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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. [quote name='woodster' post='102399' date='Dec 10 2007, 09:24 PM']I'm with Alex on this. I run an LMII into an MB 4x10 and have never needed the master volume above about 12 o'clock. Like you, I have full PA support with monitors and play on little stages and big stages with audiences ranging from a few dozen to a few thousand. Personally, I've not noticed the compression at high volume tat I've also read about but I do find that room acoustics and stage construction (is it hollow) can have a massive affect on my on-stage sound. I'm often told my FOH engineers to turn my volume down but never up! Have you tried tilting your cabs back so they point at the back of your head? I find this can work well in some cases.[/quote] Right, that is my thinking too. I do sometimes tilt them, to good effect. Which 4*10 do you use from the range? And yes, both stages have been hollow, so that might confirm my thoughts. I love the LMII to be honest, and it has always been loud enough. I think another cab will be on the list. I will then have 3 - the traveler, which is actually great as a portable option; the standard 102, and another 4*10 to cover all bases and options (obviously only using 2 at a time - 4 ohem min load). Lets see if anyone has one up for grabs..
  2. Now you mention it Alex, it might have been the last 2 gigs where I noticed it most. At both we were on those big portable stages, and they seemed o have huge bottom end, and perhaps sapped some of the punch? I cannot really domuch abou tthe monitoring - the drummer likes a huge monitor mix. Dont get me wrong, I can cope, but just thought I would post up to see what everyone thought. And this does not alter the fact that the LM2 DOES seem to compress at high volumes - the typical scenario is some big low note slapping - they are not as loud as you would think, and it feels like going into a compressor. At these 2 gigs the stages have been circa 8 metres wide by 6 metres deep, so quite big really. Maybe I should try and pick up one of the bigger MB 4*10 cabs and give it a try with my 2*10. AS an aside, I am quite surprised to find myself writing gbout this, as I am one of the biggest advocates of a quiet onstage sound! But with the pro rig this band hires in, I have struggled a couple of times, that is all. We are at the same venue next weekend for 2 nights, so lets see what happens.
  3. Nice replies folks, thanks. I have read that the LMII does compress at high volumes, hence me thinking that this must be it. I just think it seems like more headroom would be needed. We are using big monitors etc, and I think this might be part of the issue - the drum monitor is like a PA, and I am right next to it so seem to need to wind things up to compete, although it does not seem loud really.
  4. did you have an LMII before to comare Mike?
  5. So, loving my Markbass stuff as usual. LMII, full 500w into my 2 cabs which essentially make up a 4*10 at 4ohms. So, I always have PA support, but we have been doing some pretty big stages, and I have been finding the limits of the LMII - basically as some others have found, at high volumes it compresses , meaingin that you basically cannot get it any louder. So, I was thinking, perhaps get an SD800 (the 700w MB head), or maybe a GK1000 thing, or maybe see what else there might be? I am after more headroom basically. Any ideas anyone Anyone used the SD800? Cheers Chris
  6. 8 piece function band gig at the Hilton near East Mids Airport, a sports ball. Huge stage and PA and light rig, and loads of guest singers etc, great but tiring. Listening to the desk recording and my Gand L is sounding awesome! Chris
  7. not a combo, bui i use a lmii and usually a sinle trv 102p cab, so essentially like the two by ten combo. loads of depth, punch and clarity. any sound available, and 300 into 8ohm igie a vey loud sound. i was thinking about trying a 12 but not sure i will bother. one thing is that you should be very happy with this gear.
