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Thx for the link and info i fanncy one of the miller/jazz 5'ers too and if it works out under £200 i'll be sure tograb one roman plz let us know when they come back in stock if its not to much trouble Cheers Gizmo
Better than it was with DT the tunes are much more in his range and suit his voice quite well the band are basically [url="http://www.solidvision.org/home.htm"]SOLIDVISION[/url]with Charlie on vocals if you dig "The Calling" (the tune playing on the Dominici enter page) you'll enjoy the rest of the album,though judging from the live video they have posted he still cant sing in tune live Laters Gizmo
I got it but im not that into it atm one thing i really hate are the sections with mic portnoy speaking/singing imo he should just stick to what he know's best drumming All in all i have to say that i dont think DT have been the same post kevin moore Sure they've had 2 great keyboard shredder's in derek sherinian and jordan rudess but for me nothing they've written since Awake has pushed my button's like the stuff they did with moore Images and words and awake just seem so much more complete to me & anything after it just seems that the vibe's those 2 albums have just not there any moore(pun intended)sure the chops are there and the tunes are well crafted but its just not the same Oct came pretty close though shame they didnt continue in that vibe BTW if there are any pre LaBrie DT fan's here you might want to check out the new Charlie Dominici Album [url="http://www.dominici.com/"]DOMINICI A TRILOGY PART 2[/url] sounds like DT from When Dream And Day Unite but with much much better production top album great tunes (concept album) well worth the listen if you like your progy metal Laters Gizmo
Hey Alpha-Dave thx for the reply [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='13320' date='Jun 6 2007, 09:47 PM']Very nice![/quote] Thx [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='13320' date='Jun 6 2007, 09:47 PM']At the very bottom of the body are those holes in the burl, or just a very dark portion of the wood?[/quote] There bark incursions but they've been filled with Epoxy and zebrawood dust so there as stable as the rest of the top if not more so & that section will more than likley get routed out for the tunner's though [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='13320' date='Jun 6 2007, 09:47 PM']Any particular reason for a single piece neck this time? I thought that laminates were both more difficult to make and more stable, so having mastered that I would have thought that you'd have gone that route.[/quote] The reason is my bench saw needed to be sent back for repair so i thought id try a single piece neck after all i've got 17ft of the stuff so i gotta use it Cheers Gizmo
Hey all well I enjoy'ed the first so much that i thought id try my hand at a second so here's a few in progress pic's of my 2nd build a 4 string headless neck thru Singlecut spec's are Single piece maple thru neck Ash body wings Bookmatched Ambrosia maple top Walnut accent veneer 24 fret birdseye maple fingerboard Status hardware(black) Undecided on pup's and pre atm Pics Template Back Front Top upclose I'll try and get some better pic's later this week Cheers Gizmo
No order Michael Manring Matt Garrison Stu Hamm Sean Malone Alain Caron
What Have You Been Listening To? And Whos The Bassist?
Gizmo replied to Brandonh's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='blamelouis' post='12664' date='Jun 5 2007, 08:21 PM']Poor old Gizzmo[/quote] Why poor old me???? Im telling it like i heard it i was played the album by a friend unknowing who the bassist/composer was and my first reply to "who" was new Garrison cd? the sound,technique's and phasing all made me think garrison sorry if that pisses anyone (inc Hadrien) off but it's just what i heard Im not slagging anyone off and im not the first one to say they think Hadrien's playing sounds like garrison or jaco go check out the forums at talkbass there's numerous similar comment's from ppl all over the world i think Hadrien's playing and composing are amazing i wish i could play at that level (i cant but ppl like him continue to inspire me to try and i thank him for that) he's a great example of what can be achieved if you have focus,skill and a really love for music i wish him all the best & im sure he'll go far and that i'll be buying his record's for years to come -
What Have You Been Listening To? And Whos The Bassist?
