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Everything posted by grunge666

  1. They were great in Brum on Sunday. Janick's dancing annoys me - I can imagine Steve Harris wanting to smack him one LOL Then - the backline went down during the end of Number Of The Beast!! Bruce and Nicko leading the crowd to it's conclusion!! Maiden are class and not many bands can still get away with their level of stageshow IMHO. Up The Irons!
  2. The guitarists in my band work for Line6 and both use Variax 6 strings - they're trying to convince me to have a bass to save on the changing over between songs. I currently have to change bass 4 times due to the tunings of the covers we do - D, C, Eb and to pitch. I only like 4 strings and tbh - like using most of my basses during a gig. It gets a bit much changing that many times in a half an hour set though!! Jury's out atm but, can't imagine not using a Spector at all!
  3. [quote name='Mace' post='1323626' date='Aug 1 2011, 10:28 PM']Or Steve Harris - apart from all his obvious (to me anyway!) attributes, being the reason I bought a bass in the first place all those years ago must be pretty cool? [size=7]\m/[/size][/quote] Amen mate. I would say Gene $immon$ - I've been a KISS fan since I was 10 years old but, I'll have to say Mr Harris - I learned to play by playing along to Maiden. One of my proudest fourstring moments was being able to play Rime Of The Ancient Mariner note for note at the tender age of 16. Saw Maiden again on Sunday in Brum, and everytime I see them I just wish I could be him for one gig.
  4. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1315296' date='Jul 25 2011, 12:24 AM']Even the singer noted "you are one of the best bassists I've seen, but you are also the most inconsistent".... In terms of pulling it off and not that is.[/quote] I'd have punched the singer!
  5. A band I was in, in the early 90's came up with our own 'genre' GROOVYINDIETHRASHDANCEMETALBASSF*CK
  6. I grabbed an SPL about 10 years ago for £150. The wiring had been messed about with, one pot moved and just the P Pickups working. Playable but never gigged it - always prefered every other bass I'd got! I sprayed the scratchplate metallic purple and it got stickered over the years. Sold it last year to a Sheehan fan for £250 and put the cash towards my Spector Rex 4
  7. [quote name='cetera' post='1152376' date='Mar 7 2011, 12:03 PM']Excellent! I have the same set up..... and it's a monster! Be careful not to lose the all important mids from your sound though P.S. Hey Gary (Grunge!) good to see you here mate! [/quote] I knew you wouldn't be far away mate!
  8. Glad you got your RBi matey!
  9. Well, thanks to Basschat and special thanks to rmshaw37 - I now have a SVT410HLF again! Hope those Kappa Pro's live up to their reputation mate? *Chuffed*
  10. rmshaw37 - dude, you've probably saved my life - I nearly bought another HLF on eBay today for £470 - my Mrs would've killed me! Mate if you're up for that then yeah, that's great. I'm near J10 M6 - to be honest, for the right drivers I'd 'kin WALK!! Pm me mate and we'll sort this out! Man I'm stoked about this if it comes off!! BTW- just noticed you've got a Punisher - I'm a massive KISS fan! You should see my KISS sleeve tattoo!!
  11. Hi, I'm new to the forum and wanted to share my tale of woe and maybe gauge how I can go about salvaging my sanity, dignity and my rig! I recently played my 1st gig with my own full rig. SVT 3 Pro Sansamp RBI - both from new. & an SVT 410 HLF Classic - I've had this cab 2nd hand for about 3 years for £450 and only played it at low volume at home before this gig and now I'm gutted it may be a wreck! I use the head and preamp every week through a Hartke 410 at our rehearsal rooms and it sounds righteous. Sound checked at thte gig and I thought a cone had blown. It distorted so bad, a really farty flapping noise in the low range. Mids and highs were ok but low E was atrocious! I was expecting furniture movement! I had the speakers out one by one and they all seem fine and wired according to the Ampeg wiring diagram I found online. BUT, and this is the stinger - this has been reloaded with Eminence Kappa Pro's - these are 500w and 8ohms each! So, instead of a 500w 4 ohm cab - I've got a 2000w 8ohm cab! I really think the cab couldn't take it - and my SVT3Pro is clipping as I was trying to get something out of it. I contacted Eminence and the only way to get the correct drivers (the original 100w ones!) is through Ampeg. So, I contacted LOUD and one of their approved dealers - £97.00 + VAT each speaker!! That's £465.60 for all 4!! To say I'm gutted is an understatement and now I'm really struggling to find a way around it. I'm thinking of selling the empty cab and drivers seperately and looking for another 2nd hand HLF with the correct drivers. Or, try and find a 4ohm 500w sealed cab - swop the drivers over and see if I can at least use the HLF in some form and use the 500w drivers @ 8ohm for rehearsing? Anyone got any ideas, thoughts - a length of rope I can fashion into a noose?
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