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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1424609197' post='2698192'] Veering back on topic, there's another element to recreating the bass sound here, not only do you need a Precision ( not sure if this is the greenburst/ rosewood fingerboard or the black /maple fingerboard) with Rotosounds and a HiWatt 50w guitar head and a Marshall 2 x 15 and a Marshall 4 x 12 with knackered speakers, what you're hearing is the recorded sound, so you'll also need to recreate TW Studios in Fulham as it was in 1978, and get Martin Rushent and Alan Winstanley to tweak it. Or alternatively,just shove a Precision through a valve amp and crank the treble up.JJ Burnel's live sound was not the same as the recorded sound back then. [/quote]sounds about right to me
  2. [quote name='chriswareham' timestamp='1424444858' post='2696400'] Oh blimey. This is the documentary they've been making since the Killing Joke II album came out in 2003. I really hope they don't use the audience interview of me they filmed at the Astoria show in London - to say I was drunk is an understatement. [/quote]i hope they do.. Ha ha
  3. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1424437745' post='2696296'] Mr Big. I love Billy Sheehans work, just dont really like Mr Big! [/quote]winery dogs are well worth a listen
  4. My tone will be the same with any bass I play. No it won't .
  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' timestamp='1424369590' post='2695635'] William ( loudly in front of his knuckle dragging mates) - Does somebody pay you to dress like that ..Hur , hur , hur etc etc Moi - Yes , you do you soft twat. [/quote]ha ha. Love your posts mate.
  6. This is what you want to go with that beauty of a bass Big Al. http://ebay.to/16Hlc50
  7. I`ll now be on a quest for a Jazz bass as was really impressed with the sound he got. Whaaaar whaaaar whaaaar
  8. [quote name='Bassjon' timestamp='1423251455' post='2682894'] I Want You Back - Jackson 5. That bass bit in the middle. its arpeggios, fast starting on an 'off' 16th note. Hard to get the feel right. Other than that yes Iron Maiden stuff is very hard to keep up the dexterity fingerstyle over a whole gig [/quote]every songs a gallop/triplet thing innit?
  9. Cupid's dead by extreme, took me weeks and I still have a fumble whilst playing it.
  10. I failed an audition for the singer Marilyn in the late 80s and i post on here
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1422996151' post='2679382'] Ironically I have a pro mate that is the biggest gear nerd I know so I'm not so sure about the idea they don't have time for playing with new gadgets etc. [/quote]i have a VERY pro mate , i showed him my markbass head and he said "what is it". When i told him he said "it can't be much cop cos its too light" ??
  12. Don't look in bad condition considering the amount of people he battered with it
  13. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10205406890469683&id=1172222193&set=gm.10152565889987190&source=48
  14. There were some photos going around somewhere with Baz Warne playing that old p bass, can't remember where I saw them but watch this space.
  15. Love it!!, can you build me a cack handed one?
  16. Can you play "its a sin" by the pet shop boys cos its me birfday, requested last night as we had almost finished playing 2 hours of punk covers??
  17. When i listen to these it makes me feel as tho I'm wasting my time .
  18. Lozz is late commenting on a USA P bass?
  19. Its 'orrible, its right handed
  20. I never, i had a fretboard chart on my bedroom wall that i studied every night religiously after 2 hours of practising whilst me mates were all down the pub.. I'm glad i done it cos look where it got me??
  21. Yus please
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1422292124' post='2670775'] Me and the littlen And me in race mode [/quote]wahaay.. Little cracker.. No not you Wayne
  23. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1422292927' post='2670786'] Probably this, but by the time I had set it up at the gig I was too knackered to play anything and that's if I could still stand up! All sold now and shipped to various parts of the globe. [center][/center] [/quote]what a beautiful looking beast
  24. That does ring a bell, I'm sure i saw this years ago, i don't think they should let you out just yet tho
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