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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. I think i quite like it??
  2. [quote name='DrBike' timestamp='1412271076' post='2567403'] I heard the '77 and immediately thought of JJ Burnel. [/quote] That was my thoughts exactly so the '77 wins for me, great playing also.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1411214937' post='2557576'] From what I`ve read his amp at the time just had bass & treble, and he played with both maxed. Agree Paul, the rest of the CD sounds like it`s on the system but when the bass comes in, you think JJ is actually in the room, it`s that powerful. Got a gig with Straighten Out, a Stranglers tribute in a couple of weeks, looking forward to hearing their "JJ". [/quote]i know he uses a Shuker
  4. Been there done that, i love gigging!!! Not.
  5. I gigged there about 5 yrs ago, lovely pub on the river, i think we played upstairs rather than down, not too sure about what kind of crowd you'll get as ours was a private show, what date are you there? I'll try and pop in if I'm not gigging myself. http://www.threedaws.co.uk/
  6. [quote name='JamieMillsBass' timestamp='1408962841' post='2534894'] Over the past few years I've filled in for them at quite a few. Never had any problems until this one. Still can't get my head round how she blamed the band. The most cynical part of me thinks that it may well have been a set up. But I don't know. [/quote]i doubt it was a set up, if it were i don't think they'd of paid up front
  7. [quote name='BILL POSTERS' timestamp='1409360056' post='2539082'] Age immaterial always puts me off, smacks of desperate. Of course it matters. I wouldnt want to gig with 18 year olds any more than they would want me cramping their style. Gigs waiting... Yeah sure, as long as you help sell 50 tickets. Best ad I saw was for a one armed drummer for a Def Leppard trib band. ( must have own kit and stick) [size=4] [/size] [/quote]ha ha, love it
  8. [quote name='Freddy Le Cragg' timestamp='1408039847' post='2526570'] This was in there for £350.... [/quote]so you obviously bought it Freddy?
  9. Ooh bugger that, too scary..
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1407352459' post='2519762'] Roger, that Gibson is a looker. [/quote]you can't have a go on it cos its a lefty!! Ha ha, I prefered the Matt black one to the cherry and it was $500 cheaper.. The finish on it is very thin and it will wear off and dent easily but that's mojo innit?
  11. [quote name='Paultrader' timestamp='1407314544' post='2519314'] OK, I had fun with this. This is me over the years. [attachment=168543:Bass 70 - 90.jpg] Picture left; in the early 70s playing rock at Crawley Bandstand with my first Framus bass. Centre; playing rhythm guitar (my late 70s Tele) in a rock 'n' roll band in the early 80s, Right; playing my USA '62 reissue Jazz (still my gigging bass) in a soul band - Commitments/Blues Brothers/Stax etc. I was with this band, The Soul Traders for about 18 years. [attachment=168544:bass - 20.jpg] This second photo is where I am now, all taken this year. Picture left; playing jigs and reels in a barn dance band (been doing this for 25 years, by far the best money maker!). Centre; with my rock 'n' roll band, Bluestreak. Right; playing jazz standards on my DB, on which I'm currently working to take Grade 5 at the end of the year. I've been playing bass for 45 years, almost constantly gigging in amateur bands. I never became famous, but had a whole bundle of fun and made lots of friends - brilliant! Paul [/quote]you ol' hippy you, nice to hear you're still enjoying it.
  12. If you're using a mobile device Change from mobile site to full site, that's the only way i can upload photos, i think...
  13. These are the only pics I have of my new gibbo sg, that's not me in the pic it's a guy who works at southpaw music in Texas , the bass is a beauty. .
  14. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1407266397' post='2519036'] I'd love a Gibson SG bass.....if i could ever muster the ££s i really love the look of them but i've never played one. [/quote]ive played long scale ( fender precisions mainly) for 30 years, i got my sg a month ago and used it for a gig and to be honest i hardly noticed the scale difference, very comfortable, defo a keeper.
  15. Using a gibson sg at the mo and i love it , still have my p and j tho
  16. Ive got a lefty Yamaha bb404 up for grabs, not sure if i can say this here as its not in the for sale section, sorry mods if thats the case
  17. Eye of the tiger.. Shudder..
  18. Apparently Geddy practices his basslines whilst reading a newspaper out loud,
  19. Good luck with that matey, i remember having to learn Cupid's dead years ago, hard work for me that was, before the help of youtube. IIRC I used a limiter/enhancer and also a flanger thru a Hartke 4x10 combo, played on a '78 jazz bass, very close indeed, different album tho
  20. 4 hours of playing covers!!!! I'd be hanging me gigging basses up, we do half of that and that's too long, been playing pretty much the same songs for 8 years, i may be a bit bored .
  21. Cheers Bert, i just had a look behind the cover, i think I'll leave it as it is
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