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Everything posted by Benplaysbass

  1. Not posted for a while as work and the music has been keeping me pretty busy. Just thought I would post up our upcoming mini tour. We are playing Dublin Castle, Camden on the 21st August, The Chequers, Bedford on the 23rd and then up to Sunderland to play at The Plugged Inn on the 24th. Coming over with another French band who sound very Radiohead. Have a listen here, we are The Shadelovers. [url="https://soundcloud.com/homecooked-records-fr"]https://soundcloud.c...oked-records-fr[/url]
  2. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1361283282' post='1983837'] I like this aswell, it shares many of the qualities of achknalligewelt's song (above). And again, some really nice manic phrasing I like it there's a tangible level of excitement where timing seems less important than the vibe, a bit like Alex Lifeson guitar solos, he gets a bit out of shape and almost on the edge of losing it, I find that very exciting to listen to. You do a fast little run in the middle of the neck in the first half of the song, it has that manic quality to it. Nice! [/quote] Thanks for the comments. Manic would be a good way to describe what we do, but it does seem to come across well in a live situation. We are coming to the Uk in August for a mini tour I'll keep you all posted.
  3. Heres one I did a couple of weeks ago. Its a pretty depressing song but just feels like a happy bouncy song. [url="http://youtu.be/cLLH4vm6y0E"]http://youtu.be/cLLH4vm6y0E[/url]
  4. We normally do the studio version but one of the guitarists will always come up with I learnt the live version its 5 minutes longer. I never play the same as the record, enough to make the song recognisable to the general public, but it does help with the structure of the song if all the band works from the same version of the song.
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1360689117' post='1974755'] That's not the Olympic White I sold a few years ago is it? Badass bridge plus Seymour Duncans, no relic'ing? [/quote] No, mines sunburst with no relic'ing, I bought it direct from John at Bravewood. It was one he made for himself but wasn't using.
  6. That is what happens with mine, device timeout. Hoping its something I have missed.
  7. My Bravewood P bass ticks all my boxes.
  8. [url="http://youtu.be/CAyW6TZTF0s"]http://youtu.be/CAyW6TZTF0s[/url]
  9. Its a bit of a new thing for me, playing in a band that writes their own music. But its good fun. We have just done a couple of days in a very nice little studio in rural France. Thought I'd pop them up for general listening and see what people think. We are back in a couple of days to run through them and iron out any problems before he finishes them off and masters them. [media]http://youtu.be/zNMnfGEnxMg[/media] [media]http://youtu.be/qVaefEZiUQw[/media] Well theres two, wouldn't let me post anymore.
  10. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1360062513' post='1964114'] New Kit Richardson single and video from our new EP which is coming out in late April (launch gig at Bush Hall in London if you're interested, details to follow). I'm afraid I'd forgotten about this thread so I'd posted it elsewhere last month. Kit shot it all with a GoPro and it features fans, friends and the band. It was good fun to make. Hope you like it [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS3xQwCQU9E[/media] [/quote] I really enjoyed that, thanks.
  11. I've not come across my big break yet, but a drumming friend of mine back in the day was asked to drum for 'The Adverts' he told me he said"No I don't want to play that rubbish" only for them to be on the old grey whistle test the week after. He then auditioned with Olivia Newton John who didn't want him because he couldn't sing(sounds like kermit) But he did get on the telly in the end playing with Elton Motello. He's a bloody good drummer when hes not on the drink......which isn't very often.
  12. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1358634721' post='1942726'] Ive been using Sonar 8 with my pedal. Make sure you download the drivers from the zoom website [/quote]I did get them from the zoom site, I'm on vista 64bit so downloaded them, went all through the setup as in the manual. I could hear stuff back through the pedal from the computer but cubase wasn't getting any signal from the pedal. Audacity was straight on and working within minutes and I can monitor through my computer speakers rather than back through the pedal which is nice.
  13. Just spent most of the evening trying to get it to work with cubase. I have tried everything. went to put it through audacity and it worked straight away. Wonder if I am going to have trouble with the librarian software. I've ordered a midi to usb jobbie. So far I'm really liking this pedal, now I am getting my head round it a bit better. In the studio next month will be interesting to see how it sounds then.
  14. Think I have sussed it, played around with the ZNR and it has gone.
  15. Is anyone getting like a click when you hit the string. I don't think I have heard it through the amp but sat here with headphones it seems that some patches are making a pop or click on the initial note. It might just be my headphones of course.
  16. Your lucky! Our local music shop is never open.
  17. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1356516959' post='1910606'] agreed. What colour is yours and what style? I've got another on order with him that's not to be reliced. For my wife's 50th birthday. (she plays bass in my pub rock band and she really likes my Sting bass) . A daphne blue '63 (year of her birth) [/quote] Mines a sunburst P bass, he said he made it based on a late 60s P bass. I'm not that clued up on P basses to know what was what on what year. All I know is it looks great and plays lovely and sounds amazing.
  18. My Bravewood is as new, I sort of like the relicing on Johns Guitars but I wanted to wear mine out on my own. Yours looks pretty good and being used in the way you are using it just looks the part. I would love to get another Bravewood but think the Mrs would soon stop that idea in its tracks.
  19. That's another of Johns lovely creations. I have his P bass that he made for himself and I must say I will never sell it. Also I feel your pain I did Dover to Cornwall to collect mine, only difference being I had just done 500miles up through France before hand. Enjoy the Bass!
  20. Got a bare knuckle in mine, thats what it came with and sounds good to me.
  21. I picked up a stagg pedal case thingy, plenty of room and only £35
  22. Looks like GAK have them back in again at the same price, still not got my hands on mine yet. She says its for Christmas there for cannot have it until then.
  23. Have made a donation. Lanyard not alot of good when your hanging out of trees cutting them down! Keep up the good work.
  24. I've been looking at one of these. Should get the zoom and the G30 in it....hopefully.[url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251183985064?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251183985064?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619[/url]
  25. Had this problem, keyboard player would only play stuff that was in his folder and would not even try anything new. So it was goodbye to him! And the drummer was just a muppet, always late, always telling the rest of the band how to play, always interferring with the PA and to top it off he was a crap drummer. So he went to. If theres deadwood in a band you have to get shot as they will bring the rest of you down. We dont use keyboards now and have got a really good drummer(its nice to feel the groove and play along). It does make for a happy band when your all working form the same sheet.
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