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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. Hello

    I am experimenting with 6 string basses and it is going very well. I would now like to put on some fresh strings, but Ernie Ball don't do a 6-string set in my preferred gauge. I don't know what is on there right now, but the C string feels a bit thin and sounds a little (just a little) bit weedy.

    I normally use EB Power Slinky Bass 5, 50-70-85-105-135 and the band tunes down a whole step, ie A-D-G-C-F. So I am now looking for a string which will be tuned down to Bb.

    The bass is 34" scale and the strings anchor at the bridge.

    EB do single strings at 0.032 and 0.040 - which one would the collective genius of Basschat suggest? I would rather not switch brands, gauge on the other strings or string material, so I am pretty much sold on making my own sets of Ernie Ball!

    Thanks in advance!

  2. My SR1206 finally arrived! Here is a pic of my SR1205 and SR1206.

    Both basses are made of the same woods. The 5er had very poor electronics, so I pulled out everything and put in EMGs and an EMG preamp. The 6er is better, but I am going to put in the same pickups and preamp as the 5er so I can keep a consistent sound. The cheap bridge on the 5er has started to bend, but the 6er's bridge is really bent and will be replaced and upgraded with an ABM.

    I feel blessed to have a pair like these. I like how the 6er - which only arrived yesterday - automatically feels familiar in my hands. It isn't as pretty as my 5er (and thus was given a more tinted finish), but I am over-the-moon happy with it!

    Hopefully Ibanez will reissue these mid-90s basses. The new SRT range is not quite the same!

  3. Right...here goes.

    Input --> Switch

    Stomp on - to "Buff n blend" circuit (Source: [url="http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/BlocksFragments/)"]http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/BlocksFragments/)[/url]

    Stomp off - out

    with an extra stomp to switch off the blend (ie 100% to FX loop)
    and another stomp at the very start of the box to act as a mute/tuner out.

    As far as I can see, this will allow me 4 sounds:

    1. Dry signal
    2. Blended signal
    3. Fully wet signal
    4. Muted for tuner

    Comments before I go ahead?

  4. I bought a Line 6 Pod XT Pro from jeid - it arrived safely and works a treat. No problems at all. Great communications throughout. Big thanks for unregistering the product and making the whole transaction easy and painless.

    Top man!

    • Like 1
  5. [quote name='BigRedX' post='876242' date='Jun 24 2010, 12:18 PM']If you are going to make your own pedal should the mute position be open circuit or short to ground?[/quote]

    If you take an SPDT switch: middle lug is signal in, bottom is to ground and top lug is to the output. No need for LEDs, batteries or the like. There might be some popping, though. You could even use a momentary switch, but I can't really see the point in that. I put one in a pedal I made to be able to give stuttering noises, but it was more of a gimmick.

    Quick edit for typo

  6. This isn't out of character for them, in my experience. I can't remember the details (it was quite a few years back), but I recall them being terrible at answering emails and bordering on rude when they did. Much like telecommunications providers, they are great when everything is working but show their weaknesses when things go wrong.

    I use Ebay for these things now. CH Guitars - whom we have seen mentioned on these pages a lot recently - get the thumbs up from me. Last time I bought adhesive copper tape, I bought it from someone on Ebay marketing it as slug repellent for the garden. Couple of quid...I think I got two or three guitars and a bass from it.

  7. Very interested in this bass, but can't do collection and can't really afford it until July/August. If this is still unsold by then, I'll take it if you can post.

    If anyone else buys this in the meantime and doesn't get along with it - you have a buyer lined up!

  8. Although funny at time, the main problem with these parodies is that not everyone gets them. I don't know Jaco, Kings of Leon or Manring's music at all. I wondered why the audience were very quiet in Jaco's performance...I had no idea until the postings above that it wasn't really him playing in that video. These may be done out of jocular respect...but YouTube is global the gag backfires somewhat if you aren't in on this private joke!

  9. Did you get this? I use Sonar too and was wondering if it worked well.

    What I would really like is the ability to have each track going to a track in Sonar - ie record 3 or 4 individual tracks simultaneously. A DAW controller which doesn't cost half three months' salary, in other words.

  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=190397515362&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:US:1123"]Link to Ebay listing[/url]

    I have always said that I love my SR1205 so much I would have paid twice as much for it...and now here is my chance! The seller has clearly twigged that these are wonderful basses and are very hard to find.

    If you have money to burn and someone in the US who can send it along to you, go for it. A quick electronics upgrade and you have a bass for life. I recall reading somewhere on the internet (so it must be true) that there were only 100 of these made. I know there are two versions - this is the latter version and I believe it to be superior, so they really are rare.

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