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Everything posted by small_lump_of_green_putty

  1. Them bongos are odd lookin' things. Still I've only tried one and for a basswood body it sounded nice. A sort of growly midrange to it.
  2. That's just a wild orgasm of wood grain.
  3. i had one of these and a matching 1x15, it sounded great
  4. Craig huh? Were you the same Craig aka Yello banned from Bassworld under a different name for threatening to beat up Crazykiwi at a band gig? I remember CK posting about it and he mentioned the bloke's name was Craig.
  5. [quote name='ARGH' post='372295' date='Jan 6 2009, 06:48 PM']Yeah,of course collecting anything political or 'Dark' in its nature is BAD. .....Old Red stars,Old Iron Crosses,signed pics of African Dictators,Serial killer artwork,bust's of Lenin, Old SS Daggers....anything to be associated with Crowley....Ernie Ball Sabre's.....makes all collectors of anything c**ts dosent it..all property is theft...[/quote] Oh for god sake shut up.
  6. "Coming Out"? I thought someone was announcing they were gay!
  7. [quote name='trevthebass' post='353385' date='Dec 13 2008, 09:58 AM']shagging my a*se off still am asian babes are my favourite[/quote] for a moment there I thought you were rascist
  8. Howabout a damp jeyes cloth rinsed out in water and a bit of detergent. Don't overdampen the wood?
  9. Hey, that territory's [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?s=&showtopic=34051&view=findpost&p=352051"]been claimed[/url] already chief. Go find your own ugly spoof character to emulate!
  10. [quote name='Merton' post='348595' date='Dec 8 2008, 01:43 PM'][b]1.[/b] Is it a dicky switch or some weird battery artefact, or related to problem #2?...[/quote] Could be a dicky switch but you need to isolate the possibilities somehow. [quote name='Merton' post='348595' date='Dec 8 2008, 01:43 PM'][b]2.[/b] Now I get an intermittent [i]weirdness[/i] whereby sometimes turning one pedal on or off (normally either the TU2, EBS or Aria) makes all the pedals flicker on and off and everything gets noisy and crackly through my amp. The Aria still has a battery in it from when I was given the pedal - I can't open the f**king thing up to get it out as the screws are buggered.[/quote] have you checked the power drain isn't drawing more than the adaptor can deliver?
  11. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='352056' date='Dec 11 2008, 06:59 PM']LMAO[/quote] Ohhhhh you liked the sound of that baby, yeah? Well lets share!! One for you and me! Let the drooling begin!
  12. [quote name='escholl' post='352059' date='Dec 11 2008, 07:00 PM']ooooh nice but is it a [i]vintage[/i] jack socket? [/quote] I'll warn you now, that kind of listing will alienate potential buyers.
  13. [i]Excuse me for askin'...but did someone say ASS master?[/i]
  14. [i]What has Leicester ever done for the Romans then?[/i]
  15. Well I'm just going to spank your bottom Young Lady and then drool gently over you with my massive overbite.
  16. I got one, a black Musicman Stingray 5.
  17. Hurrah! One for the little people! That'll teach him...lets form a vigilante group and hang someone! I like it when they lie still like that.
  18. I like big speakers, I think they're louder and deeper.
  19. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='342820' date='Dec 2 2008, 11:22 AM']The truth is, you can't be anarcho-socialist without being a hypocrite.[/quote] I want to be an individual too, just like everyone else.
  20. In todays market I think you'd get about 750 quid for it, nice bass though. Hope it sells.
  21. A thumb plucker? Is there a tongue twister or drinking game based on this?
  22. No lynching? Damn. Can we do a stoning instead? Break a finger? Break a fingernail? Pull a few nose hairs maybe? An outraged wedgie? No? Can I at least flick an ear?! Come on! I have no life out here. I demand the right to pick on members weaker and with lower status than me. They don't come up very often.
  23. [quote name='ARGH' post='319962' date='Nov 2 2008, 09:02 AM']The 'Best' basses are made by Jim Fleeting in Ripon,thats not subjective opinion,its pure fact..the others are just amateurs trying.[/quote] No way, Yamaha's are much better. That's a fact.
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