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Everything posted by Gizmo
Hey all didnt manage to get the hardware setup on her today as i was late getting down my workshop due to the sh*tty weather.... but i did manage to finish profiling the neck now the fingerboard is on (ive gone for a septor ns2 feeling profile as i've had a US ns2 for about 14 years and i just love the feel of the neck) anyhows some one emailed me asking for a pic of me holding the bass so they could see how big is was because they thought it looked a little small...so here ya go [attachment=1058:bodysize.jpg] Cheers steve
Very Nice buckeye burl my old sei had it and i have to say its one of my fave looking top woods i'll give it a try on a future build sometime but i hear its murder to work with as it can have a habbit of chipping out a generally falling to piece's as you work it!
Hey guys thx for the feedback and kind words i dout myself a little less everyday because of them well the lace wood dust and epoxy/super glue combo worked out pretty good i think & i know the lace wood will darken quite a bit once i oil it and the hardware will also cover some of the area i was thinking about replacing the bridge/tunner with gold hardware but i guess i'll see what its like once its all back together All the best Steve
Hey all Got the fret fileing and beaveling finished and glued up the fingerboard to the neck Im just waiting on a seller to get back tome about a set of EMG soapbars and an EMG BQS pre-amp but i'll see about getting the rest of the hardware install over the next few days so i can dress the frets and string her up Cheers steve
Hey all Well i got the FB fretted,im using stew mac's medium fretwire (i just got 56ft of the stuff!) it still needs fileing close to the edge and beveling but i'll do that tomorrow & i started on the tummy tuck Cheers steve
Hey Robbie Not sure about the forums BassBash but [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=1077"]Bassday 2007[/url] is on at the Royal Northern Academy of Music in Manchester on 11th November 2007 Im still waitting for gary to post a list of participants but if its as cool as the 2005/2006 lineup i'll be there Cheers steve
Hey all Well a bit of an update on this body build After doing some photoshopping with a lace wood top i had lying around i decided id slap it on this jazz body Had a bit of slipage on the lower side of the body during glueing so i had to mix up a little epoxy+ lace wood dust to fill the gap hopefully it wont look to bad once it's dried out and sanded back Cheers Steve
[quote name='skelf' post='25056' date='Jun 29 2007, 06:46 PM']Don't use the site e-mail him and ask him about what you are looking for. Say hello from me while your there. Alan[/quote] Will do Alan & again thanx for the info [quote name='thumb4bob' post='25451' date='Jul 1 2007, 12:21 AM']cheers for the websites guys finished my first re-fin a while ago and now ive just got to take the plunge and actually build one, the canadian sites prices are amazing[/quote] Nice to hear Bob id say go for it as it can be a real blast but pick up a copy of Build Your Own Electric Guitar by Melvin Hiscock or Building Electric Guitars - Martin Koch first (if you have'nt) both aregreat books and should see you well on your way [quote name='RIM Basses' post='25494' date='Jul 1 2007, 08:04 AM']Steve mate, great looking bass bud. You gotta love the singlecut basses, I cant wait to build another one next year. Keep up the amazing work. Robbie.[/quote] Hey Robbie thanks for the feedback coming from you (like Alan) it means a lot to me i look forward to seeing another of your SC design's they totally rock (well i look forward towards seeing anything you build really) btw are you gonna be at this years bassday? Not much of an update on this build atm apart from i cut the fretwire for the board i've had little free time this weekend as everyone and everything wanted a piece of my spare time & what little i did have on sunday went on the jazz body im building but i have most of the latter half of this week clear of work so im hopping to atleast get the FB fret'ed and glued in the next few days will get some more pic's as soon as i have anything worth photographing thx for the kind words & feedback it really means a lot to me All the best steve
Hey mybass Well as the lumber the body wings came out of was 10" wide x 2" thick and i only needed a 1 1/2" thickness for the wings (over all thickness of the bass is 1 3/4") i rough cut the lower wing shape on the bandsaw then flipped it on its side and sliced about 1/4" off all the way along to give me an almost matching piece for the backplate so yep you pretty much nailed it Alan thx for the heads up on Larry at Gallery hardwoods i've taken a look at his site quite a few times but he never seems to have any shipping prices or upto date pick of what he has instock but i'll be sure to give him a quick email as soon as im ready to start getting the wood together for my next build cheers steve
I cant coment on the Ashdown but id say avoid the 35B i got one early last year and it was horrid,poorly built,almost no variance on its bass/treble control and it had a very strange attack swell when i played anything in the lower end about 5 days after i got it a roland cube 30 came up on the (old bassworld) board's and i grabbed that and the 35b went the way of evilbay cube 30 is a really great little practice amp with a lot of sounds in it thx to the built in fx and amp sim's the low b on my 6 SC is pretty clear on it and id recommend it to anyone it might be worth asking in the wanted section if anyone has one they'ed like to sell on laters gizmo
