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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. Excellent,just down the road.... I thought I was going to be on holiday, but I am here after all, so will be there. Do we know about timings at all yet? Lets do a list to which folk can add?? moody budget bassist birdy nottswarwick Chris
  2. Very good choice with the 3500 Hartke. I had one in the past and it was great. I dont think you would regret buying one for the money. My choice would be a 4*10, but this is where it is up to your ears to decide. I just think the 4*10 is a better "single cab" option than a 15".
  3. Ive got one - it is great.
  4. strings on the gl are daddario super long nickels. stingray are nickel slinkys
  5. actually, now you menton it the circle clip with the sr4 was through the multicomp and yes, the radial jdi. i always ise the jdi live. but the other two clips were g #and l direct into the desk. sounds good, loads of organic depth.
  6. mmm, which is series actually, middle switch towards bride or neck. I did mine with the switch towards the neck - the lounder setting, always thought this is series, I may in fact be wriong. Anyone?
  7. sounds nice - what settings?
  8. yep, I think it will be one for a good few years to be honest.
  9. nice mate, qulaity stuff there. How are you finding the SR5?
  10. thanks. Yeah, I usually use the GL in active mode too, but wanted to see how it recorded in passive, and I think it sounds really full and "organic". Ruby is a great tune to play - like alot of really good pop songs it is very well crafted and put together, with lots of subtle changes and different bits to it. We like playing it.
  11. Right, I am putting some basic demo tracks together for a band of mine. Nothing too fancy, just so that venues can hear us if they want to. As part if this I have tracked some bass, as you do. Again nothing fancy, and pretty much one take stuff directo into the desk then into cubase. So we have the following. The Circle - Stingray4, totally flat EQ, full volume, through my EBS Multicomp only. This has guitars on it too, as you will hear [url="http://www.chrispidgeon.co.uk/audio/splinter/demo/Circle%20Wav2.wav"]Circle[/url] Ruby - Gand L 2500, neck pickup, passive mode, tones on max, series mode (dubjunkie recommended this for a Pbass sound, and he is right I think). No multicomp, straight into the desk [url="http://www.chrispidgeon.co.uk/audio/splinter/demo/ruby%20bass%20and%20drums.wav"]ruby[/url] Drift Away - GandL 2500, bridge pickup, passive mode, tones on max, parallel mode. [url="http://www.chrispidgeon.co.uk/audio/splinter/demo/drift%20away%20bass%20adn%20drums.wav"]drift away[/url] So, 3 different bass tones - just thought folk might be interested in what they sound like, especially the GandL. If you can listen thru phones or a decent setup this will obviously give the best representation. Hope this might be useful to someone. Cheers Chris
  12. dood, how do you link it with the head - do you play bass straight into the compressor, or do you use the eff. loop?
  13. ha ha thanks vry much. your immediate payment much appreciated too. cheer chris
  14. quite liking it actually. Add you as a friend too - let me know when you gig
  15. Hi [b]ONLY ODB3 left now, thanks[/b] Bit of a pedal clearout. ODB3 - almost as new. £30 plus postage CEB3 - good/very good condition. £30 plus postage LS2 - good condition, a few marks, nothing to affect full working order. £25 plus postage All these pedals work 100% perfectly. I simply do not need them. Trusted seller, done a few deals on here, loads on ebay, 100% rating. Thanks for looking Chris
  16. Right dont use these at all. Roksak bass gigbag. Not one of the weedy thin ones you see on ebay, this is nicely padded, good pockets, neck strap. Cost me around £35 I think. Very good condition, on e 1cm tear in the netting on the neck pocket exterior, has zero effect on anything. 2 shoulder straps. A good solid well made gigbag. Price - not sure, maybe £20 plus postage? Offers? Original Gigbas bass gigbag. Again, not a cheap flimsy one, neck strap, straps etc. Very good condition. Cost me around £35. £20 plus postage? Offers? I am in Nottm if anyone wants to see/collect, but can post no probs Thanks Chris
  17. ditto - is this still for sale? It is lovely.
  18. what are these like? Whatt diff does the f-hole make. My Solid L2500 seems to have the same elelctrics, and this might suit me quest for a 4 string P bass....as I expect that sound to be there.
  19. now i know, Thanks. Jsut lookingat the new cubase 4 studio version actually...
  20. point of pure interest, as I use cubase anyway, but can you use Audacity to multitrack? I was not aware you could, but would love to be prove wrong as I have this also
  21. Hi Using my new (to me) SR 4 quite a bit, even in the function band where the five string was king. It is lighter than my fives, and looks the business, so was thinking that perhaps adding a D tuner would be the way to go, as I could have done with a D or Eb at my disposal a few times at the last gig. So, never having used one or fitted one, what is the deal.. Are the solid and reliable, set and forget type things, or are they more trouble thatn they are worth? MY SR4 stays in tune forever, and I do not want to lose this reliability. Also, where would I get one, and how easy would it be to fit it myself? Thanks in advance Chris
  22. Hey everyone. Just thought I would post details of my new band up here in case anyone is interested. It is called Splinter - so named as it is an offshoot (splinter group, as it were) from my main funtion band. [url="http://www.myspace.com/splinterbandnottingham"]Myspace Site[/url] There is no audio on there yet, but check it out, and add us as a friend if you feel so inclined..... Gig details are on there too. Cheers Chris
  23. nice band sound Luke. The drummer is great, must be great to play alongside.
  24. Hmm Someone mentioned Tony Butler - Big Country - quaility player, own sound Dare we mention Adam Clayton, the oft pilloried U2 man? Certainly some memorable basslines whihc make the songs - esp on the early albums, and maybe for New Year's Fay alone Oh, and +1 to most of the above suggestions also lol
  25. [quote name='yorks5stringer' post='153775' date='Mar 8 2008, 11:50 PM']"Joan Osorne of all People"?!!!! Try catching her last but one album of Motown covers called "How Sweet it is".....[/quote] superb, i will, ithought she was great, was just naively surprised/ignorant..lol
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