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Posts posted by JimBobTTD

  1. I am so bummed out by last night's gig.

    I am in two bands, both newly formed. This was band 1's first gig together. We were support for a band who had hired the venue. It was their party, but they were totally cool about it. Of the ten people I was expecting, four showed. Thanks "friends"! But of the 100 or so people in total that were expected, about 50 came.

    What really upset me was how we played. We have had problems with our drummer since day one. Put simply, he can't play. In more depth, he can't keep a beat. His tempo can go from 50-180 bpm during a 120bpm song and he will regularly miss changes, fluff up and count himself back in again (this will happen during most songs, not once in a while). We keep him because he occasionally shows adequacy, and because it is so difficult to find a drummer. I think you can guess how it went, and yes, the audience [i]did [/i]notice - these were [b]not [/b]small errors that only musicians would pick up on..

    The headliners came on and rocked. They have a good drummer. The rest of the musicians in the band are beginners, but the band pulled it off. Our band has, without a doubt, better musicians and a better setlist and better songs, but they sounded ten times better because their band had a good and steady beat. They made a few errors and the audience clearly [i]did not[/i] notice - these were small errors that only musicians would pick up on.

    I'm rambling here a bit, but I'm upset. I wanted to feel humbled up on stage last night, but I feel humiliated instead. Thank God I have another band with a good drummer and a good gig somewhere out there on the horizon.

  2. [quote name='NickThomas' post='766548' date='Mar 7 2010, 12:42 AM']I also thought I was bored with bass once. Then I realised I was bored with what I could do on bass, so I learnt more :-)[/quote]

    That's more like it. I too once became bored playing the same songs over and over again, so I learned some new ones. Voilà! the bass is vibrant and relevant again.

  3. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='765415' date='Mar 5 2010, 06:20 PM']I can relate to that a lot - I usually never ask about if there will be an amp at the venue anymore because there always is an amp.[/quote]

    ...other than when, 22 hours before you are due on, you hear from the headliners that you now need to bring your bass amp with you. I suspect the headliners' bassist will want to use it too. :)

  4. I picked up a very nice bass at a very nice price from a very nice gentleman.

    He came to Victoria station with it, even suggested bringing a headphone amp and was in good contact the whole time. I'd gladly deal with him again and would like to have had a bit more time for more nattering.

    Excellent bloke, excellent bass. Thanks!

  5. [quote name='CraigPlaysBass' post='754347' date='Feb 22 2010, 09:45 PM']Consider p/xing a warwick rockbass corvette for it? 4 strings, 2 mec jazz pickups, ash body and maple neck, really light and plays really nicely :)
    Just been restrung too :rolleyes:[/quote]

    No thanks - I'll gladly PX it for an Ibanez 5 string, though!

    The bass is still on hold. I'm expecting a Mr JE to get in touch again fairly soon to arrange final details.

    Here is an update on the bass:

    The body and neck are free of dents/dings etc. The fingerboard has had some wear from the roundwound strings on it. It's my first fretless, so I cannot really comment on the set-up or anything, but it might need someone who knows what they are doing to get rid of some string rattle down the lower end of the neck on the B and E strings. It came with a cheap n cheerful gigbag which will be passed on to the buyer. Lots of "mwah" on it, and it's fun to play.

  6. [quote name='Marvin' post='748574' date='Feb 17 2010, 04:54 PM']OMG, a truly beautiful spectacle.[/quote]

    Thanks! The GK rig has been upgraded. The Ibanez basses are a sight to behold. The SR1205 is so good that I have no real desire to play a different bass, let alone purchase one. It's a full-on GAS killer!

  7. [quote name='discreet' post='746758' date='Feb 16 2010, 02:12 AM']Anal prolapse, anyone?[/quote]

    No thanks!

    As regards the original post, yes they are heavy. I'm using a standard hard case now, and that's heavy enough. But I do think that they are worth it - I don't have a car and get to practices by bus. I've banged the case into a wall, had it a little bit squished on a packed bus (always popular with the other travellers, large cases!) and the bass was 100% unscathed. A gigbag in that situation would have secured a dent, chip or broken headstock/neck. I think flightcases are expensive, but when you calculate the cost of a replacement for a broken bass, they are more like insurance policies. I'd much rather keep my current bass than have it break and get a new one, so this is one insurance policy which I like!

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