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Everything posted by nottswarwick

  1. Cool, I have a Traveler 102p. It is the way to go if portability on public transport is the key - although for a long walk I would get one of those lightweight sack truck trolley things. I use mine with a LMII head, and it is fine. It will not go as deep as my other cab (the standard 102HF, the one with the front ports), but that is a lot bigger and heavier. The trav alone is fine for most applications,, but will not emit the deep deep sub style rumble - it is just too small. However, as a compromise it is really really good. I got mine from Mike at the Bass Merchant, and he prefers the Aguilar 112 cabs, but they are heavier, and alledgedly a bit mid scooped.... The trav is very punchy, and you sometimes need to tame the midrange a bit, but a pull back on the low mid EQ on the LMII sorts things out nicely. It WILL fart a bit if you hammer the cab, but you will be playing very loud when this happens. It is all about compromise IMHO, and the cab does it for me. I am always PA supported, so it acts as my onstage monitor, but it WILL project over larger club style rooms etc. As an aside, it sounds immense when paired with my other larger 2*10. I am actually thinking about getting the 121H combo for ultimate ease of setup - anyone got any comparisions between the 12" and 2*10 configs? Cheers Chris
  2. i would get the markstand. mine really helps on tight stages. and it has a rubber underside so would keep the unit in one place i would think
  3. excellent work. i am considering replacing my mb separates with one of these. how much did you pay in the end?
  4. actually, just pulled the trigger on [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&rd=1&item=230164752409&ssPageName=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=013"]this one[/url] I have obviously paid more than the above deals, but hey, seems like a fair buy to me. yay :-)
  5. Anyone got one of these for sale?
  6. I started at age 12 with classical guitar and claasical percussion lessons at school. Did all teh grades up to 8 in both. But obviously electric guitar and the drums were alot cooler, so I played both for years. I suppose my 1st proper semi pro jobs were all as a drummer, and then guitarist in a function band for a few years. Stil play guitar in a Latin guitar duo. Had a bass around for years, but about 4 years ago finally did it properly. It is a combination of all my expreience as guitarist and drummer, and is the one I prefer by far. With regard to the question of the transition between the two, teh hardest thing I found wasbeing disciplined and not too busy. The bassist needs to be solid and tidy, and cannot generally get away with widdling around, as we all know. That, and the other thing was to have the right good gear. I had/have decent guitar gear, but thebass is harder to get to sound "right" in all venues, as low frequencies are more unpredictable. At least with good industry standard gear, you know you have the tools to do the best job possible. which is why my SR5 is always with me. C
  7. I am going to say that a singel 2*10 should be enough if your goal is to keep stage volume down. My MB Standard 210 HF is plenty enough for me, as it is all PA supported. Try the single route first.
  8. my SR5 is a bit quiter than my old SR4. But not by much, and it punches like a mule (or should that be kicks). These SR5's are awesome "band context" basses. They will rumble wiht a bit of bass added, or funk it up with the selector in brodge position and everything flat. I find that if the room is boomy, you can really tighten the bottom end up with the EQ, and still cut through in a way that precious few basses do. Yes, I am a fan. Min ewill be with me always. :-)
  9. [url="http://www.bbc.co.uk/readingandleeds/2007/player/livesets/console.shtml?c=redhotchilipeppers"]WAtch them here[/url]
  10. I would have a look at the M Audio Microtrack. I have one, it is superb. Records MP3 or WAv, at various resolutions. Mounts to the PC via USB as a removable drive, for drag and drop storage. Cannot fault mine at all Cheers Chris
  11. Hi I am thinking that I need to be trading my USA Jazz 4 string, black, black s/plate, and r/wood board. I am after a fiver or a sixer. I know that there are a few up for sale etc, but I want to be able to try basses before I buy them. so I am looking to see if there is anyone local to Nottingham (c 1 hour - I will travel). So anyone interested? Cheers
  12. [quote name='Rich' post='45771' date='Aug 15 2007, 01:11 PM']Yup, and next to Mouse Mat World and Your Lawnmower.[/quote] "Your Lawnmower" is great You can't have too many old mowers (apparently) Coat...get...
  13. I was thinking that maybe a different cab would be the first route to try.
  14. [quote name='Bernmeister' post='44247' date='Aug 11 2007, 06:27 PM']Mmm sounds like you maybe missing a bit of the Swr magic[/quote] hmmm tell me more
  15. I have just rocked it at home for 15 mins - just the small cab, direct into the LMII. Sounded great, the Jazz was full and deep. the SR5 honky and versatile, deep to cutting. What am I on about then ? I am not unhappy, just curious. At the end of the day, I always have PA support anyway and DI with a radial JDI, so perhaps I am wittering about nothing??
  16. Hi All Right, current rig is as follows: SR5, into LittleMark II, into Markbass Traveler 102P, or Markbass Std 102HF, or both. Now, I am not exactly "unhappy" with the rig - to be honest, it is really portable etc etc, and plently powerful enough I think, but I wonder if I might be missing something? Sometimes it seems like I am playing thought a blanket, if you know what I mean. The sound is very good, but possibly there is some clarity missing etc. So, just thought i would see if there was anyone who has used the MB stuff, and who perhaps had the same thoughts, and found something else to suit them? Cheers Chris
  17. now, if this was a 5 string...
  18. Just to reiterate my liking fo rmy Shure SLX system. I think I may be the only one on here to use it, but it is great. Sounds better than the Senn 172 (I a-b tested at home in my studio), hugely frequency agile, good on batteries (uses 2*AA), totally reliable, I have NEVER had any problems at all. I recommend it to anyone looking. Chris
  19. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='30777' date='Jul 12 2007, 04:00 PM']With any luck - my new rig (the rack at least , may be using generic cabs) will be in evidence at the Clarence Park Festival here in Wakefield on Sun 22nd July. We're doing a 40 min slot at 7.45 pm with our ZZ trib band 'Eliminator' All welcome - I'm the one in a ridiculous long beard fighting the Explorer!!![/quote] what is your new rig to be , Dave?
  20. the 102p is a great cab. I gigged last night with mine, and it was great again. It lacks a little on a B string, but in all trtuth you need no more as long as you have PA support (I always do). My rig is my monitor, at the end of the day, and it can get bloody loud.
  21. I still reckon that proper low end all the way out into the room will need some PA support. Unless you have massive cabs, and then they will be too loud on stage.
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