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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. Don’t worry mate it’s the fashion apparently
  2. Ha ha... sorry Cicero... the He is a She. I’ll stick me headphones on👍
  3. Has he plugged in?
  4. That sounds exactly the same as my old trace Elliot 1x15 combo when it got dropped, it knocked the coil out of line apparently, a new driver was required
  5. Did he get the job?
  6. I’ve never known it and I’ve had 100s of P basses... well 4 or 5..
  7. Can I just interrupt this post and say “ don’t buy any wheels from this man” !!! 😉
  8. I’m always on it anyway
  9. No way do I need this but I’m tempted!!!
  10. Name the band go on!! Just type it small and no one will notice.
  11. It was Canterbury Fayre 2002. bass overpowered the lead guitar... thank god... he’s a proper shredder.
  12. I’m not sure, it didn’t say much just Jack Bruce in concert, I’ve recorded it, will watch it later
  13. I have one, don’t think you’re getting a practice amp.. this will deafen you!!
  14. Jack Bruce live in concert, sky channel 192 CLTV tonight at midnight if anyone’s interested.
  15. That is a very good idea, even if you’re not keen keep the drop D til you find a replacement
  16. Na, you’ve got that wrong it’s more Prunk.
  17. I got my first Ric about 2 years ago, best bass I’ve ever played, I only use a pic at the moment, I love the flat neck, sound, feel, well everything
  18. Buggeration..all I can find is this one, its got aged brass tuners and a copper coloured Bridge now! what has? The P bass or the hat?
  19. Not a chance !!
  20. Also “Happy birthday Hugh Cornwell” 69 today.
  21. I was in 2 bands for about 6 weeks, I found it impossible, every gig clashed. fair play to you lot who are in more than one.
  22. My favourite cover, nothing like the original, and I won’t even mention the snarling growley bass line, oops
  23. You’ll just have to put up with the tinnitus/ hearing loss like I do..
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