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Everything posted by faiz0802

  1. Ah. I see. Where are you located? Any chance I can come round and have a look at the bass? Also, is the original neck available anywhere, I'd like to mod it back to original sometime incase I like what you're offering...
  2. Hey folks. Just shifted to London recently. Been playing for about 6 years now, with a few breaks in between due to work and other things. Started off with a lil classic rock and metal, and through the years have gotten completely immersed in funk and jazz. Working on slap technique and sight reading at the moment. Oh yeah, I've played and jammed with Victor Wooten, best day of my life. My current rig involves a Squier fretless through a Presonus Audiobox, due to space issues. On the lookout for a Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass, 4 string, as evident from my signature below. I also offer free bass tuitions for anyone who's interested, as long as they're willing to come over and get their own bass and other equipment. I don't have any gear to share in a jam at the moment. I'm mostly intermediate level so I think I'd do better off teaching the beginners, though I'm pretty sure I can help anyone trying to learn how to sight read as well. I posted a thread about all this in detail in the Bass Tutors Sub-forum. Here's the link: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=126639"]Free Tuitions in London[/url] Please feel free to contact me if anyone needs help learning/starting off, or want to meet up for a jam, at a gig or just to hang out. I'm new in town and could do with good company. I don't log on here ofen so I'd prefer it if you got in touch with me on facebook. The link's in my profile. It's wonderful to be here and I hope to meet you guys here in/around london soon for a jam, beer or whatever. Regards, Faiz
  3. I'd buy this right now if it wasn't for the mighty mite neck... I'm kinda looking for the whole package, unaltered.. Have the electronics been altered in any way?
  4. Hey folks, I've been playing for about 6 years now. I've got my theory and technique pretty sorted, and I can play by ear. I have been in quite a few jam sessions with a varied range of musicians, including tabla players, and have played and jammed with Victor Wooten. I have a Presonus Audiobox only right now, which I use as a headphone amp because I used to move a lot and had space issues. Not planning to buy a rig anytime soon so anyone coming over needs to get their own headphones and bass and whatever else they want. Get in touch with me and we can work things out. [u][b]For beginners[/b][/u]: I can teach you up to a point where you can understand what you want and progress on your own. I will help you whenever you need me after that ofcourse, but you will be at a level where you can be self-reliant, I can promise that much, though I always have and always will be pro-tuitions. [u][b]For intermediate players[/b][/u]: I'm working on sight reading and soloing so I need jamming partners. Drummers and guitarists are always welcome. But I don't have space for drummers. So I can come over I guess, hopefully I take some time out from classes. [color="#0000FF"][b]Ok that said, I am looking for a [u][color="#0000FF"]Fender Marcus Miller Jazz Bass - 4 string, pre-used[/color][/u]. All I ask in return from anyone I help out is that you keep an eye out and let me know if there's a good one (Pre-used) available for about/around 600 Pounds, preferably around the London area, though I will try to rush to wherever I can in the UK for it. [/b][/color] I don't log on here much, so feel free to get in touch with me on facebook. The link's on my profile. Cheers. Regards, Faiz
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