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Everything posted by Gizmo

  1. [quote name='Astronomer' post='161431' date='Mar 21 2008, 02:26 PM']Anyone got bass tab or bass notation for Silent Lucidity? Had a look on t'interweb thing, but can't find owt. Many thanks! [/quote] I have a scan of the full score (japanese) if you want it ? feel free to PM me your email addy Laters gizmo
  2. Yummy Chocolate Orange Very nice
  3. I was hopping to go see them at the robin in bilston on the 5th dec but i'll be in sharm el sheikh enjoying some winter sun at the time Ive seen Holdsworth & co before ronnies scotts in Bham became a lap dancing club... As i recall Skuli Sverrisson was holding down the low end at the time it was a stella gig But id love to see Jimmy as i think hes a top player
  4. No no problem glad to help Hows this? [attachment=3408:Orange.jpg]
  5. I did a quick photoshop hacky in amberburst on your original pic [attachment=3407:Orangeburst.jpg] Any help?
  6. Sorry Mybass Michael beat you to this unit about a month or so back I've had a quick poke around my hdd and i cant find any pic's of it i know snapped a few off but i cant locate them(been through a OS reinstall snice then) fire Michael a pm and see if he can grab you a few im not sure if he has made use of the unit on a build yet Soz Gizmo
  7. Heres a 70 page pdf guide to DIY relicing (using a gui*ar but the process would be the same for bass)that should help [url="http://www.ibanezpodxt.com/RelicTutorial.pdf"]http://www.ibanezpodxt.com/RelicTutorial.pdf[/url] Its a very good read and has some great tips and tricks Hope that help and plz keep us upto date if you decide to DIY it
  8. I love um so much so that i built two for myself a 6 and a 4 both headless for some ppl thats a combinded multiple of evil's hehe Id say it mostly aesthetics but maybe a teeny little bit more sustain Everyone to there own i guess but it would sure be a boaring world (aesthetically and tonealy) if we all played sunburst jazz'ers 4's (not that theres anything wrong with jazzer's)
  9. You got a BIN price in mind on the lvl42 vol 3 book? Cheers Steve
  10. I dont see any banners at all but then again i use firefox + [url="http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm"]host url blocking[/url]
  11. PM'ed about the Birchwood casey tru-oil 60cm of self-adhesive foil shielding tape Cheers steve
  12. Hey guys thanks for the comments & kind words they means a great deal to me shes not totally finished as ive had some delay on the final few parts arriving thanks to the rolling postal strike [attachment=1540:HW_fitted.jpg] Preamp is drilled/fitted/wired but i didnt have time to fit the output jack which i'll try and get done over the weekend if real life does'nt get in the way....next set of pic's (i hope) will be final setup/buffed and ready to slap about All the best Steve
  13. Looking fantastic I really love that redwood top and back i think i'll have to hunt a nice slab down for my next project (7 string B-F) i have to say if i had'nt started to build my own basses alan would have been my first choice for a custom build all the best steve
  14. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='40677' date='Aug 2 2007, 10:38 PM']Get it wrong once, it's a mistake. Get it wrong twice, it's jazz [/quote] "There are no mistakes in jazz only opportunities" - Miles Davis
  15. [quote name='Rich' post='40080' date='Aug 1 2007, 04:46 PM']Pics of the piccolo plz? Sounds fascinating.[/quote] +1 on the pics
  16. [quote name='Hit&Run' post='38747' date='Jul 30 2007, 07:26 AM']TTD's 'Hardline..' album is worth checking out. Didn't he have Cass Lewis handling his low end duties, on a pink Warwick?[/quote] yep it was a lovely pink thumb [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QLBRsuuA1CA"]Terence Trent D'Arby - If You Let Me Stay - video[/url]
  17. Thx for the heads up steve still the bits might be worth salvaging just keep an eye on how far it goes Cheers steve
