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Everything posted by biskitbass

  1. I've been using an Aguilar DB112 (in chocolate thunder, THE best colour IMO) for a few months now with my Warwick Streamer Jazzman and it really suits my tone, modern/slap/trebly etc. Until recently I felt using just one was under-powered but I was holding back from turning up the volume on it due to clipping from the pod-into preamp which sounded like a problem with the cab when pushing the volume. My last gig on Friday I finally sussed out the clipping problem, turned up the master and MAN.....what a sound from just the one cab. I have just ordered a second this morning (DB112NT from The Bass Merchant, best prices I could find online) and can't wait to try this out with the other in anger at my next gig. regards Ashdown mentioned in this topic, I've used the heads in rehearsal studios but never the cabs. However, through an Ampeg 8x10 they sound utter crap and so, IMO I'd never own one. Cheers.
  2. You have PM mate :-) Graeme
  3. I too have toyed with getting effects when playing in all the covers bands I'm in but decided against it (so far...GAS still going strong tho) but in the original band it's effects-ahoY!! Used Amplitube2 via my MacBook and have now gone and got Guitar Rig and the Midi floor pedal as well! Takes A LOT of tweaking but u can get some amazing sounds!!!! Only thing is, taking my beloved MacBook to a gig, setting it up for soundcheck, then walking away and leaving it???!! Not on yer life !!! Yes i've bought a kensington key lock to lock it to my rig but nah. And way too much hassle to de-rig after soundcheck only to re-rig prior to going on, sometimes after an intro tape this aint gonna work/too many possibilities to go wrong.... So for the moment i'm simply using the tone&pick up controls on my beloved warwick jazzman to dial in the tone i need for covers songs, going well too, can get a nice P bass sound from the neck pup and a crackin musicman sound from the bridge pup with some added bottom from the o/b eq. G
  4. Interesting too to hear on-stage mix is so quiet as they're all probably wearing 'in-ears' !! G
  5. All is good in the world....Mr Big are B A C K !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thankyou for posting the vids - great stuff !!
  6. [quote name='superjx10' post='476426' date='Apr 30 2009, 10:00 PM']Bump..... Still up for grabs.... form an orderly queue... DBP[/quote] any chance could travel up North....just a bit?? LOL - my kinda music, shame about Geography :-( Good luck!
  7. I've now been to a few of his house gigs and they are fantastic! His current one (Tall Blonde Helicopter) is great, talking about lots of stuff - needs to be heard/not wanting to become *spoiler* etc :-) I recently did a recording session with him in Oswestry. He's producing my mate's album, John Gilmour Smith which'll be released through his Aquarian Nation label. Dunnery is a truly insirational musician and his expertise in the studio was incredible, the stuff he can do with a guitar/keyboard/mixing desk....truly great experience. Graeme
  8. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='473003' date='Apr 26 2009, 11:08 PM']I'd certainly advocate doubling up on the DB12 rather than adding a 15 into the mix. I was lucky enough to pick my TF550 up on here. I seem to recall that the 550 has been phased out but by all accounts the 750 has the same tone just more power (not that I think you'd need it). The Aguilar or Epifani amps were two contenders had I not gone for the TF (along with the wish list of various other amps i.e. Aggie DB750, which had to be discounted due to weight limitations). If you're ever across Newcastle way you are more than welcome to call in for a cuppa BUT be warned Neil (Bassoctopuss) did that and he now owns a TF! [/quote] Thanks mate! I've attached a piccy my mate sent me taken at one of my recent gigs. Now avctively looking online for best deals on another DB112 in chocolate thunder, The Bass Merchant seems the best deal so far... G
  9. ...me too (soon!!) Aguilat DB 112 so far with another 112 on the way !!! G
  10. [quote name='KevB' post='477099' date='May 1 2009, 03:26 PM']The new(ish) bloke covering Dunnery's parts is not bad actually both guitar wise and vocally without it being an impersonation. I do remember seeing the original line up on their farewell tour and they were an incredibly tight outfit.[/quote] Have you heard him on the Frost albums at all? John Jowitt (IQ) is on bass on these albums and does a sterling job but the tracks are what sells Frost for me, stunning songs (if you like prog/widdly widdly) :-) Graeme
  11. Guys... What can I say?? This is THE place to be for everything bass-related :-) Thankyou all for your advice. I'll try out another 112 in the mix and see how we get on (like I need an excuse to buy another gorgeous Chocolate Thunder LOL). Yeah Rowbee I play larger venues with one of the bands I dep for so it's easier getting the PA guy to put bass into the monitor mix. Other gigs though would prob suffice with the one cab. It's nice now though to have the 'option' of taking a bigger rig or a smaller one to gigs as having the two cabs would be 'modular'. Smaller gigs, smaller cab etc. Totally understand as well Warickhunt - with a family etc I don't want to run the risk of going through a painful and expensive lesson in getting 'that' sound :-) Looks like I'm on the right tracks so far though - next a TFunk head LOL, or Aguilar, not thought that far ahead yet - hey is it true Dave Funk aint making the 550 heads any more that he's only doing the more powerful ones/750 ?? I know Robbie @ RIM Basses (was/is) a UK distributor for them, is that where you got your's mate (warwickhunt) ?
