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Everything posted by rogerstodge

  1. Hi I am selling my two bass cabs, one is a 1x15 peavey, t'other is a Gallien Krueger 4x10 backline, both cabs have served me well, sound great and very loud with my 500w markbass head. reason for selling, i've just purchased 2 lightweight cabs from this very forum and me ol' back aint what it used to be, 4x10 is heaviest but its fitted with castors so not too bad.. £100 for the 4x10 and £80 for 1x15 tho could be haggled down!!, they need to be shifted as i've no storage space for them.. thanks for looking. both 8 ohm.
  2. Bought 2 cabs from Mick, well pleased, very honest bloke, if you want to haggle with him wait til he's been to the pub.. Only downfall he wouldn't throw his puppy in on the deal
  3. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1351896695' post='1856825'] If you would like I can put you in touch with someone who provides Fender decals if you want to fit a replacement. Ive used them and they are excellent quality. [/quote]yes please
  4. That is the nuts
  5. [quote name='Rothers' timestamp='1351885116' post='1856669'] Just popping in to say that JJ has always been my bass hero. I have the honour of playing some Stranglers songs in my band. We cover No More Heroes and Hanging Around at the moment. We did do Grip, but since we lost our keyboard player we dropped it. As for the sound, good pick ups on my custom 'Rothers Punk Bass' turned up to full treble and a little natural overdrive on my Laney rig. [/quote]good stuff... We do heroes, hanging around and peaches
  6. Why are all the frets wonky?
  7. I was playing for a "glam" tribute band when i met "the Bass god", got chatting to him and he asked me what band i played with, when i told him his reply was... "so your'e one of those glam rock tossers then".. Luckily i was in a good mood or i would have er.. erm.. Ahh.. Perhaps not..
  8. I had one of these 5 years ago, great amps
  9. I keep my cabs in a plastic garden storage box with a padlock. (you know the thing i mean, with the lift up lid and 2 outward opening doors on the front). Been stored like that for 20 odd years, not had any problems with em, maybe thats why they sound crap?
  10. I wouldn't want to do that, routers need to sit on a dead flat surface, also the neck is in the way
  11. [quote name='GregBass' timestamp='1351592998' post='1852920'] I used to have similar problems, as my favoured bass sound had the EQ set in the old V formation with heavily boosted bass and treble. The G and D strings disappeared above about the 5th fret. I decided to start again from scratch with level EQ, then adjust slowly to get an even sound across all the strings. I put the EQ flat, and the problem was solved immediately - so I didn't bother with any more fiddling. Maybe that would be a good start for you - turn the filters off, set the EQ flat and maybe that will give you what you want. [/quote]yea thats the plan Greg, ill start from there and if i need a bit more oomph ill bring the sansamp bass driver in.. Cheers
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1351623830' post='1853435'] It's been so long since I played a gig, I'm not even sure where my bass is. [/quote]Had a little chuckle
  13. Don't think ill be renewing my subscription, used to look forward to that landing on the doormat
  14. [quote name='MickyMan' timestamp='1351586925' post='1852823'] Rogerstodge, you are welcome to come round on Saturday and give them a try, cheers Lozz for the input. [/quote]Got your number Mick i'll give you a tinkle Fri afternoon/early evening , ta mate
  15. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351544138' post='1852487'] Hope you don`t mind me butting in - on the subject of these being loud enough, I`ve just bought a Markbass Mini CMD121P and NY121 cab. So am using two Markbass 12s. I also play in a punk band - Pistols/Clash/SLF etc, and this set-up is plenty. At rehearsal the other night my amp was on volume of about 3 out of 12. I`ve gone to these from using a 410, and am in no way thinking I`ve compromised. [/quote]not at all lozz, appreciate it,im gonna ask mickeyman if i can pop round sat as can't make it this week.. Whats your band called by the way?
  16. [quote name='the_skezz' timestamp='1351535338' post='1852334'] Cracking intro, one of the best tracks from that album to play. [/quote]totally agree mate, i fumbled through that one for years, only recently have i had a proper listen and can now play it properly
  17. [quote name='MickyMan' timestamp='1351533296' post='1852295'] Hi mate, I play in various bands, some loud, some not so loud, played festivals and all sorts, never needed to go past 11 o'clock on my Markbass amp (500w), these speakers have never complained, loud enough to cope with a Punk drummer from CASE and two of the loudest guitarists I've ever played with (why do they alway say that their amps won't work any quieter!), had a 4 ohm Markbass 4x10 before these and they seem very equal to me in output. As I stated though these have never been pushed or overdriven (thats not my sound) but I'm confident you wouldn't need anything louder, happy for you to come round and hear for yourself, if its not for you then no worries. Cheers Mick [/quote]wouldn't mind hearing them Mick, can you pop em round this evening i'm only in Dartford..ha ha..maybe we can sort out a date/time for me to have a listen?
  18. Baroque Bordello is another one
  19. Not sure if these would be powerful enough for me?? The band i'm with at the moment are proper loud (punk) and the bass never goes thru the PA, what you reckon Mickey? I'd hate to blow them up.. I use a 4x10 and 1x15 through a little mark III at the mo.
  20. I think i've just learnt summing from this, i'm now in the pick up only club
  21. Hi Mickey What kinda deal we looking at for the pair? Cheers Paul
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1351426899' post='1851032'] I think without actually hearing the OP playing with his band it's all a bit hit and miss and conjecture. There's stuff I do with The Terrortones where the guitar and bass play exactly in unison and because of the sound I have that makes by bass sound right in the lower register the guitar and bass blend together so that you only notice the bass (as a distinct instrument) if I stop playing or play a wrong note. If the bass did "cut through" in those passages it would either be massively over-loud or have an inappropriate tone in the rest of the song. It may well be an EQ problem with the bass, but it could just as easily be an EQ problem with one of the other instruments or an arrangement issue. I'd be exploring all three avenues - I only suggested arrangement specifically because it hadn't already been mentioned as something to look at. [/quote]some of the songs especially shot by both sides i'm playing exactly the same as the guitar so you could be right there..
  23. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1351427349' post='1851039'] Well having seen Scam - but only with Glam Rock Glen - why not copy his settings? I`ve never had a problem hearing him in the mix (not that I want to start an Inter-Scam war of course ) [/quote]yes you do ha ha.. I could ask him about his settings as i believe he uses a markbass 3x10 combo
  24. [quote name='the_skezz' timestamp='1351429262' post='1851061'] Peaches is a tricky one, I had to learn the lyrics to know when to change from the verse to the chorus. Fair play to lojo, WoB's bloody tricky during the solo...can never get those runs quite right. [/quote]yea that is a bugger that one, fantastic song tho
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