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Everything posted by Nyl

  1. beautiful loking bass there, and very nice price
  2. Hi Ray, is the ME50B still up for grabs?
  3. good luck with the sale, i really want one of these bad boys but need to shift some surplus gear before the other half goes mental. I'm surprised this hasn't been snapped up already
  4. If i didn't already have a T-Max head i'd be jumping on this, good luck
  5. sexy amp, nice price too out of interest, interested in trades?
  6. sorry, i didn't realise it was posted, i did a quick look but it must be getting late in the week. a good cause and a good effort by him to give up one of his instruments
  7. just spotted this little gem...looks like i'll be selling body parts [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/300757821101?ssPageName=STRK%3AMESCX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1554.l2649#ht_573wt_1271"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/300757821101?ssPageName=STRK%3AMESCX%3AIT&_trksid=p3984.m1554.l2649#ht_573wt_1271[/url] but what a lovely bass
  8. Nyl

    Feedback for op76

    Bought a lovely acoustic bass from him. Great friendly person, top notch!
  9. As i've gotten older i've tended away from my careless ways, but i see nothing wrong with making your instrument your own. I think it boils down to respecting your gear, yes its not going to be pristine forever but why prematurely cut short its life span
  10. i'll have a sniff, where you located? and any interest in trades?
  11. yip, went to Brixton last year and it was AMAZING! so as soon as this was announced, snapped up tickets for both days!
  12. agreed with neephid, its rubbish, however the best solution out there. also if your music collection is on the large side, export your library before you reinstall
  13. Well working for a national charity, my boss is very relaxed as long as the work is done, so leaving early, or taking a half day at pretty short notice or working from home, so yeah, as i say relaxed about showing your face in the office, but you need to get the work done, i'd feel bad taking the mick So playing hasn't been a problem, although the furthest we've played is only 60 miles away, i think any further and i'd be looking at taking a full day off
  14. not my cup of tea really, i could put it on in the back ground maybe, but i can't see myself sitting down to listen to it.
  15. +1 on AVP...its too damn scary! alien mode is well strange
  16. cheers for the responses, the bit that came off was a crumpled mess of fibres. I'm not sure about that Siddx, he comes into my home, eats my cats food (bleeding expensive prescription stuff too) and breaks my stuff. Ah well, whats done is done
  17. Cheers Ou7shined, 2 good options, i think i'm leaning towards the 2nd, but no time for a rush decision. and ha icastle, your lawyers are lucky they don't know my plans for the cat!
  18. Well firstly Happy Birthday for next week I can;t really offer advice on the sound, having played though neither, but my suggestion is to have a play through the Matamp, you may love it, hate it or somewhere in between. Theres always something about having something custom made, but you're alternative choices are not to be snuffed at. Play through them and what feels more like you.
  19. So then, I came home from work to discover a new cat in the living, it took one look at me and bolted, taking my bass with it. Lucky for the cat I wasn't fast enough to catch it (the cat that is). This has resulted in some unwanted remodelling, and I wonder what you folks think is the best option, is a repair viable or a semi repair (paper over the cracks style). It is right at fret making that somewhat on the sharp side. So my question is...is there any hope? oh yeah i should add its a trough neck, Peavey Grind, yes not very expensive but I like it a lot
  20. another Peavey fan here, in fact i started out playing bass through the school Peavey combo, and now re kindled the love with a nice collection of peavey gear from the market place A Grind bass...LOVLEY! T-Max head, 115 and 210 cabs which now the band are playing bigger gigs i'll be replacing my Ashdown combo with the Tmax and 115 as my main gig amp, and all with badges
  21. pants and sorry, i did have a look for a post on this and couldn't see one [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159160-best-bassline-of-all-time/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/159160-best-bassline-of-all-time/[/url]
  22. [url="http://www.nme.com/news/muse/60107"]http://www.nme.com/news/muse/60107[/url] i agree its a great bassline, or is it more of a bass effect than a line an interesting list and nice to see Tool getting in there
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