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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. I have just got a Gibson sg bass left hand and both volumes and tone pot are wired back to front, ie right handed, is it easy to change it to left hand? I would imagine its just reversing the wiring?? Thanks in advance
  2. I just got a left hand one identical to yours, i showed it to a mate of mine who immediately said " i have to have one of these".. I will show him this now, if you ship that is?
  3. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1404748253' post='2495363'] not technically last night but Sat, and it'll take a biggy to beat my gig on sat!!! All started pretty normally - lovely castle hotel venue near home for a nice 40th. Massive blag with a sound limiter in the room (which was a massive 'great hall' with stone vaulted ceiling. Nightmare for our engineer as the venue hadn't even tried to help the sound by reducing some hard surfaces....ah well) Anyways, we set up, sorted the levels in soundcheck and didn't once trip the limiter, though we close on a few occasions with some big chords and harms. As we finished, there was a bit of aggro outside - turned out a lady had tripped, fallen, smacked her heard on the stone steps and was unconscious. I ran out (I'm a first aider) to see if I could help. Got rid of the drunk "are you ok" shouty type people and was left with hotel staff and the injured lady's daughter (who was sober thankfully) Anyway, we rang an ambulance - she was drifting in and out of consciousness and trying to sit up, we got her sorted and off to A&E. Her (rather attractive) daughter then thanked me for helping etc and asked for my number so let me know how her mum was the next day. No problem there I thought. Get home to a few txt messages off her saying cheers etc, she asks if I'm single and fancy a drink sometime, I politely decline and explain I'm married etc She then tells me to check out her twitter page and to follow her - I do and it turns out she is a FULL ON PORN ACTRESS!!! I kid ye not.......... and yes, she's in videos on websites, the works.......... [/quote]did you tell her you was only the bass player tho?
  4. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1404306008' post='2491358'] Why am I getting Jazz GAS... [/quote]the same reason i am... It's these 2 blokes with their bleeding pictures!!
  5. I won't ship from the states again, i got stung for $180 for a special licence to ship mother of pearl in the dot neck inlays in my Gibson sg bass, I'm not even convinced its M.O.P, it says its synthetic on the gibson website but customs wouldn't budge.
  6. I think I'll have to get used to the "flopping forward" I tried the string and it seems to make the strap slip off my shoulder and also the bass wants to slide backwards if that makes any sense??
  7. Aha of course it does thanks Billy
  8. Sorry matey what did he do with the acoustic string? I got a piece of string/ bootlace with one of my straps, didn't have a clue what it was for ?
  9. Hi mate, I have an sg standard, it's not so much the neck dive , more the flopping forward where the strap pin is positioned at the bass of the neck rather than the top horn, I thought of screwing the pin to the top horn but it's very thin there where it goes to a point... I wasn't keen on the look of the Ebs but the more I look at yours..
  10. How do you get on with it flopping forward on the strap ? Any tips on avoiding this ?
  11. I just got one of these ( lefty) and i can't put it down, fantastic basses
  12. I do this also with 2 1x12s, guitarist isn't keen but.. Hard luck.
  13. Also getting an error up, will try again later
  14. Well you've beaten our turnout of the grand total of 3.. Plus bar staff of course
  15. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1402592883' post='2475148'] Great Stuff, James - go for it and enjoy yourselves. A word from an old'n - keep it simple and leave space, loads of space and plenty of dynamics but most importantly have fun...... [/quote]well said Mr Jazzneck
  16. Cheers Stu, I couldn't get out of that one so ive paid $ 180 for the licence
  17. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1402493365' post='2474101'] Can't get more of an authroirty on it than the people who built it.......... [url="http://www2.gibson.com/Products/Electric-Guitars/Bass/Gibson-USA/SG-Standard-Bass/Features.aspx"]http://www2.gibson.c...s/Features.aspx[/url] Click on the "Trapezoid Inlays" in the right hand menu for the "acrylic" bit. [/quote]cheers for that , i also clicked on the headstock logo that says handcut mother of pearl.. Bugger
  18. Thanks for the quick response, mine is a 2013 model and i was pretty sure that they were acrylic, i couldn't find anything on the web anywhere, is there a link you could send me so i can copy it and send it to the shipping firm? Thanks again .
  19. Anyone ever had a problem shipping a bass from the states because of the dot inlays? I am at the moment, its a gibson sg standard bass, i thought it was only the custom made guitars that had mother of pearl inlays.. Obviously not.. i: The merchandise received on your behalf from Southpaw Guitars contains an item or items subject US Fish and Wildlife Services’ (USFWS) Regulations (US Title 50 Code of Federal Regulations (50CFR) – Wildlife and Fisheries, the Endangered Species Act (ESA) or CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species). Our Trade Compliance Team has determined that the following item requires that we file Form 3-177 (Declaration for Importation or Exportation of Fish or Wildlife) before exporting to you: Musical Instrument We will apply for the export declaration with USFWS on your behalf for a fee of $180. This process may add up to three additional days to the processing of your shipment. If you do not wish to accept this declaration fee, we can assist you in returning the item to the sender or forwarding it to another address within the USA:
  20. I had to learn it but couldn't find anything, i done it by ear in the end, playing it over and over again
  21. [quote name='DorsetBlue' timestamp='1402388871' post='2472799'] 2013 or 2014 model? [/quote]2013, it looks like there will be no 2014 models, he's got one more in stock, red with nitro finish.
  22. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1402341133' post='2472466'] My new Gibson sg, or it will be when I get it, its being shipped at this very moment, more photo's when it arrives .... Nope it won't upload my photo, bugger [/quote]
  23. My new Gibson sg, or it will be when I get it, its being shipped at this very moment, more photo's when it arrives .... Nope it won't upload my photo, bugger
  24. Fantastic looking piece of kit, tho I'd get my fingers tangled in that lot.
  25. I want that drummer!!
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