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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. The sweaty man himself http://youtu.be/lCIWmldNbyA
  2. Hah!!! Nothing to it!!. ( slowly taking my bass of and putting it back in the case).
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1375803799' post='2165897'] I stumbled upon WJ playing with NW-R and some drummer I can't recall in a little club on a wet Wednesday night in Nottingham in the mid-80's. Not that many people there iirc. As I was at a 'barely beginning to teach myself bass from library books' point I was blown away by Norman nedless to say. Wilko was a bit manic and slightly scary as you'd expect. Don't recall any of the set list at all, didn't know much Feelgood beyond Milk and Alcohol in those days and he didn't play on it anyway. [/quote]drummer would have been Salvatore Ramundo.
  4. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1375728766' post='2164885'] I find by the end of some particularly loud gigs, my hearing is shot and what started out as a lovely fat deep tone has degenerated into a horrible honky middy, trebbly racket with no bottom end. Its a bit disconcerting cos i think its the amp or cabs but it's not, its my ears have fatigue. I've tried wearing AC plugs (which i use for rehersals and are great BTW) but for gigs, the excitement and dynamics of loud music get lost and I can't stand using them. The soloution? Everybody turn down of course but the guitarist is an idiot and doesn't want to loose that "sweet" spot at a particular volume...."sigh".... [/quote]don't worry about dynamics/excitement, put the ear plugs in. Tinnitus is poxy.
  5. [quote name='funkybassman2020' timestamp='1375759029' post='2165251'] I agree with Bassbunny as I'm suffering the same in my left hand at the mo. My left ring and pinky fingers and right hand side of my left palm are constantly tingling and go dead. Originally, my Chiro traced this problem to my neck and left shoulder. The Ulna nerve being the culprit. I'm due to visit Chiro in the next couple of weeks as I live a fair way from him. Last time he freed the nerve, a little less than two days later the tingling was completely gone. Just to check it was the same nerve playing up, I got my wife to lightly press the area it runs to in the upper shoulder area and it hurt like crazy so I know it's the culprit. An exercise my chiro advised and that helped me is to sit upright, push your shoulders down, place one hand over the other in line and it doesn't matter which, with hands facing inwards and whilst pushing your shoulders down as much as poss, gently and slowly raise your hands up from low down as poss and so your arms go up to 90 degress to your body and repeat 3-4 times maybe three times a day.... It helps me but ultimately my nerve needs to be released properly... I messed mine up again a couple of weeks back lying underneath the rusty old vw Golf I own, trying to yank a crankshaft loose with a large breaker bar and I felt the damage when I stood up. Another thing that messes it up is lying on your side on a sofa, with your elbow on the sofa arm and propping your head up with your hand. Who knows, the exercise might help you too. If it is the ulna you may feel remnants of what I would describe as "pins and needles" in your whole arm as you perform the exercise... Good luck... Rob. [/quote]cheers funkybassman, ive had a trapped nerve in my neck for 2 months, excruciating pain which has gone now tho still plenty of numbness, i sit on the sofa like that nearly every night... Not any more...
  6. http://youtu.be/TvprJIgHNXw This for me. Bit corny but got to have a chat with Ulrika Johnsson and.. Ahem... Mr Wogan.
  7. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1375615180' post='2163411'] Distant early warning from grace under pressure. Sorry the link doesn't work my friend! [/quote]thank you sir
  8. Can someone tell me what song it is ? The link won't work for me
  9. [quote name='throwoff' timestamp='1374075689' post='2145030'] Someone but this beauty then Patch can buy my Ray! [/quote]that is nice.. Why dont you straight swap them then sell it on after you've used it for a bit
  10. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1375084889' post='2156391'] Fender Precision Fender Precision Fender Precision Fender Precision Fender Precision I think that should cover all potential requirements. [/quote]Oiii i wanted to say that!!!
  11. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1375087696' post='2156422'] Do you drink it, sniff it, or rub it? [/quote]inject it.
  12. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1374952996' post='2155242'] And much skinnier neck too. The standard Ray 34 did nothing for me that Precisions didn't do. [/quote]+1 to that, ive tried everything but only use precisions now
  13. [quote name='Rikki1984' timestamp='1374941017' post='2155049'] The 'ca' stands for 'classic active', so it's the 2 band ones rather than 3 band. :-) [/quote]ah cheers for that
  14. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1374930739' post='2154883'] Is it a ca model? [/quote]if ca means active then yes it is mate
  15. [quote name='risingson' timestamp='1374344455' post='2147922'] When I play something that sounds better I'll let everyone on the board know [/quote]treble likewise.
