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Everything posted by faiz0802

  1. Splendid guy, quick buyer. A pleasure to do business with. Don't wait, don't think, if he wants a transaction, give it to him!! Highly recommend to anyone. Would blindly do business without a scond thought. All the best. Regards, Faiz
  2. Damn... The curse of copy paste... Thank you, my friend.
  3. SELLING THEM ON EBAY, OFFERING A BETTER PRICE HERE. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140749686481?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140749686481?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649[/url] [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140749688289?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140749688289?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649[/url] SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS LOCK, KEYBOARD'S MESSED UP. PM IF INTERESTED.
  4. Wonderful guy to trade with. Sold my Ebow to him, and he was very responsive and direct. Very honest as well. His bank password got reset during our transaction, and he was very humble and honest throughout the whole process. Would gladly trade with him again without a thought. Enjoy the Ebow!! Regards, Faiz
  5. Hello folks, Up for sale is a Presonus 1 box bundle (8 months old, excellent condition) for [b]£140[/b]. Very rarely used, I don't have the time to play much and I figure I might as well clear out the stuff I don't use. I am more than happy to let buyers come over and try the stuff out for themselves before they buy. However, if the Presonus bundle gets sold I can't really provide any demos since I don't have an amp at my place at the moment. I do not want to ship, and would prefer payment on collection, preferably wired to my account. PM me if interested. I also have a squier VMJ fretless incl. gear for[b] £220[/b]. Check this thread for the bass' details and pics: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172961-squier-fretless-vmj-plus-goodies-l220/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172961-squier-fretless-vmj-plus-goodies-l220/[/url] I also have a Boss RC3, boss GT10b and en ebow up for sale, here's the link for those items: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172962-ebow-rc3-gt10b-great-offers-plus-a-goodie/page__pid__1607413#entry1607413"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172962-ebow-rc3-gt10b-great-offers-plus-a-goodie/page__pid__1607413#entry1607413[/url] I've only made one sale here before, so I don't have much feedback. Except for one. Here's the thread if anyone's interested: [url="topic/168796-feedback-for-faiz0802/page__hl__faiz0802__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168796-feedback-for-faiz0802/[/url] Regards, Faiz
  6. Hello folks, Up for sale are the following goodies: Ebow Plus (8 months old, used very very rarely) - [b]£80[/b] Boss RC3 Loop Station Adapter and cable included (3 months old, used twice) - [b]£150[/b] Boss GT10b Processor with Flight Case (8 months old, bought from basskit_case/Mike on 20 Feb 2012) - [b]£240[/b] I also have a Presonus 1 box bundle (8 months old, excellent condition) for [b]£140[/b] and a squier VMJ fretless incl. gear for[b] £220[/b]. Check this thread for the bass' details and pics: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/172961-squier-fretless-vmj-plus-goodies-l220/"]http://basschat.co.u...s-goodies-l220/[/url] I am in the process of clearing out ALL the gear that I do not use. I am more than happy to let buyers come over and try the stuff out for themselves before they buy. However, if the Presonus bundle gets sold I can't really provide any demos since I don't have an amp at my place at the moment. I do not want to ship, and would prefer payment on collection, preferably wired to my account. PM me if interested. I'll throw in a[b] FREE[/b]Hohner Student Melodica to the first buyer. I can't comment on the Melodica because I just got it a few days ago and I've never used it, not fond of wind instruments. I can't let anyone demo that either for reasons of hygene. The guy who tries it is th one who I give it to. Period. I've only made one sale here before, so I don't have much feedback. Except for one. Here's the thread if anyone's interested: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168796-feedback-for-faiz0802/"]http://basschat.co.u...k-for-faiz0802/[/url] Regards, Faiz
  7. Hello folks, Up for sale is my Squier VMJ Jazz Bass. It's about 3 months old, very rarely used, and in pristine condition. It also has an awesome 'Tree of Life' decal that make it look even more stunning. I've decided to let it go since its been a long time since I picked it up. More details can be found here: [url="http://www.fender.com/products/search.php?partno=0326608500"]http://www.fender.co...rtno=0326608500[/url] It was a gift so unfortunately I don't have the bill. I've decided to sell it for £220 with the strap, gig bag, cable, and a Stagg/Dolphin Universal Fold Away Guitar stand. I've attached pictures for your viewing pleasure [attachment=104478:IMG_1668.jpg][attachment=104479:IMG_1670.jpg][attachment=104483:IMG_1671.jpg][attachment=104480:IMG_1672.jpg][attachment=104481:IMG_1673.jpg][attachment=104482:IMG_1674.jpg] I also have for sale the following items: Presonus 1 Box Recording Bundle (8 months old) - [b]140£[/b] Ebow Plus (8 months old, used very very rarely) - [b]£80[/b] Boss RC3 Loop Station Adapter and cable included (3 months old, used twice) - [b]£150[/b] Boss GT10b Processor with Flight Case (8 months old, bought from basskit_case/Mike on 20 Feb 2012) - [b]£240[/b] I am in the process of clearing out ALL the gear that I do not use. I am more than happy to let buyers come over and try the stuff out for themselves before they buy. However, if the Presonus bundle gets sold I can't really provide any demos since I don't have an amp at my place at the moment. I do not want to ship, and would prefer payment on collection, preferably wired to my account. PM me if interested. I've only made one sale here before, so I don't have much feedback. Except for one. Here's the thread if anyone's interested: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168796-feedback-for-faiz0802/page__hl__faiz0802__fromsearch__1"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/168796-feedback-for-faiz0802/[/url] Regards, Faiz
  8. Just purchased a GT10B from him. Great guy, a true gentleman. The packaging was excellent and the delivery was just as scheduled. This was the forst purchase I made on basschat, and this thread served as the benchmark for it. I'd highly recommend him, and would love to make further transactions in the future. Very patient and understanding as well. My only regret is that I couldn't meet him in person. Well... there's always the next time. Pleasure doing business with ya, Mike. Regards, Faiz.
