if my computer has a decent enough headphone out? It's a Dell PC (tower, not laptop) with a Sigma soundcard (the one it came with).

    Multiple cheers for your help!

  9. Thanks for the response, velvetkevorkian. I am using a [url="http://www.phonic.com/en/pm801-en.html"]Phonic PM801[/url] mixer right now with the output going into a [url="http://www.behringer.com/EN/Products/HA4700.aspx"]Behringer Headphone amp[/url]. The loss of low end and overall volume is tremendous and there is a slight digital noise there too...I thought it had something to do with the PC output being headphone and not line.

    I can run the PC into the monitor in socket of my Line 6 Toneport and have the Line 6 and the PC coming out the Line 6 headphones - no problems there. But I would also like to include my Pod XT Pro, and also split the output to speakers and other headphones.

    Is this even possible?

  10. Hello

    I'm looking to acquire a mixer for my mini homestudio. It will need to take an input from my computer (which only has a headphone out), a couple of line level inputs from various rack preamps and also a few other inputs for microphones and anything else which comes up.

    As far as outputs go, it would rock if it could have a USB or Firewire output, but that is not essential at all. Headphones and speakers outs are essential, however.

    It would also be grand if it would go in a rack too - 1 or 2u. I can't see it being much larger than that.

    The snag I see is the computer input...unless there is a thingie which can convert it to line level?

    Any help appreciated!

  11. [quote name='PauBass' post='915798' date='Aug 5 2010, 01:07 PM']For those who use the Line6 Relay, which cable are you using? If different from the one that comes with the unit of course.[/quote]

    Just a standard long patch cable. It's about 2' long, so I can wrap it around my strap (as one would do with a normal cable) and fit the transmitter on my belt AND have a bit of cable free, so I can move about without restraint.

  12. [quote name='waltsdog' post='913793' date='Aug 3 2010, 01:57 PM']Isn't the 105Q bass crybaby pretty much the same pedal as the regular guitar one but with a different capacitor for bass freq range, a white paint job and £50 added on the price?[/quote]

    It is only slightly more complicated than that, but by and large, yes. Changing the guitar wah's range cap from 0.01uF to 0.068uF will give you a pretty fine approximation of the Dunlop Bass Wah.

    I am yet to find a good wah pedal. I have a Morley Bass Wah, but most of the range (or the effective range, at least) is in the last fraction of an inch of the pedal's travel. I have a hard time getting a good "wah" out of it. I also have an Ibanez Weeping Demon - it looks utterly fantastic and quite evil, but I haven't yet been able to get the sound out of it which I want...a sort of woooooaaaaaaaaah which also really cuts through.

    Edit to add: I haven't yet had both time and inclination to crack open the two pedals to see if I could modify anything. I think I would really like to find something which does what I want first time around!

  13. I'm no expert, so take this with a pinch of salt.

    Line 6 G30 is not affected by the licensing thing.

    I recommend the Line 6 Relay series, personally.

    I understand that the X2 used frequencies only legal in the US, whereas the Relay series uses frequencies legal worldwide. I also understand that the Relay is the successor to the X2, so there may be other improvements. I have the G30 and you can use a normal lead from bass to transmitter - ie it takes a quarter inch plug, rather than some funny fiddly thingie.

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