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Everything posted by colda

  1. Not that it's the most vibrant of music scenes (in the slightest) but it's a gig We work with Swindon Town FC putting on Thursday night gigs in their Legend's Lounge and also with Riff's Bar (Fri/Sat nights). Mainly looking for original stuff (genre not important and we're happy to cover reasonable travelling costs) for Thurs and Fri nights and covers/tributes for Sat night (obviously we'll pay but we'd be looking for your lowest price possible for a first gig and then regular rates & repeat bookings depending on how the night goes) So, if you're interested send details, mp3s, myspace links, etc etc to me personally: darren.coleman{at}gmail{dot}com
  2. bump - c'mon peeps, help me out here
  3. There is certainly some truth when bands are using similar/same kit/backline in soundchecks for support acts being more of a placebo effect thing, but they are important in cases such as 'my' venue as it's 300 capacity and so the backline has a direct influence on FOH (hence me getting mighty f**ked off when peeps turn their levels up after soundcheck) Also, as you mentioned getting the monitor mix right is another factor, it's sometime quite funny when we get bands that arn't used to monitors - most of the soundcheck is spent tweaking the various monitor mixes so it's all 'perfect' - I'm happy to do it, and it's really nice as bands tend to appreciate it, then as the're happy they have a better gig all round If you are confident in your sound and the engineers is not a total eejut then it's possible to avoid a soundcheck and the engineer can then use headphones for quick channel eq's and should be able to get you sorted by the time you're into the first chorus without any effect on the audience - it really does help though if you have a good idea of the foundation FOH eq settings for your band i.e. 'plenty top end and some 1k boost on lead vox, bottom end boost for BV, push top end on lead, bottom end and mids on rythmn, kick should have a crack to it.......'. A technical rider with guide eq's channel mixes and preferred monitor mixes is a godsend - I wish more bands did this, it helps the engineer, cut soundchecks right down, everyone is happier and the band get the sound they want.
  4. [quote name='cheddatom' post='96626' date='Nov 30 2007, 12:52 PM']To be fair though, i've played loads of gigs where there are multiple bands, and everyone was asked to do a sound check, but the sound guy changed all the settings for every band, and never wrote anything down. I fail to see how he manages to remember the levels, let alone the EQ for 4-6 different bands, and to be honest, I don't think he even tries. They normally forget to mic my guitar amp, and probably forget to turn it up when i've mic'd it up 'cos i'm a bassist, and I only deserve a DI. We don't bother sound checking at these kind of venues any more, it's a pointless waste of time![/quote] we normally put on 3 bands on a night - I can't remember the last time I wrote anything down - but yeah I do remember the settings - where there are major changes in the eq I will tend to use another channel on the desk, also the headline act checks first and thereafter it's only a really a case of remembering what was altered which seems to come naturally - also the eq (both channel and FOH mix) settings taken in soundcheck will alter a little later in the night for the actual performance due to the change in atmosphere (air pressure/humidity), temperature, bodies (absorbing sound) in the room etc
  5. easy, 4 fingers = 4 strings anyone who plays more that 4 must, by definition, be an inbred mutant
  6. [url="http://unclejimbo.com/bunny_suicides.htm"]http://unclejimbo.com/bunny_suicides.htm[/url]
  7. colda

    colda feedback

    oooohhh - ta
  8. have you tried calling your local greyhound track?
  9. My latest purchase, yet another Peavey Dynabass (International Series) Bought on ebay, the description said green but in fact it's blue (well, it's supposed to be like a turquoise fading out to blue), I was hoping to get a green one to go with the red and blue ones I have already. It seems to play well (got it yesterday only had 2 mins with it so far) but looks like it's spent many a year getting sun bleached, so to be fair to the seller if I didn't know better I'd prolly also describe it as green (photos were poor quality so was hard to tell from those). First impressions, I'm not liking the 'fade' especially as I have the unfaded version already. So, what to do? a.) Sell it on, got it at a good price so with some good pics and an honest appraisal I'd cover the cost and get a couple of beers out of it b.) Satisfy my desire to customise something (and give my old Vester a chance to stay original) and strip it down and repaint it myself c.) Leave it as it is and go with the flow of the aged look Any hints/comments/warnings/guidance/beers/kebabs will be appreciated Edit: photos added
  10. colda


