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Everything posted by ChTBoner

  1. Those TRB's are definitely some of the best basses ever made. I really regret mine!
  2. Not really "playing", more reviewing the tonal possibilities of my "new" Pedulla.
  3. Sandbergs are excellent basses. Good job! My former bass teacher, Éric Bricout, is also endorsed by this brand. Congrats!
  4. 160 bpm? wow... I mean... That playing 4th notes at 640 pm... What kind music do you play that require such a speed! How did you arrive at 100bpm? and how fast do you try to say you can't do it?
  5. I played one two weeks ago in a store. Sounds great, a little more modern than usual Fenfer PBass. Well made, and quite light. But it, as usual with Fender, is way too expensive for what it is... Sad. I agree with Telebass' post.
  6. I tried one a few weeks ago, and I rarely got my ass kicked so much by a bass. Great Stuff....
  7. Josquin des Pres' Slap Bass essential is a good book too. Easily accessible, and gratifying if you ask me.
  8. I wish there were videos, but still, very interesting!
  9. What actually changed a lot of things for me is a French bass book called "Supertechnique in 50 weeks". Basically Hans Kullock, the author, gives you strengthening and coordination exercices (warm up, extension...), pure techniques (slap, vibrato, pull off, hammer ons, trills, rolls, flamenco, percussion, tapping, legato, and what not...) and some work on chords and scales (practicing in second, thirds, fourth, fifs... in different orders, etc...). and at the end of the book there working program day by day, for 50 weeks. Not an esay book to handle, as you have to practice 1h30 a day 6 days a week, and not everyone as that kind of time... But it gave me a real work ethic, and a good way to practice pure technique. He then made a similar book about music styles and their history and how bass is traditionnaly used, giving lots of exemples.
  10. Thanks for the effort, I'll check ASAP!
  11. Hello, Well, I'm French (nobody's perfect...) and I've been playing the bass since 2002 Right now I own A Warwick FNA Jazzman, a MM Stingray and Squier Customized Vintage Modified Fretless (added EMG pickups and a Badass Bridge). I'll soon have a Pedulla Thunderbolt V, traded for my Stingray see you all later!
  12. Can't agree more with the previous posts. I owned one, I never should have sold it. In this price range, you will hardly find a better 6 string bass.
  13. I played a fretless Wal once. Never wanted to let it go... Great bass!
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