  8. Just got this off ebay. [url="http://www.tonebone.com/re-bigshot-efx.htm"]EFX Looper[/url] Job done, and a great bit of kit. Bass into input, eff end to the tuner, output to radial JDI, and from there into PA and my head. The Radila stuff is superb, and excellently built, highly recommendede
  9. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' post='97074' date='Dec 1 2007, 02:15 AM']Two tens vertically aligned offer wider horizontal and narrower vertical dispersion than one twelve. BTW, since the obverse is also the case drivers should never be horizontally aligned.[/quote] Interesting. Why do so many off the shelf cabs have them horizontally aligned? Coet cutting? I certainly favour my MB Trav 2*10 vertically, so this must be why.. Cheers Chris
  10. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Peterson-Strobostomp-2-as-new-with-box-and-manual_W0QQitemZ220176173696QQihZ012QQcategoryZ22672QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]Now on Ebay[/url]
  11. luke, i will take the tuner please mate cheers chris
  12. Hi AS new, with box, only had it a couple of months, but think I am re-racking, as it were, so it will go to waste. Great tuner, so might as well go to someone who will use it. I paid £150, will take £100 posted. Cheers Chris
  13. actually just looking at the RAdial Bassbone, or one of their true bypass switched - a bighsot i/o might be the thing. Thing is, we hire is proper pro spec PA for the big shows, and I need it to be right, and the best sound possible.
  14. actually, you might have a point, as I am thinking seriously about some bug and heavy ampeg gear, as another hankering is for the valve sound.
  15. Hi Just back from practice, and a bit confused. Set up was LMII into cabs, fine. Bu it does not have a mute switch, and I am not overly keen on running the signal through a tuner pedal before the amp - I dont use a pedal board, and would rather just pkug straight into the amp for simplicity. So, what GOOD heads have the tuning mute facility and a good pro DI output, so i can rack the head up with the rack tuner in the tuner out, using the mute facility to tune and leaving a clear signal path. Sorry it is late, and I may not be making too much sense. Chris
  16. i take it the 410 is gone then?
  17. Hi Right, current rig is: Littlemark II Markbass Traveler 2*10, and/or Markbass Std 210 (the bigger one). Main bass - G&L USA L2500. I am now back in love with this bass, and it can do a great P-Bass sound in passive mode, whcih is good, as the reason for my posting is as follows: Above rig is great for my Function band - deep, clean, clear, versatile. However, I am starting to do some work with a powerful Indie Pop/Rock outfit, and I need the SVT style sound, using the passive P-bass mode on my G&L. The Littlemark cannot really do the "edge of tube distortion" thing, so I am wondering what to do. Options seem to be: 1. New amp head for the new band - SVT / SVT Pro. But not keen on this - heavy! 2. Valve preamp driving the littlemark power section via effects return. 3. Pedal type thiny - BDDI / EBS VAlvedrive...what else is there. So, what would you do, ar what DO you do? Anything you could recommend? Cheers Chris
  18. Yeah, the GL is a great bass, and it looks superb to, but I want for something else! Whoever were to buy it would not be disappointed.
  19. and here is the G and L:
  20. Ok, here are some pics of the Jazz Bass:
  21. Hi all, OK, here is the story: I now exclusively play five string basses, so I have no use for a USA four string Jazz bass, black, black scratchplate, rosewood neck, original case and tools, all in excellent nick. £450 will secure this bass. Also, I am most at home playing a Stingray 5, and thus find that my GandL2500 is not getting the use it shouild. These are great basses, like a Stingray "plus", with massive tonal variety. However, the Stingray is more "me". So, I will let this go for £725 ono. USA model, black with maple neck, near mint, original hard case in decent nick. Will sort pics out later on. Cash preferably, but would trade a SR5 HH or HS. Nottingham Chris
  22. Thanks. There is actually not much difference in size between the Standard 102HF which I have (the prvious one slotted top and bottom) and your 15, so if it is a size thing, you wil be no better off?
  23. hi. mightbe able to do something here involving my 102hf. but are you sure you have a 151hf? it looks like a hr to me or traveler...
  24. did you get the pic of my Gand L Russ. If I had £800 this would be mine now. So, if anyone wants my GandL 2500, let me know. I would not think about selling it, but I wanted a HH SR5 all along, and Russ has typically just decided to shift his now - not good timing, but hey..
  25. pics of my new gamdl 2500 to follow in another thread, but they are great. I have an SR5 and a 2500, and to be honest, love them both. Some buy these. oh, bump for you :-)
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