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Everything posted by Wooks79

  1. [quote name='dudewheresmybass' timestamp='1390651923' post='2347905'] Hi. Does the pitch box do octave up and down simultaneously? [/quote] Simple answer, unfortunately not. I've got one. Decent little pedal, but doesn't do that.
  2. Wooks79


    Haha, I do have an idea, I love mine
  3. Wooks79


    Go enjoy your rat king some more
  4. Wooks79


    I'm more than happy with a DD6, what have you heard bad about them?
  5. Wooks79


    If I wanted a cheap all rounder, I'd go for a second hand Boss DD6 or DD3 and just mess with it. You can pay a fortune for stuff that is amazing and does allsorts (like I did with my strymon timeline in the end), but if your unsure quite what you wanna do with it, buy cheap and play with it as much as possible to discover how you will decide to use it... And that's the fun bit
  6. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1390602226' post='2347573'] aren't they all the same aswell? for me tuner has to be on there and then id probs go for my od pedal the flux drive. andy [/quote] Looks like top left has just a touch of Octave -2, but none on the one next to it, and the far right has no dry, but full Octave -1 and Octave -2. Still... 3?!
  7. [quote name='topheteatwo' timestamp='1390578059' post='2347166'] Any preference on what delay? [/quote] I have a Strymon Timeline and a Boss DD6 on my board at the mo. I'd never do without the Timeline now, it's incredible for ambient stuff, crazy sounds can come out of it beyond just the usual delays!
  8. For me its a rat and at least one delay pedal
  9. Looks really nice, but after a certain price point what's the point? This would have to be nicely priced to be bought instead of just going for an AD200B surely?
  10. If it was silver vintage cloth front I'd be tempted to get it for a 2nd one
  11. Cheers for clearing that up, so are tone and gain inside as trim pots, and volume out with that knob?
  12. How come this Dark Driving only has one knob rather than the usual 3? Cheers.
  13. I love my vintage, think I'd be hard pressed to give it up. This is silly low priced, someone should snap it up if you are selling as well as trade?
  14. I've just got a load of diago patch factory stuff, seems good to me once I'd worked out how to make it properly Never used lava or George L's so can't compare quality, but in theory they are the same thing, not too cheap either.
  15. I've got a sticking foot switch on my strymon timeline and annoyingly it made a total mush of a verse at a gig after I'd made a massive noisy swell and it wouldn't turn off Is it ok to spray on WD40, or is there a chance that could get on the insides and have a negative impact on the internals at all? Cheers
  16. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1389970943' post='2340140'] Ohhhh I like both the before and after. Looks very nice. Doesn't the GEC9 mean you dont really need to worry about pedal order? I've never used a routing system so could be barking up the wrong tree! I'd probs look at some fuzz if that would work for your sound? [/quote] Cheers man With the routing they still have an order, so eg. the OC2 is in the first slot, so will be first in the chain when it's on with any others... I think I'm toying with popping the DeviEver Ruiner back on, but at the mo, the B3K and the Rat King kinda have most of my dirty sounds covered. If you were adding a fuzz, what would you suggest, I'll go youtube some demos
  17. I'm in the middle of a serious pedalboard tidy/rethink/overhaul at the mo. Made some adjustments so I could hide all plugs, wireless receiver and power, cut the plug off my extension lead so it's a female kettle type end now, and have taken a lot of stuff off to have a think what I want/need on there... Here's a before pic - And here's a new work in progress pic, added in the Rat King and a Moen GEC9 programmable switcher - What are peoples thoughts on pedal order and what would I benefit from adding?
  18. I've had an Ampeg 6x10 before, and did like it. Heavy, but I found it reasonable to get around cos of the top bar and the wheels. I bought a Matamp 6x10, and preferred the sound, so sold the Ampeg on, but the Matamp isn't as easy to transport.
  19. Wooks79


    Where would people say this should be in my signal chain?
  20. Wooks79


    I have the Boss FV500L and it works fine with it.
  21. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1389250095' post='2331817'] ...it would be better for me if the cab sim was switchable so it can be set to only affect the XLR output. [/quote] Same here, if it did that, I'd snap one up!
  22. If nothing else, it'll have more watchers this time round
  23. [media]http://youtu.be/vZXKWUPQmJI[/media] Go on then, what has he used to get that tone then?
  24. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1388836161' post='2326559'] Yes. And for many other things beside [/quote] I'm doomed!
  25. WIthin the last year I bought a Boss OC-2 off gumtree for £20. Will I go to hell?
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