OK, so I am sure there is a wealth of "information" on the web on this, but by bass buddies will no doubt be able to distill their collective experience into something meaningful.
I am after a small, portable, reliable, easy to use video camera. I will use it to record songs at gigs, so it needs to be good in low light, and able to pick up decent sound without any external mics.
I will also use it in my teaching studio to do youtube clips etc.
I used to use a Fuji Digital Cam - a finepix 5600 or something, one of those "almost SLR" jobbies, and the mic and picture gave very good results - certainly good enough for the internet, where the end results will end up.
However, I sold it, and got a Nikon D90 SLR, which I am not happy lending out to our roadie to film us on - he would be careful, but it is too valuable in case anything happens.
So, ladies and gents of bassdom, fire away.