  16. [quote name='clauster' timestamp='1374775605' post='2153150'] I went out at the weekend to try a few basses. On the list of ones to try were the Yamaha BB1024, BB424, Squire CV Precision, Fender Mex Standard Precision and the G&L Tribute SB-2. Tried all the above apart from the SB-2. One I hadn't shortlisted was the one in the title. The Sterling Ray 34 CA. The one with the skinny neck and no body contouring. What a neck! Incredibly playable and comfortable. I can't stop thinking about that bass. But it's a bit over budget. It also doesn't have a P pickup (which was top of my list of requirements) and it's active eq is on my list of no-nos. Still want it though. I'm having real trouble finding an SB-2 to try, which (on paper) looks like it might have as nice a neck. Please tell me these Sterlings are awful basses and I shouldn't consider buying one. [/quote]a mate of mine is selling his honey blonde Ray 34 , immaculate and cheap i believe.
  17. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1374582706' post='2150437'] The for sale thread has gone very quiet. Not enough lefties out there or just a lack of lefty traffic coming to the site? [/quote]very quite indeed, Throwoff has about 200 basses but won't sell any of em.
  18. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1372318711' post='2124116'] I'm not going to argue with you about the content of your post, partly because my views on Fenders are already well known here (hence some of the comments in the thread) so I see little point in rehashing old ground, and partly because of my dyslexia I found your post almost impossible to read, however I think I've got the gist of it (mainly from the title). What does interest me is why the OP felt the need to post this in the first place and why others who chime in with their approval have done so as well. We all like to talk about basses here - it is after all the very reason why this forum exists. I own some basses that I really like. I play them at gigs and on recordings. Occasionally I'll photograph them and post the pictures in a thread in the Bass Porn section. I haven't ever felt the need to evangelise like this about my favourite instruments, not because I don't think they are worth it, but because it's not in my nature to do so because I find it somewhat crass. These kinds of threads pop up every so often here, so I'm intrigued to know why. Not being part of the "Cult Of Fender" I find the need for them somewhat perplexing, and to me, as an outsider, they have a vague air of insecurity about them. So why is it? This isn't intended as a troll post (or at least no more so than the original post). I am genuinely interested in why greyparrot needed to make to post in the first place, and then why others were obliged to back him up. [/quote]spoilsport.. I love fenders
  19. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1372458590' post='2126129'] No problems of those types ever, if memory serves. Then again, never played in a bar or other place with drunken people, and I gather that is an essential difference. best, bert [/quote]where do you play then Bert?
  20. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1371938314' post='2119959'] I have my first gig of sorts coming up next Saturday, but I am at a loss as to what I should wear. It is in my ex-bosses large garden, there is normally approx, 100 people invited to an all day/evening garden party/bbq. We are essentially playing Queen tunes so I am J Deacon, what should I wear other than clean pants and a smile? Should I go with something Deacon'esque or something suitable generic, as a fat lad I fear the small yellow shorts are out [/quote]the shorts dont even look good on him, nor does the syrup
  21. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1371048484' post='2109096'] Main bass = Fender US Precision Backup bass = Fender CIJ Precision Not much in them, the US edges it in the main areas, playability, sound, and weight, but not by much. [/quote]yup.. Same as me
  22. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1370682449' post='2104272'] Musically speaking, punk was the worst thing to happen. There was a handful of decent records from so called punk bands, but mostly it was drivel. Personally, I had/have no interest in 'music' created by anyone who barely knows how to hold a guitar or a pair of drum sticks. Of course, 'attitude' is important in music, but when that's all there is... then, no thanks! [/quote]i'm trying to think of a bad punk rock drummer.. But i can't
  23. Get a Precision !!!
  24. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1369904901' post='2094102'] Lee Pomeroy and the guy from Doves are other lefty upside down string offenders. Pomeroy actually uses a LH bass but presumably has got so used to the stringing from previously playing RH basses upside down he won't swap back to conventional stringing. Looks well weird onstage but doesn't seem to compromise his playing, still seems to eke out a living [/quote]i've bought a couple of basses from Mr Pomeroy and both times had to have the bridge and nut reversed ,im a lefty who plays proper like!!
  25. [quote name='Allen Bell' timestamp='1366546272' post='2053753'] I figured it was time that I contributed some mug-shots for your delectation/derision! Here goes nothing ........... First off, I thought I'd pick an unusually civilised pic: Now for a more, shall we say, "accurate" representation of yours truly: Viewer discretion is indeed advised!!! [/quote]great pic mate
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