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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. [quote name='barneyg42' timestamp='1489474905' post='3257144'] Don't ask!!!! Oh crap, you did!! [/quote]oops Sorry Barney, must be something I'm unaware of??
  2. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1489473565' post='3257141'] I was in a three-piece post-punk band called The Soulboyz... I think Sector 27 (or something like that) were next on the bill and then it was Joy Division. Can't remember if there were any other support acts after that but The Stranglers set was amazing with some brilliant singers standing in for Hugh Cornwall... [/quote]fantastic matey.... very good gig to have under your belt
  3. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1489213893' post='3255188'] I loved that venue, I've got to say and saw some great shows there. I even was lucky enough to play there in 1980, first on the bill of a special gig headlined by The Stranglers when Hugh Cornwall was in prison and they had loads of guest performers covering his vocal duties. Highlight of the evening though, apart from the after show party, was Joy Division who went on third.. It was something very special! [/quote]i was there as an 18 yr old, what band were you in?
  4. Mr Pomeroy I believe?
  5. Is Guy still on here?
  6. Where you based mate, ? When my combo sells I'll be on your doorbell Just noticed... Swansea boyo, bloody miles away😩
  7. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1485549829' post='3224938'] [attachment=236750:Handbags.png] [/quote]ha ha ha.. love it
  8. Have you heard about Marc Bolan?
  9. Very clever, well impressed.
  10. I have this book, a few years ago this was selling for fortunes on amazon/ eBay .. think it may be collectible ?
  11. I would never do such a dishonest thing. 😇
  12. I'd absolutely love to play some of their stuff, I know most of their songs but I'd not listened to them properly, fantastic playing
  13. [quote name='grunge666' timestamp='1482339946' post='3199737'] I learned to play, playing along to Maiden. He is such an innovator and IMHO one of the best bass players in the world. Scott Ian from Anthrax said in an interview. "Heavy Metal is Steve Harris' right hand!" I managed to catch British Lion (SH's 'other' band) in Birmingham last year and was at the barrier, I just watched his technique all night. Mindbogglingly fast with two fingers I simply couldn't keep up! I use three fingers for my own take on the style and it works well for the music we play, and I throw in a gallop when I can. Somewhere In Time is a good album to jam to, there is a lot of bass synth on that too. But, the Powerslave album is the one to master for me. Listen closely to the title track, in the chorus there's a triplet but, it's a pull up over three strings, it sounds amazing. I can't get that Phantom of the Opera part either! Check out hyottoko1 on YouTube - this Japanese guy is a master of the 'Arry style. [/quote] Is that the guy with the mask? He's got the sound perfect.
  14. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1481615269' post='3193648'] That is pretty shabby behaviour in my book. Criminal behaviour, in fact - I mean that literally as you were lucky not to get nicked over it. Shows we all have a different moral compass, I guess, if you are boasting about it on the internet. [/quote] I'd of done the same thing
  15. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1481493570' post='3192735'] My local venue used to be The Torrington in Finchley. Fairly decent PA there and most bands used the house sound guy. Piss him off or treat him badly and he'd make you sound absolute sh*t. I saw a guitarist give him stick in a very uncompromising and public way once because he was struggling with his monitor volume. Sound guy sorted him in the monitors, then pulled him out of the front of house mix completely. . . [/quote] We had similar once, our singer started effing and blinding at the lighting guy cos it was a bit dark, he turned every light, cans , strobe on full belt for the whole gig, we had to wring our clothes out after.
  16. Sounds like they're made by fane?
  17. http://eng.localmartuk.com/wallsend/item/guitar_amp_eurotec_transit_fane_acoustics_decimator_custom_s/71117919
  18. http://uk.imglocalmart.com/image/main/fUnXNJjERRpMrnsL
  19. We played a lot of massive gigs yrs ago, arenas, stadiums.. backline was of no use to us as the stages and monitoring were so vast we just couldn't hear the amps, we all had our own monitor mix.. heaven..
  20. Thanks for the reply mate, I certainly don't miss them, only reason I want new ones is cos I'm selling the cabs I'll email real electronics thanks
  21. I have 2 markbass 1x12 traveller cabs that have blown horns, anyone know which ones I need for replacement as there seems to be so many and I wouldn't want to fit the wrong ones, I've tried a search but to no avail. Thanks in advance
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