Gizmo replied to Brandonh's topic in General Discussion
Humm let see adriano campagnani - adriano campagnani : great fusion bassist if relatively unknown well worth checking out if you a bass anorak Hadrien Feraud - Hadrien Feraud : again great fusion bassist i cant beleive he's only 22! i hope he manages to find his own voice because at the moment he just sounds to much like just another a garrison clone counter world experience - leaving lotus - (H.D. Lorenz - bass) Guess what yep more fusion these guys seem to be able to cover pretty much every thing jazz/rock/prog/fusion wise so if you into planet x/ohm/manring,mcgill,steve's and other time shifty prog/fusion there sure to push your buttons Gordian Knot - Emergent (sean malone bass/stick) my fav prog/fusion band/project such well crafted tunes Sad happy - good day bad dream - (paul hinklin & mic manring bass) one of mr manring side project's quite hard to track down and the tunes are somewhat like those from thonk nice and heavy/progy -
i can see the new logo now "basschat the place to be for bass anoraks" hehe i'll add [url="http://www.bradymuckelroy.com/music.htm"]brady muckelroy[/url] & [url="http://www.deanpeer.com/"]dean peer[/url] to that list aswell and see if you can get trip back aswell i know he has a new cd to pimp any chance you might get ronda smith over this year? i heard she was an almost at last year's Id also second the request for sponsor stands and artists in the diffrent room's just so we can avoid having some dumb ass playing over ppl's set's like they did with janek's & Yolanda Charles set's last year laters gizmo
[quote name='Alun' post='10768' date='Jun 1 2007, 08:51 PM']Recognised them all but I am a horrendous bass anorak [/quote] Hey alun no surprise for me there You coming along again this year? im thinking of making a weekend of it this time as i've always had to leave around 7:30'ish to get my coach home to brum
[quote name='Machines' post='10758' date='Jun 1 2007, 08:19 PM']7 for me .[/quote] Hehe you guys should go google/youtube the ones your missing then there some great players there for you to checkout laters Gizmo
Marked on the calendar So glad to see the back of the life cafe i look forward to a list of performers some ppl id love to see on the list this year are matt garrison mr manring vic stu hamm brian bromberg alain caron Hadrien Feraud Seth Horan adriano campagnani Norm Stockton Ray Riendeau Yves Carbonne Dominique Di Piazza tony grey to name but a few im sure i could think of a few more if i really sat and thought about it laters gizmo
Let me know what you think of our transaction Cheers Gizmo
Iteam: Cort Curbow 4 string fretless Sold by me(gizmo) to stewart Pleasure to do business with great communication real nice bloke Thx again and i hope you enjoy the bass Cheers Gizmo
Hey guys again thx for replys and kind words its really nice to hear you all like the design i know that single cuts dont float everyones boat but i love them and i've already started a 2nd SC build (4string headless i'll post a progress thread later in the week) Hey dood i'll quote myself to answer your ? hehe [quote name='Gizmo' post='4581' date='May 22 2007, 06:32 PM']Hey dave thx for your reply Theres a small route under the tunning domes and i have no problem tunning them from above with the edge of my thumb, i was going to take out the whole backend out and designed for it but i did a test setup with just a channel route and found it worked more than well enought for me so i decided to not kill the flow of the backend[/quote] Peace Gizmo
Looking sweet nice design looks like she will blance very well I love the wood combo's cant wait to hear this one sing keep us updated plz Cheers Gizmo
[quote name='RichBowman' post='4667' date='May 22 2007, 09:44 PM']Wow! That looks superb - I don't know how you can achieve so much on a first time build! I'd love to have a go it building a bass, but have far too little time and/or talent! Where are you thinking of getting the wooden knobs from? Rich[/quote] Hi Rich Thanks for the kind words im sure anyone could do it if they tried and had the time/workspace/tools I just took my time and read a lot i also knew when id had enough and needed a break infact at one point i didnt touch it for over 2 months(around the time i started to carve the neck profile)because i was unsure on how to progress but a few weeks and some test pieces later i refond my footing and carried on As with the rest of the bass i'll be building the knobs out of my left over scraps they'll be maple burl topped with purple/cherry/purple accent lines and have zebra wood bodies to match the main body woods Cheers Gizmo
[quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='4572' date='May 22 2007, 07:17 PM']Brilliant! For a first effort that's superb. Did you do much research before hand or sort issues as they arose? I can't quite tell from the images: did you route under the tuners, or are the central 4 easy enough to turn without having to get your fingers underneath?[/quote] Hey dave thx for your reply Theres a small route under the tunning domes and i have no problem tunning them from above with the edge of my thumb, i was going to take out the whole backend out and designed for it but i did a test setup with just a channel route and found it worked more than well enought for me so i decided to not kill the flow of the backend research research & a bit more research was all i did for the first month or so & melvin hiscox's book was a big help as was the lutier's coner over at talkbass but i found research i think can only get you sofar things change quite a lot when your doing and i had to fix a few things in the mix as it where hopefully though i learn enought that those things wont pop up on my future builds Cheers Gizmo
Posted this over at talkbass (im thonk over there) but thought id post here aswell Well she took a while long that i thought she would but she's finished! (apart from the fact that the EMG BQC system i installed is faulty so i gotta order a new one ) Any hows the spec and some pic's and first build views.... Single cut (my own design but with a tip of the hat to JP) 6 String BEADGC Headless (status gold hardware) EMG 45DC active pups EMG BQC system 24 fret's Neck thur 5 piece Zebra/Purple/Cherry/Purple/Zebra Zerba wood Fingerboard Zebra body wings Maple burl top Purple/cherry/purple accent veneers warwick gold straplock's Hand rubbed Danish oil finish yes she is heavy due to all the Zebrawood(no more so than other 6'er's i've played)but she's not for gigging so im not to bothered Knobs will be replaced with wooded one's in the next week or so As i said in the title this is the first time i've ever built a bass(infact its the first time i've touched any woodworking tools snice i left school 17 years ago!)and one thing i've learnt is that if you dont have the tool for the job wait & go get it because if you dont its gonna cost you a whole heap of trouble & strife There are a few thing's and way's of doing thing's id change if i had my time over again on her & im my own worst critic but im 100% happy with the end result and thats all that matter's right My 2nd build a 4 string headless SC ash/maple is already 1/3 rd under way as well as a replacement ash jazz body for my fretless progress threads to come So it seems building is as addictive as drug and alcohol it also seems to cost the same! but the rewards are 1000% better imho Laters Gizmo I'll have a dig around my backup dvd's and try and find some early in progress pic's if anyone's interested?
Hi Stu Many thanks for your feedback i'll wait for rich's review but i think i'll be adding it to the cart come the end of the week im starting to rutt a little and i think this dvd would be a very good pickmeup from what ive read and heard about it Cheers Gizmo
I remember reading about this years ago and a few thing's have always struck me about her bizarre claim to that line those being Dont you think that someone (other than herself) would have remembered a [b]White female pick playing bassist[/b] playing on a black singers tune with a whole band of black musician's? As lonestar says grab a copy of the shadows book well worth the money marcus miller nails I was made to love her perfectly even the slap he adds on the outro does'nt sound out of place
[quote name='Volume' post='1783' date='May 18 2007, 08:56 PM']Hi Gizmo, I bought the entire series last week... They're currently in the post, and should arrive early next week... I'll let you know what I think of them once they arrive. Rich[/quote] Hey Rich Thx for the heads up i look forward to your mini review Cheers Gizmo
Hey all Im just wondering if anyone out there has any of norm's [url="http://www.normstockton.com/products/index.html"]DVD's[/url] and what there like? im intrested mainly in the vol 4 pondering bass technique (the other god/worship groove stuff does'nt really interest me being an athisit) I've got norm's sushi cd and its pretty cool and the clips on youtube look like there well recorded/performed im just wondering what the content is like and if its clear & well demonstrated and not like a lot of the reh/hotlick's vid's where the bassist's are just dumpped infront of a cam without any real script or content I look forward to reading your opinions Cheers Gizmo