  18. Hey all Well despite the sh*tty weather ive manage to get the finish on leveled up and buffed to a nice gloss [attachment=1407:glossy.jpg] Pup's have arrived and the preamp is sitting at parcelfarce b'ham awaiting dispatch so once it here theres just a bit more routing a fret dress/setup & final buff so she should be done by the end of next week ! (i hope) Next on the drawing board is a g****r for my dad (i think im gonna try my hand a a PRS style) & a SC 7 string bass(B to F) or maybe a 30" headless piccolo bass(i still have some headless hardware kicking around i want to use) hey maybe i'll go mad and work on all 3 at the same time Cheers Steve
  19. Hey guys Started to get some oil on the top the quilt is really popping up now this is with about 3 coats and un-buffed [attachment=1240:top_pop.jpg] I'll aim for about 6-8 coats of oil then buff before i add a few coats of poly to give it a tougher finish Cheers steve
  20. Hey guys Well i started to oil the maple sections of the bass before i poly over them as i feel it helps add a warmth to the finish I got about 3 coats of danish oil on the neck thur section today and i'll wet sand another few tomorrow that should add a nice gloss to the maple body section before its poly'ed and then i'll steel wool/rub the neck section back to give a nice satin feel to it [attachment=1212:back_oil.jpg] Cheers steve
  21. Hey robbie Looking great as always,if you dont mind me asking where do you source your wenge,purpleheart & Amazaque from (i can only seem to find Amazaque in pen and blow blank sizes) Do you have a UK based seller/lumber shop or are you shelling out £££'s in shipping from oversea's sources? Sexy routers btw just like clamps you can never have enough of them Cheers Steve
  22. I have a copy of "afro cuban grooves for drums and bass" for sale but its the tape only version its yours for £6 +del if you want it? (i do have the fully transcribed tunes on CD just non of the example pattens but im sure someone here who has it would be kind enough to run you a copy off of there cd's off if you ask nicley ) also recommended are Afro Cuban Bass grooves - Manny Patiño & Jorge Moreno & Adriano Giffoni - Música Brasileira Para Contrabaixo Vol.1 & vol 2 (both in brazilian as i recall but if you can read music you'll have np) Laters Gizmo
  23. Hey steve Thx for the kind words She sounds quite bright & zinggy acoustically atm & thats just as i hoped she would that i guess is mainly due to the maple/maple/maple neck/fb & top combo and the lightness of the ash body wings I just started to get the finish on over the past few days but because its going tobe different depending on the section (as described above) it takes a little longer than just slapping on a danish oil finish everywhere like i did on my fish bass I was hopping the pups and pre would have arrived today but i guess there running a little late due to the postal action Heres a few pic's of the poly gloss going on to the body wings [attachment=1190:14072007.jpg] [attachment=1189:14072007_006_.jpg] Cheers steve
  24. Hi Mybass I have a 4 string headless bridge/tunner unit that i brought for a project thats no longer going to be used as i recall spacing is 19mm (i'll check when i visit my workshop next) it does'nt have a string retainer but you could team it up with one from status your's for £25 (that inc postage) if its of any use to you let me know Cheers steve
  25. Strung up [attachment=1092:strung.jpg] Action is pretty low with very little buzzing but i think i might recesse the tunners into the top by 1/8" or so as the strings dont bottom out when the saddles are zero'ed thats my own fault as i took the fretboard to 3/8 from the originally planned 1/4" and forgot to account for the saddle hight....doh going for a set of EMG 35j's soapbars(if i have enough of the maple top left i'll try and make some matching pup covers for them)and a BQS 3 band eq system so it should have a Jazz'y Bass tone with a little more bite & for the finish im going to go with danish oil for the top/neck/FB sections with a few coats of a water based wipe on poly over that for a little more protection and just wipe on poly on the ash body wings because im not to keen on the way danish oil yellows ash and id like to keep it as litte as possible which the poly does quite well on the test pieces of ash ive used it on Cheers steve
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