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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1444231820' post='2881411'] Six pints and a couple of jagerbombs before hand will settle the nerves and ensure a professional performance... [/quote]This
  2. This is the best bass tone I've ever heard although this is live, actual song starts about 1m 30s in http://youtu.be/4wsd-vRaVHE
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1443612647' post='2876182'] If everyone's happy then what's the problem? Once the deal is done the guy can do what the hell he likes with the amp. The sales forums on here are paid for by the people who use them via a subscription so it's a commercial enterprise. The idea of buying something and then selling it at a profit is what western (and increasingly eastern) industrialised civilisation is based on, for better or worse. You don't complain about shops buying stuff and selling it, do you? This is no different. Again, the classified forums here are run to make money for the forum owners, so what's wrong with someone buying something here then selling it again? Everyone was happy with the deal initially, so what happens after that is irrelevant, surely? This isn't a bloody hippy commune, it's buying and selling. If you want a certain price for something then hold out for it, don't sell cheap then get sniffy if someone else does different. [/quote]peace man..✌️
  4. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1443545432' post='2875715'] Agreed. I am the first person to point out overplaying, it has never crossed my mind with this one. [/quote]me neither
  5. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1443375678' post='2874227'] Ha... I'm very much with GH on this one. It sounds to me like an early take that Macca's hoyed all his ideas in, and hasn't got around to editing what's needed and what isn't. [/quote]it fits the song perfectly I think, the way I hear it there's not much else going on and fills the song out perfectly
  6. I can understand a guitarist saying it's too busy but not a bass player, how dare you sir
  7. I went over to flats, lovely on the fingers but I'm back to rounds now, i much prefer the sound of roundwounds.
  8. Very true Muzz but i don't even need it i just want it.
  9. I must resist.. She'll kill me.
  10. Not keen on photo shoots, you think that's bad try shooting a band video, i had the camera on me for a whole song, ooh gawd.
  11. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1440688251' post='2853000'] Briwax / Liberon has worked wonders on my SG satin (now wax glossy) bass [/quote]ive got a satin sg bass , is it a simple job mate?
  12. Another Bassist passes away, Bryn Merrick, played for the damned in the 80s. R.I.P Bryn.
  13. [quote name='simes' timestamp='1440322921' post='2849764'] Made me wonder why we even bother..... [/quote] I know what you mean
  14. Sorry to unload, moan, bore a bass thread with my "ailments" .. You've not "bored" a bass thread Wonky, I feel for you mate and hope you improve in the near future
  15. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1441307332' post='2857846'] Glad I'm a fool. Yet another blinding opinionated statement. Some folk bid earlier on. Put in their max bid, they get it or they don't. [/quote]exactly what i do, Yours sincerely, Fool
  16. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1441545001' post='2859659'] I have to disagree with most posts. I think you should leave all the gear up until party has finished as it looks unprofessional. People may not appear to be bothered but you don't know what they are thinking. I know on this occasion it was a mates party but in general IMO the stage should be left till the night is over and reflected in the price [/quote]not a chance, I've got a home to go to
  17. I packed my gear away whilst Bad Manners were playing once, Buster looked at me with daggers, thought he was gonna strangle me
  18. Just watched this on youtube, take a break Lemmy. http://youtu.be/cX7P6c0VwBQ
  19. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1439844454' post='2846247'] Honestly Roger, it was a combination of an iTunes update on my Mac mini snow leopard , and the latest update on my iPhone 5 s . I ignored previous updates on my phone , due to space issues . I removed some apps to allow for it . That's all I know . Result! What I think that could have contributed to it , is the backlash that made Apple move their as@s and make it easier to remove . [/quote]i really miss the ol memorex C90 cassettes when you could record over stuff
  20. All jokes aside Ray, how did you get rid of that U2 album?
  21. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1439839089' post='2846183'] Roger, if I have offended you in the past , I am really , truly and utterly sorry . No , please no ! If there is anything I can do to make it up to you , please advise . Please ,please do not send it ;( [/quote]i want your car, your best 3 basses, your Wallet and your wife otherwise its on it way!!
  22. Don't worry Ray ill forward it to ya.
  23. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1439811467' post='2845886'] I just say no. It's down to them then, do they do it without you ? They would find it hard to get a dep in to play for free, or for beer. [/quote]exactly this, i also say "nope i aint doing it"
  24. Free beer would be great if no one is driving, we get that offer all the time and turn it down as we'd only have 1 or two drinks each
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