[quote name='steve' post='24161' date='Jun 27 2007, 09:57 PM']£6? unbelievable! its one of the nicest tops I've seen, give's the impression of folded cloth in places, and the knots are ace If it plays like it looks it's going to be a killer bass, have you decided on the pups and pre yet?[/quote] Well i like the EMG pup's/pre in my SC6 so im thinking of sticking with those not sure if i'll go dual soapbars or p/j yet i'll do a little photoshopping to see which looks funky'er [quote name='skelf' post='24176' date='Jun 27 2007, 10:13 PM']All looking really good. I could do with a whole pile of £6 tops that looked that good. Alan[/quote] Thx Alan coming for you that means a lot as i love your work Yep i think the seller was having a post xmas blow out when this top (and about 8 other's like it) went up on evilbay all sold for less that $20 BIN as i recall it came in at about £21 total as the shipping was about £15(i hate paying shipping on wood its so frustraing not beeing able to get funky/exotic tops in the UK) as i said earlier i missed the sister piece to this one which i was a little miffed about as i planed to do a matching back/front... Btw if you dont mind me asking where do you get your black limba body blanks from & what do they run you inc shipping? im thinking about using it for my next build after this one(a 7 string headed SC which im planing atm)as the body wings but if its gonna cost mega bucks i might go with idigbo as i can get hold feet upon feet of that stuff pretty cheap locally Not much progress on this atm as i've been awaitting my fretwire from stew mac that came today(56ft of the stuff so im also prep'ed for my 7 string build) i've had some real life work todo (self employed PC tech) so i wont get around to touching it till the weekend Cheers Steve
Gratz on your order alan does some killer work i look forward to some pic's of the progress All the best Gizmo
[quote name='bass_ferret' post='21529' date='Jun 21 2007, 07:10 PM']Is the ramp made out of another cut of the veneer or is it cut out of the top? Looks cool not having visible pups but i'm not sure what the ramp is really for - something to do with slapping? Thats so 80's. Been there, done that.[/quote] Quite the opposite really as it hinders slap/pop this link should clear up the ramp ? [url="http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/theramp.html"]http://garywillis.com/pages/bass/bassmanual/theramp.html[/url]
Dam thats nice ive seen a load of bud's work over in the luthiers corner section of talkbass.com and it's never failed to impress/inspire me in fact someone was selling a 5'er of this model of there forsale section about a week or so back for the bargin price of $1500 thats less than £800 atm total bargin if you ask me i look forward to progress pic's All the best Gizmo
[quote name='steve' post='21370' date='Jun 21 2007, 01:42 PM']that top is absolutely phenominal, if you ever decide to sell it, i'm at the front of the queue (hopefully)[/quote] Hey steve thx for the kind words glad you like the look of the bass & beleive it or not that top was only about $12/£6 infact it cost over twice that to have it shipped from canada to the uk! i think the seller didnt know how good it would look on a bass hehe Here's a daylight shot of the full top before it was hacked up by me (clicky for larger) wiped with white spirit's [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1342/570931508_f23da82151_o.jpg"][/url] This is only my 2nd build and im still working out just what the hell im doing so i guess i got a few more builds to get done before i can decide if my basses good enought to sell on hehe All the best Gizmo
Hey Alpha-Dave Thx for the tip i've been having a look around at some Redwood tops over at [url="http://oregonwildwood.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Category_Code=EGLamTopRedwood"]oregonwildwood.com[/url] theres some real nice tops there though a few are a little think for my taste's also his Macassar Ebony tops reall get my pulse racing aswell hehe so looks like having to plan 2 new build's to staisfy my wood cravining's Cheers Gizmo
Hey man non worries there not going anywhere yep the SM fits a jazz easy with an inch or so spare either side & i remember working in a chippy peeling spud's with a big drum peeler when i was 16 sucky job but it was worth it to get my first bass 18 years later and im building my own lol Cheers Gizmo
Hey cai! Got some measurements for you Spalted maple is 574x187x8 MM Lace wood is 543x200x8 & 536x204x8 MM Here's a few pic's clicky for larger images SM front [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1385/576936083_a3549b687d_o.jpg"][/url] SM back (markings are just pencil) [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1322/576936093_ee5d6a1c42_o.jpg"][/url] Wipped with white spirit to emulate finished tone [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1431/576824108_7372bde272_o.jpg"][/url] The spaltering is all solid has been treated ready for a finish Lace wood Front [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1409/576936147_ec924c1182_o.jpg"][/url] Wipped with white spirit to emulate finished tone [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1058/576824168_9c91a877f7_o.jpg"][/url] The lace wood is'nt a book matched piece but it still matches nicely and you can just get a jazz top out of it with about 5mm each side to spare [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1269/576886318_c0f543a8fc_o.jpg"][/url] £15 each + postage at cost if your interest Cheers Gizmo