    Just received a hard case from Merton - thought that it would be a simple matter but no, granted it was excellent value for money (was a freebie), excellent communication, delivered on time (and tracking number provided) on a date to suit - it's certainly more than fair to say that Merton's conduct was nothing short of excellent The problem is the item itself, I had assumed from the description that the case that I was getting an old beat up article that would do as step up from a softbag for my backup bass to live in on the rare occasions that I take it out - but what I got was something rather different, it's an old case but a true beauty that suits my peaveys perfectly, of the fine line that attempts to seperate mojo from damage this if pure 100% uncut mojo (in flashing neon with musical notes dancing around it and a 1920's New Orleans jazz band playing beneath it) - yeah, I know I might be getting a bit OTT about a case but never seen anything that I've connected with before and then one for free knocks on my door! So needless to say, my simple plans are in a mess - I was quite happy with my Hiscox case but now I have no choice but to let it gather dust and only get let out for the odd backup duty Merton - I hope that you're happy with the chaos you've caused! P.S. Thanks a plenty!
  11. Arrrggghhhh!!!!! I really do find this kinda behaviour annoying! Being a soundman myself - the soundman's job (in a live situation) is that of _sound reinforcement_, in a studio where a producer is involved then there is a factor of 'making you sound good' (in terms of changing your sound). In a live situation it should be a case of making the sound the best it can be with the given elements - not feckin' changing it to suit! Of course sound is subjective (I tend to be bass heavy - wonder why? *grin*) but the soundguy is there as a medium between performer and audience, using eq to ensure that all elements are balanced, layered and well defined - not try to redefine things Yeah, this is a touchy subject for me! - I take pride in my engineering and enjoy the regular comliments, it's not rocket science and I just don't get 'engineers' that seem to think themselves as something from the planet krypton - tossers! Now, I'm ranting there also the guitarists (and bassists) that think that soundchecks are just a passtime for me and when they get on stage for their main performance the first thing they do it turn up their volume and f**k up the sound......no, I'll save that rant for another time
  12. [quote name='Merton' post='95999' date='Nov 29 2007, 10:10 AM']Vester Stage Series Jazz. Still got it, strung with flats for the occasional jazz gig.[/quote] I have one of those (and still deciding what to do with it) My first one was a hand made jobbie (and I mean all hand made - right down to the brass knobs) - truly excellent bass but I never appreciated what it was at the time (never learned to play a note on it) - sold it complete with hard case, head and cab for £200 at still cry about the loss to this day!
  13. Mmmmm - steak
  14. [quote name='sk8' post='95493' date='Nov 28 2007, 09:39 AM']well it ain't going anywhere at the moment so keep working on your Conscience! [/quote] aaarrrggghhh - you're a bad man! - already have 5 guitar combos in the house and it's been a while since I bought a new shiny round cymbal for her that must be appeased and obeyed, so in the interests of those two dangly things that I hold most dear, I think I'll have to pass on this one
  15. really want but can't justify
  16. [quote name='cheddatom' post='95066' date='Nov 27 2007, 01:41 PM']Some amps don't have the option of a DI post e.q so the soundman should know how to eq the bass if he's using a DI in this way. Obviously, they won't always be great soundmen, but, you think they'd know the basics of what they are doing if it's their job.[/quote] 'tis true - but most amps have a line out, so you can always ask the soundman to DI that rather than the input
  17. Peavey International Series (dynabass) - tried other basses but love these - have recently bought a blue one and a green one to keep my original red one company (and still keeping a casual lookout for a black one)
  18. [url="http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=33290&DOY=search&C=SO&U=strat320&T=sitenew"]Maplins[/url] - £3.99
  19. [quote name='OldGit' post='93331' date='Nov 23 2007, 02:12 PM']Yup and anyway they have ovipositors[/quote] The Ovipostors - now there's a band name with meaning
  20. [quote name='Beedster' post='93326' date='Nov 23 2007, 02:04 PM']+200 on that. IIt's fishier than a bucket of cod Chris[/quote] +273 - 'tis even more fishy than a kipper's c*nt ....hmmm, did I just cross the line into bad taste with that one?
  21. hehehe - it's so knobbly-bumpy it'd feel almost obliged to throw it down the stairs there again mine are just boring (standard gators or warwick rack bags)
  22. oh god no man! - that's well fugly! edit: - just realised that might be a bit rude as I guess, it's your kit, like what's in it but the case is not to my tastes
  23. Mmmmmm - pie
  24. colda


    if i pay the postage can you send it my way?
  25. urgh - soooo tempting (Halesowen is my home turf) and I'm long overdue to pay mumsy a visit but alas Swindon are playing Bristol (the big local derby) so there's no way I can get out of this one
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