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Everything posted by Nyl

  1. why thank you.
  2. oh, not sure whats up with the link, works fine for me but thank you of giving it a go. and cheers Gusto, i think i'm the same, Come Die seems to washy popping bland, but seems to work well in the set to mix things up
  3. well that went down down like a lead balloon
  4. good idea for a topic. when i was younger i went as low as possible, now i still prefer low but between belt and knees
  5. Hi BC'ers Thought i'd introduce my band, we've been together for about 2 years, but very loosely. It has not been unheard of for months to pass without so much as a practice. But we're getting more active now, and got ourselves a live recording down at SoundArc in Befordshire. We're a 3 piece and just want to play good music We've put 3 tracks up, give em a listen and any feedback is welcome, and any support slots [url="http://soundcloud.com/crisisofthethirdcentury/sets/demo/"]http://soundcloud.com/crisisofthethirdcentury/sets/demo/[/url] and the ol FB page if you are so inclined [url="http://www.facebook.com/crisisofthethirdcentury"]http://www.facebook.com/crisisofthethirdcentury[/url]
  6. laugh while me and the drummer launch into a mid song interlude
  7. Nyl

    Volume pedals

    i'd be interested on peoples thoughts as i'm tempted too, although for me its between a Morley and Ernie Ball.
  8. i made the transition to coated strings with my last purchase, opted for DR black beauties. The main reason being i am utter hopeless at changing my strings, they are usually well rotten by the time i change them The DRs do have a nice sound (but as you tell from the above i'm not too keen on the super bright sound of new strings) and they keep their sound. I've also had no problems at all with the coating flaking or anything similar, although if you use a plectrum that will probably remove the coating fairly quickly. i'm changing the strings on another bass and have ordered a set of ernie ball coated, just to compare...just ordered today so i can't comment yet.
  9. ooo i kinda like this idea, but as a few said previously i may be too picky....but then again, 1980, pre EB MM
  10. Nyl

    EHX big muff?

    i got a big muff too, oo er and yip, very nice sound coming out with good bottom end. you might also consider the j-lo hyperdrive from Ashdown for that bit of crunch, again another good pedal but I've found not as in your face as the muff...just to keep the innuendo's going, j-lo keeps a nice bottom end
  11. I don't know of any true by pass multi effects pedals, without breaking the bank. an option may be a line selector
  12. its all down to you, and who you like the sound of i recently got a Bass Big Muff and i can't imagine life without it
  13. oooo, nice idea, just found this thread and subscribed, will be listening
  14. Nyl

    zephead - lovely!

    Bought 2 Cabs and a head from zephead, top notch seller and all round nice guy
  15. i'm so tempted with, and its only up the road. i was considering going DIY on my Ashdown 5 15, but this is bloody tempting...finances will be checked
  16. Nyl

    Hold Function

    hey, i don't have one but looking at the spec and videos online it has a latching function, to you can either press to hold or switch it to latching. it seems that it holds whatever it hears for a tiny sample time, so i suppose you could a synthed tone and switch to a different sound to play on top...depending on how good you are at tap dancing i think i might put this on the short list..but Big Muff is whispering in my ear d'oh, just noticed i got that the wrong way round, YOUR freeze! /gets coat
  17. Nyl

    Hold Function

    i must say i'm tempted with one of these too, get it hooked up to the POG and full on organ solo!
  18. and the original POG has both input and output on the left of the pedal (although if i remember correctly the input is on the right of the output)
  19. Thanks for the review, its really useful. I'm kinda half looking and the terror bass has definitely caught my eye and really useful to hear your take on it and hear the review so far its in a shortlist of 1
  20. I'm well looking forward to seeing them. Never seen them or Les in the pink (i missed the Les gig last year) Funny story though, i was on holiday 2 years back in the US (GFs dad lives right next to San Pablo Bay and El Sobrante) and we're both sitting in a blues bar in Sacremento, getting merrily drunk while a pretty cool blues trio are on stage (bass frontman too), well its halfway though the set and they have a lttle break, so the guitarist heads off somewhere leaving the bassist and drummer fiddling with gear. Suddenly i hear a soung i recognise, the bassist and drummer have only just started playing My Name is Mud...impromtu, right there infront of to a bar full of people now cheering Primus Surreal, happy times
  21. Nyl

    Hi There

    Just a quick post to say hi, I've always been aware of the forum and used it as my go to place for reviews but never got round to registering. Well a bit about me, I've been playing bass for 14 years (crikey, maybe i should be better by now) had a few basses in my time, but my pride and joy at the moment is an Epiphone Thunderbird, i do love them, its not the all fancy Pro, but still a nice bass to play (esp with the rock n roll coated black strings)...maybe one day when i win the lottery a Gibson will be in order I've got this running through an Ashdown 5fifteen, its an ok amp, but a bit too small for a decent gig and a bit too big to practice in the house. I'm currently in the middle of building a pedalboard, notthing to complex, just something to hold the 3 pedals i use...but it will be 4 once i get a big muff....and maybe 5 with a volume...oh and then a compressor Favority band of all time has to be Therapy?, they are MINT also ordered my Primus tickets for Brixton, i won;t be missing that extravaganza. Anyhoo, thats a bit about me
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