So, here is a pic of the latest set up at last nights gig. This is a big-ish venue, high ceiling, seems to swallow your sound up.
Crap photo from my phone, sansamp on top of rack, and note strategically placed lager.
I am running a Shure SLX wireles (not used last night), so bass into Korg DTR2 tuner, out of tuner into Sansamp BDDi, and then into the PA from the BDDI, and into the amp from the sansamp output.
Littlemark 2, into Standard 104hf 8 ohm cab. I have angled the cab back using a markbass Markstand, and secured the rack (whihc is light anyway) with a couple of bungee cords.
Th LM2 I set flat EQ wise, with a little VPF filter. Sansamp set to 50/50 blend, all other controls at 12:00 (,id point) with a slight roll off on the bass.
SR4, flat with except for a slight boost in the treble. Tweeter fully on.
Sounded awesome. Loud band, and tilted back I had no problem at all hearing myself. Sound was full, clear, punchy and gritty.
Just thought I would share. :-)