  9. [quote name='EdwardHimself' timestamp='1329477649' post='1542986'] There was a guitar solo! Albeit a quite short one, just after the key change after the second chorus. I just used guitar rig for this. Actually for the guitars I used both guitar rig and miced up my amp to give contrasting sounds, which really helped make the stereo sound a lot better. [/quote] There was? Hmm... I must pay more attention the next time. If this was a band, I would def pay to watch.
  10. I love this!! It's hard to believe that its a one man job. I don't know about the others, but a guitar solo in there somewhere would make it perfect for me. Top-notch stuff anywho . What rig do you use?
  11. [quote name='Clarky72' post='1169922' date='Mar 20 2011, 09:07 PM']Welcome to Basschat! Watch as it takes over your life.... [/quote] Haha yes, it is quite the experience...
  12. Nylon, anyone? [url="http://www.bass-strings.com/about-nylon-tapewound-bass-strings"]About nylon tapewound bass strings[/url] [url="http://www.activemusician.com/item--MC.RS88L"]RotoSound Trubass Flatwound Black Nylon Bass Strings - Standard, 1 set[/url] Am not sure how these are, just aware. Hope you get better, have you consulted a doctor regarding your problem? Just a note, I'm allergic to dust or something a such, dunno what it is, but Ceterizine based pills help me out. You should ask your doctor about that. Hope this helps.
  13. For some reason it didnt accept that. I figured if +4420 works, it works. Makes my job a LOT easier heh..
  14. Got it. +4420 is the ISD code it wants. And then the landline. Thanks anyway.
  15. [quote name='mart' post='1171134' date='Mar 21 2011, 08:17 PM']And most landlines don't have 8 digits either. I'd guess you want an 11 digit number, starting with 0. But who knows what ebay will demand!?[/quote] Please enter your primary telephone number Example: ([u][b]020[/b][/u]) [u][b]12345678[/b][/u]. Required in case we need to contact you about your account ^This is what it says. The Bold Underlined section represents the two input boxes, so I'm guessing it wants an 8 digit number. Been trying for a while but Ebay is being very picky i guess.
  16. Hi. I saw some good deals on Ebay and wanted to bid, and therefore I had to register. Now the problem is that I constantly keep getting errors that my contact number is incorrect, even though I have checked the ISD Code several times. I stay in London. Can someone tell me what ISD code I should use, and the no of digits Ebay wants my number to be? For the Primary Contact number, the example has 8 digits, which is a landline. I don't have a landline... Has anyone else had this problem? What does Ebay want of me??! Help please....
  17. [url="http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=wUN&rls=org.mozilla:en-US%3a%6ffficial&q=+site:talkbass.com+Rabbath+positions"]http://www.google.co.in/search?hl=en&c...bbath+positions[/url]
  18. But frankly its all way simpler and clearer if you can sight-read and play the scale using notations. No pattern-dependence there.
