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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. tunes down to Eb too
  2. good stuff - anyone else?
  3. yes, no problem
  4. does that mean you want to be on the tour then?
  5. [quote name='alexclaber' post='577226' date='Aug 21 2009, 11:56 PM']At the moment the 10" driver status quo is that the best neo 10"s can handle about 75W each in the lows in a typical cab alignment without over-excursion. The Acme, Berg HT, Ampeg HLF and Basson 10"s can handle more but with varying costs in midrange output and broadband sensitivity. You can get round this excursion limited power handling challenge by squishing them into a smaller cab a la Schroeder but that costs you in LF sensitivity, so what you gain on the one hand you lose on the other. Alex[/quote] Surely then the cab should not be rated at 800W !!! and even using one channel of my power amp at 500W I need to be careful? And thus further more, 300w form Doods F1 should be a great match. Confused.
  6. Hi It is apparent that the bass playing world and it's collective dog are trying out the Compacts currently doing mileage around this fair isle. So it occurred to me that I might get more "satisfaction" with a Big One. Early indications from Alex are that he [i]might[/i] unleash a Big One on the community if it is worthwhile, particularly if much of the transit can be done "hand to hand" to avoid courier damage to a larger cab. So I thought I would see if we could rally any support for this. The list UPDATED as of 26/8/09 Nottswarwick (Nottingam) BidredX - nottm - at my place to try it McGraham - nottm - at my place to try it ------then south to ..... Adee - Corby ------then north to chrisgriffiths - Rotherham ----then over to (maybe not in this order tho?)...... Mike 257 - Liverpool Uncle Balsamic - Wirrall Pbass67 - Bangor Guyl - Stockport Casapete - Hull - ish Anyone else?
  7. [quote name='alexclaber' post='577207' date='Aug 21 2009, 11:34 PM']The bass sound on that first Killers album, and every TV broadcast I heard from that era, is one of the best bass sounds I've ever heard. So anything like that should growl through beautifully, as long as your guitarist isn't masking that region - if you are depping with noisy guitarists I'd be prepared to shift your cutting frequencies to wherever there's a space in their sound, even if it means compromising on your tone - what's the point of a beautiful sound if no-one can hear it? Ugly but loud is much better! [b][i]LOL, very much agreed. I dont care what it sounds like solo if I am in a band.[/i[/b]] Wow, you're WAY off-axis then, that's about 55 deg off-axis total. I don't have any measurements of what 4x10" cabs do off axis but they should perform a bit worse than a 21" driver in the difference between on and off-axis response. [b][i]Just to clarify then, I was about 3 feet in front and 2 feet to the side.[/i][/b] Notice how the midrange and treble response diminishes off-axis (that's 45 deg btw). So the first step is to point that speaker array at your ears without losing your boundary reinforcement in the lows. Yes, you were. I don't think bridging is a good idea - even as little as 250W will take those woofers to Xmax. [i][b]But the cab is rated at 800w - cue mis-informed statement, but in the PA woolrd they reckon 1.5*RMS rating delivered to the cab is GOOD[/b][/i]?[/quote]
  8. It can, but I have used one for ages, which is why I was surprised, and why I only used a 50% blend. YOu might be onto something though, sound is a funny thing.
  9. [quote name='alexclaber' post='577197' date='Aug 21 2009, 11:20 PM']But isn't the default curve quite scooped, so flat actually isn't. Am wondering how much thermal power compression was getting you on the the gig. It's a weird and oft-forgetten thing that takes your 4 or 8 ohm cab and basically doubles or triples the impedance as you push it for prolonged periods at near full power. Something I plan to investigate more if I can design a test-rig that I can sneak into gigs without being taking out by men in white coats. Alex[/quote] fair comment re the sansamp. Using a Stingray though, plenty middy on a 50/50 blend? I first noticed the problem after the break, all had been fine in set one. Then set 2 opens, and it is meant to be me, playing a big fat C chord to approximate the fog horn at the start of Night Boat to Cairo (Madness). Great in sounds check, deafening in fact. Hit in in the set, really weak. Quick panic, turn the power amp up and carry on, but the bollocks seems to have been lifted out during the interval. It is like cars - well, I now drive a transit - but in the past I have liked power as "headroom" - you might need it one day. If I cannot deliver on a gig, I may be screwed. I am just firing up our emails
  10. [quote name='alexclaber' post='577192' date='Aug 21 2009, 11:11 PM']Well the cab wasn't far enough from the floor to cost you in boundary reinforcement. If 500W into the 4x10" wasn't enough then what bothers me is it suggests the 4x10" isn't enough - more power just isn't going to eke any more output. That really is proper loud. The BDDI is quite mid-scooped though, so maybe that's your problem? Not enough happening in the punch and cut region. When you say you were a foot off-axis, what angle where your ears at relative to the on-axis position? (measured from the horn tweeter in the middle) I suspect the real problem is the drummer having his monitors too loud, thus causing him to play louder, thus causing a vicious cycle of volume escalation. What did you have coming through the monitors? Rather than chopping and changing gear I'd be patient and experiment with what you already have. Alex[/quote] I would seriously hope that one 4*10 would be enough for me. I am not in stadiums here lol. Re the mid scoop, this is indeed true. I am using a 50/50 blend setting, with quite a high setting on the presence knob - think bass sound like The Killers, or Town Called Malice, for the general idea for the band in question. Certainly cuts though. Angle wise, I was at 45 degrees above and to the side. I was just surprised that I made the QSC clip, at whcih point yes, it was loud enough. If I bridge it, I send 1200w into the 8 ohm cab, lol, sounds like a huge amount. And should be way more, way WAY more than is either necessary or indeed safe. Dunno, maybe I was not driving the amp hard enough with the sansamp level, but then I got the amp to clip, so surely I was? You may be right though, give it a few gigs. I suspect though that knowing me, I won't!
