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paul torch

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Everything posted by paul torch

  1. I've been thinking about doing something similar for a while but wasn't sure about the maple fingerboard. Looking at your fine effort I'm having second thoughts. Good work.
  2. [quote name='Bass-Thing' timestamp='1343049149' post='1744245'] Wing Chung is great. A bit 'harder' than tai chi but similar principles. I must say I preferred pushing hands. The other big problem with sticky hands is that you will have to change or boil your stings a lot more often!!! (sorry couldn't resist it) [/quote]
  3. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1343049615' post='1744257'] I've seen their basses before, the prices are massively inflated. I'd sooner buy from the US and pay all the import duties - it would still be cheaper no doubt! [/quote]true
  4. This has just come up on ebay. May solve your problem. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Alembic-Epic-4-String-Bass-/180935673336?pt=UK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV&hash=item2a209b45f8#ht_500wt_964
  5. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' timestamp='1343035612' post='1743941'] Would that be a Pot Noodle, sir? [/quote] dirty, dirty, dirty.
  6. [quote name='Bass-Thing' timestamp='1343033639' post='1743907'] You might want to check out Wudan Tai Chi, which is the practical sort. It's almost yoga/meditation like but at the same time more effective than something like taekwondo. I wish I still did it but nobody teaches it in our area. Cardio excercise can be very tedious but I've found the most pleasurable way of doing it is working my way through a DVD box set while sitting on a recumbent bike. No back or knee issues and you look forward to the next episode. [/quote] Thanks for the advice. I've started doing a bit of research into local clubs and found a couple that sound interesting. I like the idea of wing chun as it reminds me of Tai Chi which I studied for a short spell a few years back, particularly the "sticky hands" part.
  7. [quote name='Gust0o' timestamp='1343031731' post='1743876'] Seconded. I'm in the gym 3-4 times a week. You don't need to go for hours on end and flog yourself into the ground - as long as you're in there and getting a sweat on, you're doing yourself some good at least. I've had a bit of a heavy weekend, wracking up the beers on Sat; and then out for dinner on Sunday, so I feel like a blob this morning. Doesn't take long to shift, however. [/quote] I use dot go to the gym but, personally, I find that kind of exercise a little tedious. That's why I prefer to do things that incorporate some type of mental well-being as well. I used to enjoy running but my aching knees won't allow me to do it for any great length of time. I guess that is why I want to look into the martial art side of things, I'll be getting out of the house, meeting people on a regular basis and working on the spiritual side of things as well as the obvious health and fitness side of things. Incidently, I had no interest at all in fitness until I was put under doctors orders due to a couple of "wobbles" a few years back.
  8. I really need to get back on the daily exercise thing. Since I've started working for myself from home I have very little structure in my day. Have been thinking of joining some sort of local martial art club, probably Wing Chun, just to discipline me into doing regular exercise again.
  9. Luckily for me I work from home so can enjoy a lunchtime noodle.
  10. [quote name='noelk27' timestamp='1342955163' post='1743054'] Probably not someone Townshend would have thought of asking, but think Bruce Foxton would have fitted The Who sound perfectly. [/quote] Good call. Don't know their names but I reckon either of the bassists from The Beta Band or White Denim would make a good go of it.
  11. all great advice so far. It looks like the TI flats might be out for me if they don't do a proper short scale set. I'm currently using Status flats on my electric (mainly due to price) does anyone have any other recommendations for short scale flats on an acoustic? Thanks again. Paul
  12. quality
  13. [quote name='Cyrene' timestamp='1342716473' post='1739931'] Yes. i did, even though i only kept it for four months I do think it lost a bit of life. Shoulda maybe kept the bronzes. [/quote] That was my concern. My original intention was to have it set up as close to my electric as possible but I'm having second thoughts now I'm really enjoying the difference.
  14. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1342710710' post='1739781'] Probably, since it has a Cathedral. Maybe it wasn't when he wrote it, or he couldn't find a rhyme for "city" - apart from the obvious one which would have had it banned by the BBC. [/quote]
  15. Keep this just between you and me but I do have to confess to liking a bit of Ted Nugent. It took years for me to separate his guitar playing from his politics but then I still watch Charlton Heston movies.
  16. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1342708259' post='1739714'] Yeah, I know, but he says himself on a live CD I have that he has a great affinity with the area, possibility ancestry. But he has Durham on the Tyne rather than Wear, so that he can rhyme it with "age of nine". [/quote] Isn't Durham a city rather than a town?
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1342689870' post='1739220'] The JF324s are 32" (hence the 32 part). [/quote]cool, thanks tension.
  18. Thanks for the promising advice guys. I've heard somewhere that the TI short scale strings are actually medium scale as they assume that short scale basses have a trapeze bridge. Can anyone confirm this?
  19. Thanks tension, I may give it a go.
  20. I asked this via another thread but didn't get much response. Has anyone eve put a set of flats on an acoustic bass? Does anyone think it's worth a go? Cheers, Paul
  21. [quote name='gub' timestamp='1342646823' post='1738802'] Not the coolest band in he world but love a bit of elo ! [/quote] same here. I can also admit to liking a bit of The Carpenters from time to time.
  22. ok update time. Contrary to me initially stating that I wanted to try before I buy, I ended up getting one off evil bay. Something came up that was what I was looking for, an inexpensive short scale acoustic. I ended up with an Ashton that fits the bill. So far I'm enjoying the tone and playability and volume seems fine but as I'm going tone using it for home practice/writing then that's not really an issue. I just needed something that I could grab off the wall when the mood took me without having to get cables and amps out. My next question to you all is, what do people think about putting a set of flats on an acoustic?
  23. When I came back to playing the bass after an extended break I was determined to learn to play finger style, only because it seemed to look more proper and I thought my groove playing would improve. I learnt the finger style and started using with my bands. Just didn't sound right to me, no attack, and I found with a little more thought I could play grooves just as well with the pick. As has been said before, learning finger style means that I don't have to panic if my pick goes AWOL part-way though a track.
  24. [quote name='toneknob' timestamp='1342607691' post='1737677'] Come and say hi if you're around. Footwear - thanks for the tips all, but I don't have any wellies (and it's too late to get any) so it's road-worn DMs for me. They've seen action at Glastonbury 1998 (a simple google image search of "glastonbury 1998" will show that this summer is a heatwave in comparison) and various outdoors gigs/fests since. [/quote] a couple of carrier bags for your feet if it all gets too much.
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