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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. They've definitely put spirit on the list just to see if you can do it... It took me at least 3 months to get that right, I went back to it the other night and I've forgotten it, it's doubtful it'll be in their set .
  2. What song is it? Maybe someone on here can help you nail it
  3. First one to get theirs has to put it up on here.. Basschat rules..
  4. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1473376540' post='3129715'] Well I think I ordered one - seemed to get trapped in some kind of Groundhog Day order-completion loop between the order page & Paypal checkout. So I might end up with three. [/quote] Me also??
  5. 48,000 supporting Quo in Germany, A festival in Denmark with ZZ top, Maiden and Blur, god knows how many were there, also supported .. Ahem.. Gary Glitter on one of his Xmas arena tours... Oh yea and 28 people last week at a boozer in Dagenham
  6. Cheers Chris, bit far for me
  7. Whereabouts are you Chris, can't tell from a phone
  8. I keep going back to this, easy listening, just bass & vocals, http://youtu.be/p1LXjp_KnoU
  9. I ordered some tetra sticks from amazon wed and they arrived thurs, oops hang on this ain't the fish forum.
  10. Loada bowlacks, I was watching a programme with Kilburn and the high roads on it, vocalist with Polio, 1 legged drummer, guitarist was a dwarf , not sure about the rest of em but fantastic band.
  11. We have one venue that pays us like this, last time we played there we were overpaid by £100, our manager phoned him and told him, his reply was "have a bonus on me" .
  12. https://www.ncscooper.com/white-stripes-drummer-meg-white-to-replace-rushs-neil-peart/
  13. You can pick an ashdown perfect 10 up for next to nothing matey, great sound for a practise amp.
  14. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1470327890' post='3105196'] Out of interest, is that a typical covers band set list? I ask as there are only 2 bands on the list I've actually heard of! I knew I was out of touch, but I didn't know how far! [/quote] I hope one of those are the Beatles Finn
  15. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1469459109' post='3098462'] how would you rehearse your dance moves if you were playing sat down?! Doesn't make any sense [/quote] Dance moves ???
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1469475290' post='3098655'] There aren't many of us lefties who play lefty... [/quote] I do but I wish I played righty
  17. Message Kiorgan mate... He de man.
  18. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1469042664' post='3095365'] Blue, I'm afraid we can't explain all this site's many memes to you - we simply don't have the TIM. [/quote] whatever happened to him, is he still on here?
  19. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1469037648' post='3095319'] What time do you finish a gig? We usually pay off the singer before packing down which gets rid of him. Then the rest of us finish a pint together while leisurely packing down. [/quote]normally done by midnight maybe 12.15 with encores, I could be in the car by 12.30 but I'd never hear the last of it, also I'm the only band member with a full time job so I don't need to be slowly packing away while chatting till 2 am, then another chat in the car park for an hour.
  20. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1468916839' post='3094219'] The other members wanting the band to be a big socialising/friends thing when all I want to do is play some music & then go home. [/quote]that is exactly me Rhys.. The others seem to hang around for hours after gigs, I'm packed up and gone then they're calling me unsociable and grumpy.
  21. That's nuffin Pete, you should've seen my USA Jazz bass when I slipped with the router!!
  22. I'm playing in Dagenham... Any good?
  23. Hi mate, you could try John Hessentheler he's a err loveable rogue. 01787 247 838, he'll promise you a proper meal and you'll end up with cheese sandwiches but I like him. I think he's Midlands based or nearby, maybe Suffolk?
  24. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1467693441' post='3085359'] Yes, unfortunately recruiting the guy that can play and show up, well usually there's a cost with those guys. Sorry guys, I'm just not around guys not interested in being paid for their service. When I have discussions with my gigging contemporaries, venues or clubs always comes up and what follows is "What's the pay?" We will also discuss other bass players in terms like; Oh Bill he"ll take any gig if you throw $100.00 bucks at him " Or yeah Steve got that gig with the band that had the casino gigs, he made 12k last year from gigs" All this is the fun and interesting part of this bar band level sub-culture. And keep in mind and contrary to many of you fun and music is still at the foundation of my culture. Would you guys agree this is truely a cultural difference? BTW, we're playing The world famous Summerfest in Milwaukee tomorrow on The Johnson Controls World Sound Stage.wish me luck.😔 Blue [/quote]good luck, how long you playing for just the 4 hours 😏
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