  11. oh sansamp set with everything flat or at 12:00. I am not abusing it or doing anything daft
  12. I do alot of dep work, where I cannot really have a say in what goes on. In my OWN band (I manage it and do the PA etc), it is a breeze, as I can control what is happening, but sometimes I need to turn up and have the power to be heard with minimal PA support to the back of large venues, with a loud band. I need to be able to do the job, so I get called back. Not ideal, but this is my job, so it needs to be right. Believe me, I know that loud on stage is not good.
  13. you would think this. But no. I hate being loud on stage, but a couple of bands I do work for ARE loud. Ons has monster guitars, and the other a huge full sound - and frequencies get eaten up, so yes, 500w is MONSTER on its own, but sometimes I have found myself struggling. I wish it were not the case.
  14. Hi Alex - yes, it was. I actually found it on only a couple of gigs, where for some reason I was struggling. This was with a large fucntion band, with a huge PA, loud monitoring, monster loud drummer - in fact, all way too loud on stage (we all know that quieter onstage sound = better FOH, but this does not always translate). I believe the LM 2 limiter is a bit aggressive, but there we go. The reason I am now not convinced with my BDDI into RMX2450 plan - I did a gig on Sunday, and although I was NOT bridging the amp on this one, I was still delivering 500w into the 8 ohm 4*10. And I found that as the gig went on I really had to push the amp - it started clipping, so I had to back down a little. I dont use excesive low end - my tone is from the BDDI, full, round, top end bite and slight distortion. One thing has struck me though just looking at your FAQ section. The cab was to the side of a low stage, but on 4 stools about a foot off the floor. This may in fact have been why I struggled, as it was off the floor, and also I was about a foot off its axis. I do like the MB cabs. I know some dont, but I find they deliver at the gig, even if they maybe are not too refined at home, if you know what I mean? Hmmm
  15. musky - good advice, although I was hitting the limiter with an LM2 into TWO 2*10 cabs - I did not make that clear. I may well have no option (financially) but to get the F1, and see how it is into my one 4*10 cab.
  16. actually that is funnily enough one of my thoughts. If you will excuse the question, have you got a big one? (oh dear..)
  17. I find that if I want to be able to do all types of job, I need to be able to read. Plus as a teacher of bass, guitar and drums, I also need to be able to, and I teach all my students too where possible. It is not really that hard given a bit of discipline and practice. OK so alot of gigs dont need the skill, and where possible I like to learn the gig so I dont need a pad of music. I rarely use one in fact. But at a dep function gig I did recently, where I knew all the stuff anyway, they had a couple of different arrangements with altered "pushes" etc, and it was useful to be able to read the keys players parts to see what was occurring. So of course it depends what you are doing. it is my job, I earn my living at it, so I need to be able to.
  18. yep, that woudl do it, and that is why I need to shift stuff around. A right annoyance
  19. I have hit the limiter on my old LM2 at 300w - where it wont go any louder, so just would prefer the full 500w headroom
  20. bump - pms replied to (I think), need to sell or trade this, as funds required to rescue my rig situation.
  21. Well, long story...kept brief. Was happily gigging a Markbass Mini121p combo, supported by a MB Std 102HF Cab. Driven by my BDDI. All good. But then decided that I never use the combo alone any more, so decided to flog it, and go down the pre-power route. I then made the decision to get a Standard 104HF cab (8 ohm) on here - great cab. And I sold the Std 102HF cab to fund it. (And then also bought a new acoustic guitar, which has not helped funds, lol). So, you would think that I would now be happy with my BDDI driving a QSCRMX2450 bridged into my 8 ohm cab. But I am not - it is very heavy, and I want to go back to a dedicated head. Trouble is, I am possibly a bit snookered by having just the one 8 ohm cab, as I need the full 500w from the Markbass heads (which I am going to stick to I think), so that means getting a head (I can afford this) and another cab (for which I have no money). So, bugger. What do I do? Part-ex my SR5 to help (see sep thread). Buy Doods F1 - (I want it, just worried that I need a 4 ohm load to get the 500w). So I reckon I am a bit stuck unless someone wants to swap my Standard 104HF 8 ohm, for a 4 ohm one, or 2 8 ohm cabs. OR Buy it from me. BUGGER! Thanks for listening. :-)
  22. Right, could do with getting more serious about this. I never use it, and although it is a very very nice bass, I need some monies, so would like to sell it, or trade for a cheaper 5 string, with monies my way. So pm me! Cheers Chris
  23. thats it then, I must have one.
  24. cool, thanks not got one, just musing at the moment
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