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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. [quote name='Harry' timestamp='1352664171' post='1865875'] not sure but if you click on the picture it says 600, but like you said, not much in it, they sound great... [/quote]Ive got a LM II and they sound fantastic so yours must be an improvement
  2. [quote name='playbass' timestamp='1352662859' post='1865840'] [list] [*]Is the 600W power consumption from the mains rather than output? Probably doesn't make much difference, a great amp. [/list] [/quote]i think theyre 500w output
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1352602197' post='1865135'] Just played a gig with The Daves, at The King Billy, in Northampton. Last time we played there, we were told we had to finish by 11pm, as a DJ then took over. So tonight we followed suit, first set 9pm - 9.50pm, break, second set 10pm - 11pm. At that point, as we`d finished, the landlady came over, and asked if we knew what the playing times were. We said about last time, and she said they no longer had the DJ, so we were meant to play until midnight. So we did. A 3hr gig. I need a vacation [/quote]...OUCH!!!!
  4. [quote name='rogerstodge' timestamp='1350320069' post='1837263'] Nice lefty U.S.A. P bass on ebay if you're quick .. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTYwMFgxMjAw/$T2eC16JHJIIE9qTYI6DRBQLCn1BDyw~~60_1.JPG?set_id=8800005007 £650.00 [/quote]back on ebay, 50 mins to go
  5. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1352499163' post='1864027'] *cough*............... *tumbleweed* em... no [/quote]ha ha, don't blame ya, I can't seem to play it on this ipad thing, what songs are they?
  6. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1352498304' post='1864013'] yeah, so i recently started doing a few covers on youtube, to pass the time of day really. Don't be too harsh, i know there is nothing great about them, and they even include a few mistakes here and there (oh noes!) (about to embed media. I have doubts in my ability in this) anyway, check it out! look at my lovely refin LPB jazzer! [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PggHBTXLtIk&feature=plcp"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PggHBTXLtIk&feature=plcp[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtI77-Ni2zg&feature=plcp"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FtI77-Ni2zg&feature=plcp[/url] Thanks for looking. Anybody want to suggest a song for me to cover? [/quote]Feeewill by Rush? Ok i'll get me coat
  7. Last chance boys n girls.... Ebay tomoz
  8. Also tempted. trade with a black jazz?
  9. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1352330051' post='1861940'] Actually, whilst I'm here, I'll see if I can recall my basses too. Not a long list mind. My amplification has changed massively in comparison though! Marlin Sidewinder Washburn B?? Fender P Bass (late 60's poss) Tobias 6 natural Tobias 6 red Conklin Bill Dickens 7 string Aria GT Shuker 6 (buckeye) Shuker Singlecut 7 string Shuker Headless 6 string Ibanez Gerald Veasley 6 Ibanez Acoustic 5 something or other Fender Power Jazz Bass Special Fender non-export CIJ US Vintage Precision Status Energy 6 Fretless My flock is quite small these days and most of these have left. The custom Shukers take care of pretty much everything these days! [/quote]not a long list??
  10. Ahhh this chaps in dartford, bit too far methinks, sorry
  11. [quote name='skidder652003' timestamp='1352241527' post='1860718'] Well then ows about that then? Soungarden on Later.. Fender P, did exactly what is says on the tin didn't it? Fancy boutique bass? I don't thimk so ta very much! "Beauty improves with use and age" Tools for the job... [/quote]partial to a p bass meself mate
  12. Yea i've got a copy but mines special.... Its autographed by ..... My 2 year old daughter, nearly every page an all.
  13. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1352240668' post='1860698'] I'm feeling very old - and not in touch with the download awards. Just scrolled down and had no idea who at least half those 'artists' were. lol [/quote]Me neither ha ha
  14. Hi all Any chance of a vote for this hard working young lady?, i've done a few sessions for her, very talented , would be nice if she won, Thanks in advance, Paul http://www.independentcharts.org/download-music-awards-voting/
  15. There was a thread on this book not long ago, they're a fortune on amazon apparently
  16. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1352227242' post='1860474'] Just heard back from my mate marmite he's sorry but he can't get the cash together this side of Christmas everyone's struggling ATM. GLWTS, Cheerz, John [/quote]ok John thanks anyway, 'tis defo a struggle ATM
  17. [quote name='nickytheafghan' timestamp='1352189190' post='1859736'] Eh up, what wattage are they? [/quote]They're both 400w i believe, cheers
  18. Well chuffed mate, even better with me new cabs
  19. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1352155773' post='1859587'] Couldn't you just pop them both in a jiffy bag and stick a couple of first class stamps on? [/quote]They might fit in a hippo bag
  20. I think they're probably too heavy Dom and would double the price
  21. I know just the man... Where you based tho?
  22. Does Geddy Lee ever have an off day?
  23. 1st gig last night since being helped out by you guys, turned both VLE filters right off (not 12 oclock) and it sounded great, high notes were as loud or even LOUDER than the lows, it was a bit "honky" but i think that was because the mids were turned up but i never adjusted it cos it was so crisp clear and LOUD... Problem solved... I hail you Basschatters
  24. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1352048955' post='1858153'] Not the other end of the country then a mate is looking for a cheap 4x10, I'll give him a shout [/quote]Appreciate that mate, cheers
  25. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1352044040' post='1858081'] . . . and you are - where? [/quote]Bugger.. Knew i'd forget something, Dartford in Kent
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