  19. [quote name='Zach' post='1168597' date='Mar 19 2011, 07:39 PM']Sounds similar to how I approached things (am an engineer). One thing I'd warn you about now is that patterns can be subtly limiting. Until recently I only really knew how to play each scale using a pattern for each, always accross 3 strings. The switch to jazz has highlighted how annoying this is, especially when playing over Eb. So I'd recommend playing all your various scales in multiple ways, e.g. over 1, 2, and 3 strings, or more if your so inclined, along with using a different fret choice for the way down for the one you chose going up, e.g. if playing an Am on the way up play the D and E on the D string, and on the way down on the A string. Also a nice exercise for practicing your arpeggios, and linking them into the music as well: Get a standard e.g. Autumn Leaves, and in steady crotchets play the arpegio of each chord in time with the song. Once you're getting happy, switch the order e.g. to 3rd 7th 5th root. As you no doubt have already worked out there are of course 24 ways in which you can arrange those four notes, and that's without ommitting the 5th in favour of the octave. This has quite quickly helped me understand how note choice effects the character of the chord your playing over, especially as a starting note (having to start every bar on the root is a myth I believed for too long!). double basses make great birthday presents! managed to convince my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to all split the cost and just get me the one awesome gift for my 21st a few months ago.[/quote] Great going!! Enjoy your upright man!! As for what you've said about the scales over 1,2,3 strings etc, that what I meant by making up patterns and combining them. As you're an engineer, (I am too), you probably know that using 8 patterns in multiple combos comes up to 8! ways, which is quite a bit. However, this is unnecessary, and i just wanted the whole pattern approach for the understanding bit. The whole point is to understand how intervals work and move around on the fretboard, not the scales themselves. I think 8 patters tweak individually to correspond to different kinds of scales gives you a pretty good idea of the whole process. But yes, its very annoying if you rely on them. I don't. I use them mainly as references. Or as get-out-of-trouble backups.
  20. Does anyone have Cheat Sheets to share?
  21. Wow. this seems very interesting. Will give it a good read and let you know...
  22. [quote name='silddx' post='1164072' date='Mar 16 2011, 09:57 AM']With all respect, why do you want the deluxe on a passive Squier Jazz? The J-Retro 01 has everything you need and is specifically designed to fit the standard passive Jazz, and as far as I know, does nothing different from the J-Retro 01 Deluxe. The Deluxe is for deluxe style Jazzes which have a separate battery box and side mounted jack. You need to speak directly to John about your requirements, other BC Members, like Circle_of_Fifths, may be labouring under misperceptions. Call John East, he will tell you that saying you want a J-Retro 01 Deluxe with a stacked knob and a bell-plate mounted jack is the same as saying you want a J-Retro 01. I'm not sure what Circle_of_Fifths told you, but I'm 99% certain it was wrong. Here is the text from the technical sheets for both, as you can see, the text after my emboldened bit is exactly the same for both. You don't need the Deluxe. [b]The J-RETRO 01 DELUXE is designed to fit directly into "Jazz" deluxe style basses without modification, including a PP3 battery. [/b]Its high quality circuit uses three stacked knobs and includes an active blend circuit plus a 3 band equaliser with bass, variable frequency mid, treble and bright function. The active blend circuit prevents the loss associated with many passive basses where, when both pickups are up full, the signal fromone pickup feeds into the other and vice versa. However, a switch is included to allow a passive equal mix of both pickups. A second switch - basic "get-you-out-of-trouble" passive mode is included in case the battery dies in crucial circumstances, but this mode allows useable settings too. [b]The J-RETRO 01 is designed to fit directly into standard "Jazz" style basses without modification, including a PP3 battery. [/b]Its high quality circuit uses three stacked knobs and includes an active blend circuit plus a 3 band equaliser with bass, variable frequency mid, treble and bright function. The active blend circuit prevents the loss associated with many passive basses where, when both pickups are up full, the signal fromone pickup feeds into the other and vice versa. However, a switch is included to allow a passive equal mix of both pickups. A second switch - basic "get-you-out-of-trouble" passive mode is included in case the battery dies in crucial circumstances, but this mode allows useable settings too.[/quote] Yeah I'll look into the J-retro. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Just getting into active electronics so thats something I tend to easily get confused about. Thanks man!
  23. Hey folks, just so you know, studybass.com has wonderful fretboard diagrams for notes, scales and even harmonics. They also have the diagrams for harmonics i think. Do check that out too. Cheers.
  24. [quote name='purpleblob' post='1164906' date='Mar 16 2011, 08:13 PM']Nice work ! I wrote out almost exactly the same stuff back in my late teens (a long, long time ago) on numerous rolodex cards. As a programmer/mathematically minded individual I also worked more with intervals than notes as I could plug the notes into a formula to get the notes in the scale. Often thought of putting everything on the web including an app. I wrote (although would need updating) which could display all this stuff, but never have time. Anyway keep up the good work - harmonizing the scales next ? [/quote] Ah yes, harmonizing the scales. I'd completely forgotten about that. Will do that too in some time. I had to take a gap of 2 years due to work, so I've gotten very rusty. Will take out my trusty notebook and and go over that as well. But then the whole typing it out part comes in. Maybe I'll just scan them and post it online. Thanks for the kind words.
  25. Welcome! Great folks here, you'll get all the help you'll ever need. Cheers!!
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