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Everything posted by gypsymoth

  1. I would caution that flickering red may indicate pre clipping, but constant red could mean both, whether by design or accident.
  2. I have asked this question myself, and it seems the only issue is the unsightly lines of whatever you use to fill the fret grooves with. it is supposed to be a fairly simple task that one could tackle at home, and another option is filing the existing frets smooth - which would require more patience than skill.
  3. I think you are right, that if it is pre-amp clipping it likely doesn't matter, but that if it is the power section clipping it is a different story. I would GUESS that the light is there for power clipping, and that some isn't a big deal, but a lot is. unless the light is simply there for entertainment value
  4. it's not that you can't ever clip an amp - guitar players usually do. the problem is heat buidlup in the voicecoil, so if you are clipping long or hard (the DC thing), your speaker gets very hot. if your speakers are inadequate to start with ....
  5. if you caught drinking and pissing the first day, the drunken drums and pissy vocals have been redone already . so there are three new "band solo" tunes up now, and two older "solo bass" tunes
  6. why I bought drums
  7. the longer harder you run anything, the faster the components (valves) wear. that being said, I think your biggest concern should be overheating your speaker voicecoils, which can arc, creating a short, which can then destroy your transformer. theory roughly being that a heavily clipped signal appears almost as DC current to the speaker, which is not a good thing. I am not a tech, this is roughly the explanation I got after some misfortunes.
  8. "you are happy with the way you play" that's it
  9. vox custom 4 string alembic persuader 5 string veillette citron 4 and 8 strings
  10. I won't say it's the best way, but mics are the only way I do stuff because I want it to sound like I sound, and I play through an amp . if you have more than one mic it's better as you can have one close and one far, and you can pan one left, one right, or any such combination as sounds good to you.
  11. get it sounding as good as you can through the amp - then move the mic around so that what you hear coming out of the amp is what you hear coming out of your headphones. with luck you won't have to fiddle with the recording much, if at all.
  12. get Vanilla Fudge, Near the Beginning & Rennaisance. Tim Bogart.
  13. good stuff - but five years
  14. in my continued efforts to amuse myself, and maybe you, I have added another new draft tune (little boy) from the bunch I'm recording. so a couple "band" solo pieces, a couple solo bass songs, and a what the heck I always wanted to do them but never bothered to learn them bit. oh yeah - hit the now working link below edit - just added drinking & [Sidding Hiss]ing. yeah, I'm in a hurry, I've got a lot to record and a lot to learn, and I'll redo these and likely more after I've got em all down. more edit - the last of the solo bass tunes has been replaced by solo band tunes, with a new song scheduled for each week over the summer. by then I might know what I'm doing and be able to fix the more glaring errors
  15. Rockette Morton
  16. yeah, Americans haven't contributed much to blues, rock, or underground music
  17. I have a coco bolo top persuader 5 string that I bought used, $1000 or less (my limit for basses). really nice playing and sounding even though it was their production model. it was scary running up a quote for a new model. but the customs pics sure are fun.
  18. solid state vox tube sound city
  19. correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me (from other auctions) that Mr. Tsai purchases standard Korean guitars and adds the inlay work.
  20. you will not damage the amp. you could damage the speaker - which in turn could damage the amp, as an arced voicecoil can wreak havoc on a transformer. that being said, I carefully used a quad of celestion 65 watt guitar speakers with my 200 watt head for quite a while, no issues. low bass settings, moderate volume. of course last guy I told that too went and smoked a quad of speakers, sooo something like an eminence delta pro 12 will handle bass and/or guitar duty quite well
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