  12. Hey guys. I've been using my new Aguilar DB 112 with my Hartke head for the last three days in gigs (town halls, small halls and full venue with 10k rigs) with an assortment of results.... Using just the one DB112 in the large hall wasn't loud enough on stage [u]at all[/u], totally lost the sound in the hall but then it aint easy to get a good sound with any gear in that kinda situation, the smaller hall I had it set on top of a PA case at ear level so the sound carried great and I was quite close to it so I was happy with the sound but last night....the venue (The Lemontree in Aberdeen) had a great totally flat sound on stage, a great wee stage where 9 of us fitted and played a long set. At sound check the bass sound was clear, tight and growly - great but as soon as the whole band started my bottom-end (excuse the phrase) totally dropped out, all I got was mid and top !!! I had to ask the PA guy to put bass in my monitors !!!! I'm now resigning myself to the fact that I'm gonna have to buy another Aguilar cab to supply the low end for these loud gigs. I was maybe too 'scared' as well as its a new toy to really crank it up for volume in case I blew something (the cab is 300W and the head is 200W - could that happen?? Sorry, non techie, I'll stick to making the music). I'd really appreciate anyone's advice on this. Should I go for a 115 or will I get more air (thanks Legion) and [u]enough[/u] bottom end from just adding another DB112 with the tweeter turned way down? Confused? YES !!! Graeme
  13. [quote name='Legion' post='467836' date='Apr 20 2009, 08:48 PM']G, when I tested the cabs out I A/B'd between a GS112NT & a DB112NT. Already having 2 GS112's I sort of knew what to expect when I added the 2nd cab to that configuration. The extra cab makes a sizeable difference to my ears as it just helps you move that much more air which gives the sound more presence and enables it to carry further. I know a lot of people are quite anti-tweeter but it certainly adds a lot to the sound and having the option of turning it down if you don't like it (or if its distorting under extreme circumstances) makes it worth having for me. How did you get on?[/quote] Thanks for that Legion, kinda makes sense about air...yeah I bought it !! Been playing it all weekend :-) Can't get the smile off my face :-) Love the sound, the power, the low end, the clarity out of such a small unit - amazing !! I consider myself a convert. Now to shop for the Aguilar head :-0 I'll try to get some pics up soon. Graeme
  14. [quote name='Legion' post='454575' date='Apr 5 2009, 11:36 AM']There's no Rabbit to be seen here - but there is some Chocolate! Gigged this rig Friday night and it sounded marvelous. I'm done with gear swapping (for 10 minutes at least). [attachment=23350:Chocolate2.jpg][/quote] I'm going in to try out the chocolate thunder DB112 on sat. Should make a big diff to my Hartke 4x10 getting in and out of gigs!! Can I ask though, did you try with just one 112 ? What diff does adding the 2nd one make, just power outage/wattage ? Cheers, G
  15. I joined a month or so ago as well to apply for a position but it took the person offering the position weeks to get back to me. Since then nothing. Not really any good jobs that I can see on there, especially North of the Border
  16. [quote name='cris the man' post='192050' date='May 5 2008, 09:13 AM']welcome ill take it you've heard about yes doing a tour ill see you there [/quote] ...'Yes' I have, oh I'll be there ! Cheers all for the welcome :-) Makes me feel all cosy inside LOL. G PS If anyone is around Glasgow south side this coming Friday I'm gigging 'prog-style' in Sammy Dows, Nithsdale Rd, Glasgow. 9pm start.
  17. Masterfully taken by my good friend and drummer MalK at a corporate 'do'. G
  18. Hello all. My name is Graeme and I'm a bass player of some...oooo....embarrasingly 20 yrs. First took up keys then moved to bass when the bassist in the band went to Uni. I got into Rush and Yes with their signature bassists and sounds and I was hooked, totally! Since then I've been in loads'a bands, playin mixes of rock/pop/prog but I have to say I think Prog is my fav style. I am happy to say I get quite a few calls from various bands in Scotland looking for a bass-dep to help out at short notice to do the odd corporate show or wedding gig (if you've not tried the wedding scene I highly recommend it - what a hoot!!). I'm currently in an original band (www.myspace.com/theconspiracycowboy) and a Prog covers band (www.myspace.com/jerusalemharpoon). My page is at www.myspace.com/biskitbass. I play a Warwick Streamer Jazzman 5-string at the moment, through a Hartke 4x10 Transporter cab and Hartke 200W head. That's been my setup for many years now but, it's time for a change, I can feel it in my water (as my dear ole mum used to say :-)). The Warwick will be staying but the amp/cab setup will be changing. I'm looking at Thunderfunk stuff right now and DR Bass cabs (courtesy of Robbie's damn good website) and also maybe Bergantino cabs. I'm avidly reading reviews by you guys to help me make my decisions, thankyou for helping in that respect. I'll keep you posted. That's all for now - thank GOD I hear you say. Hey I'm a sales rep by day, we're renowned for talking on and on and on and........... Peace! G PS Once I work out how to get some gear shots in I'll post them soon.
  19. And a hello from South Lanarkshire too! This is my first post here, really like the feel/look etc of the site guys, nice job! I'll do a more formal intro thread of my own v.shortly. Graeme
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