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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. Update about the Johnny ShredFreak power supply:

    JSF responded promptly and suggested that the noise I am experiencing with my Line 6 wireless is that, as far as he is aware, "Line 6 pedals (their effects pedals at any rate) are known to give noise/hum problems if not used either with a Line 6 power supply, a dedicated power supply per pedal, or with a separate low voltage winding and circuitry per pedal if using a special transformer-based power supply with several output windings. Sorry - I should have added a Line 6 exclusion to the website product page (it has now been revised)."

    My problem is apparent without the wireless in the system, but he also adds "However the Line 6 is a receiver and you are still getting noise even without using it. A standard setup with our power supply should be virtually silent, unless there is heavy fluorescent lighting switched on, or unless the pedals are consuming over 1500mA of low voltage current, which with only 3 or 4 pedals is highly unlikely. Therefore if you want to return the Shredfreak power supply I will give you a refund including return postage."

    I'll try it with the lights off (will be hard - the rehearsal space doesn't have any lighting at all other than fluorescents) and report back both here and to JSF.

    While I am a little disappointed this isn't exactly what I was after, [b]I am very impressed with the professionalism and service of JSF[/b]. I'll be keeping the power supply regardless, as it is such an improvement over my other one (both in size and noise) and I can filter out the buzz at roughly -45db on my gate which, although really not ideal, is close enough for rock.

  2. Fully recommend the GK Diesel Dawg. I am fortunate to have one and yes, it truly does rock. There is a noticeable loss of lows with it (at least at the settings I'm using right now), but it's more of a tightening of the sound and, I feel, part of distortion as a whole. I've put an Ibanez Weeping Demon wah after it and lo! there is the sound of the gods!

  3. [quote name='Higgie' post='800415' date='Apr 9 2010, 01:29 AM']The Diago is basically a re-branded JohnnyShredFreak anyway...So massive saving! :)[/quote]

    Is it really? I was considering them as an option now. I received my power supply (major delays from the volcano) and it adds buzz to my rig.

    Bass > wireless with Line 6's own power supply > amp = silent.

    Bass > wireless with JSF's power supply > amp = buzz.

    The Line 6 and JSF power supplies were run off the same socket.

    I've sent off a message to JSF about it in case I may have received a duff unit. It is a major improvement over the cheap and nasty unit I had before, but is there a power supply out there which does not introduce hum and buzz and which pumps out a huge amount of current? I'll need to double check, but I think the Line 6 only has the juice to power the wireless receiver. As it stands right now, I need to use a gate (set to about -45db) to get the same noise floor as with the Line 6.

  4. Agreed - it is much better. Before, there were so many typing errors, poor grammar and so on that it was hard to read. Hopefully they will start to interview some less obscure bassists and make the mag a touch more interesting. It's always great to read about new people, but I would appreciate an in-depth interview with someone whose playing I am familiar with or at least find accessible!

  5. I play a 700RB-II through GK 2x10 and 1x15 SBX cabs. The amp is very powerful with a great tone, and the cabs sound just fine to me too. I love the rig and I love the sound - I'll be sticking with GK for a lot longer.

  6. [quote name='Starless' post='818377' date='Apr 25 2010, 08:47 PM']Great stuff, many thanks. That's definitely the one in the catalog. eBay is no good as they all seem to be later models on there, and the design seems to have changed over the years.

    I will slap it up on the for sale page and see what bites.....[/quote]

    Dang, beat me to it!

  7. There is another model called, annoyingly, the SR705. It is either the next version of the bass or another bass with the same name...all in all, it isn't the same. It's made in Korea, has different neck woods and a different jack socket placement. I've played one and didn't like it at all. Take that into consideration when looking at Ebay.

    Hang about a bit and someone who can value it properly will pop up.

  8. Yes! It is an SR705, as can be seen [url="http://ibanezregister.com/Gallery/basses/sr/gal-sr705.htm"]here[/url].

    I have one and I love it. I got it off here for a steal, so I'll not comment on its value. I can tell you that it is very, very nice!

  9. Just in case anyone here is interested...


    The Ebay as here states the neck as wenge and bubinga - it is in fact maple and wenge.

    I have the 5-string version of this and it really is the best thing evah. If this had 5 or 6 strings, I wouldn't be posting it here, I'd be furiously freeing up capital whilst hoping nobody else saw the auction.

    Whoever ends up with this will be one happy camper!

  10. I have a bass with an EMG 40DC in the bridge. It is, by itself, very harsh indeed. I blend it at least 50-50 with an EMG 40CS for warmer tones. This is all with the EQ flat. I think an EMG DC pickup will fit your needs for harsh treble.

  11. [quote name='chriswilliams666' post='800409' date='Apr 9 2010, 01:08 AM'][...] Also their Distortion Pedal is not EU compliant, making it not available to buy in Europe.[...][/quote]
    Really? I must check my Diesel Dawg and see what's going on. It takes 9VDC, so if memory serves me well (and I don't think it does), it is CE compliant as only those above 20VDC or thereabouts require testing. I'm quite possibly wrong here, though.

    Anyway, the Diesel Dawg is utterly great. Thanks for the review - I have the 700RB which is more than enough for me right now. The 1001RB may be on the cards later on in life, but I don't think I'll need even that.

  12. Hello

    A gander on Ebay came up with [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220462633931&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]this[/url] which looks like it might do the job just as well as the [url="http://www.diago.co.uk/pedal-power/pedal-power/"]Diago[/url], which seems (or seemed) to be the business as far as I can tell.

    From what I can see:

    The Ebay one's action takes place at the wall socket, and then the power is carried up to the pedals. The Diago seems to have a box on your pedalboard which powers your pedals. There is a long wire from this box to the wall.
    They are both 3000mA
    Both claim to be noise & hum free.
    Both claim to work all over the world.

    So go on...am I right in thinking that the only real difference is £45 and box at wall v box on board? Is the Diago's box on board such an improvement that it is worth the extra outlay?

    Please help!

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