[quote name='cai!' post='20433' date='Jun 19 2007, 09:25 PM']hahaha matey, matey i mean light as in a lighter colour wood but im not arsed now,i went round and checked the wood agen earlier and i may decide to go for a really dark top an yes i do love heavy basses too much like my jazz but even thats not eceptionally heavy =P[/quote] Hey cai! I got 2 tops that i was thinking of selling on that might suit you one is lace wood and the other is spalted maple both are 1/4(or so) thick i'll check the other measurements for you tommorrow as there at my workshop atm,i know that the SM top is good for a jazz size bass but i think the lace wood might be a bit short i'll grab some pic's as well laters Gizmo
Hey all Thought id also throw some pic's of this jazz bass body ive been building to replace the nasty plywood body on an old 70's japanese fretless jazz(solid maple neck) i have kicking around it got stripped and refinished in sea foam green mid last year & i was happy with the finish but it was wasted on the ply body as it just didnt allow the bass to sing like a fretless should so i decided that id build a new ash body for it as i had 12 foot of the dam stuff to use [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1329/571006552_a103c41023_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1138/571006580_18aa05df1a_o.jpg"][/url] Just got to get around to routting the pup and control cavity's(going for rear mounted controls) and for a finish i think im gonna try a gloss Ceruse with black grain enhancement like this Fbass [url="http://www.fbass.com/images/bn5customnat22-24fretbody%20.jpg"][/url] Laters Gizmo
Dam that red wood top is sexy it almost looks like a pool of water & sets off the fb which as steve-soar says kind of looks like the sky over mountains and a lake im def going to look at getting hold of a red wood top for a future build All the best Gizmo
[quote name='Gary.Lowe' post='20018' date='Jun 19 2007, 05:17 AM']Hi All Tickets are now on sale and you can also buy a DVD from last years performers. Artist line up will be confirmed soon.[/quote] Hey Gary thx for the heads up Any more info on what "Highlights" the DVD contains? i had to leave just after Wojtek Pilichowski set so id like to know if the full performances by Jonas & Stefan are on this disc? Looking forward to a list of players before i hit the bin on a ticket i might be off to Oz for a few weeks around that time but i'll delay it if the line up is what im hopping for Cheers Gizmo
Hey cai! Well the top came from [url="http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Vedder-Mountain-Hardwoods_W0QQssPageNameZstrkQ3amefsQ3amesstQQtZkm"]Vedder-Mountain-Hardwoods[/url]in Canada i just missed the sister piece to it when ordering which pissed me off a bit because i wanted to do matching front and back...body and neck woods are from the UK though and infact came from a local lumber supplier about 1 1/2 miles up the road from me i must have passed it a thousand time and never even noticed it was there! [url="http://www.dawsontimber.co.uk/"]http://www.dawsontimber.co.uk/[/url] There pretty cool guys as they let you take your time in picking your woods,i could have spent all day in there browsing but my wallet only let me come out with 12 foot of ash and 8 foot of maple though i'll be heading back soon to grab some idigbo and walnut Cheers gizmo
[quote name='cai!' post='19000' date='Jun 17 2007, 12:08 AM'][push in the truck] me dude, your basses are [push in the truck]ing AMAZING!!! id actualy pay alot for this even tho its not finished yet! im gona keep watchin this! haha you could start up your own business and tbh if i could afford it id probs order one! but with the money im savin up atm im gettin ready to start up my own bass makin project should be fun keep givin us pics mate!!! good look with it[/quote] Hey Cail thanks for your kind words glad to see someone else is digging the single cut vibe UPDATE: i got a bit more done today on the control cavity and back plate as well as some work smoothing out the heal and lower horn there still not where i want them ut better than they were (u can click these thumbs for larger images) [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1306/565690726_0835b68824_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1382/565690738_516fbd46f9_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://"http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1062/565690790_12be2d41d4_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1094/565690800_4092280e57_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1062/565690790_12be2d41d4_o.jpg"][/url] [url="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1108/566052657_4b3817f16f_o.jpg"][/url]
Hey guys Again many thx for your comments and kind words [quote name='d-basser' post='19727' date='Jun 18 2007, 05:02 PM']that is a sexy beast, makes me want to attempt luthiery but i have no space for a workshop [/quote] Well this bass(and my other inprogess)was built in and 8X8 foot work shed with one bench area its a bit of a pain to move tools around but it can be done id recommend that anyone have a go at it just read a lot,make up a good plan and be sure to stick to it All the best Gizmo btw if any one wants any(limited)advise feel free to PM me