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Everything posted by Wooks79

  1. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1388835351' post='2326546'] The point is, you would know its a rare one off and would make a judgement on what it's worth based on that. If you had inherited a vinyl collection, took it to be valued and the valuer/buyer said 'it's all just average stuff, I'll give you £100 for the lot' knowing that there was in fact a rare one off vinyl in your collection worth £1000, he's essentially scamming you, knowing you'll base your decision on what YOU think it's worth and what you'd be RELATIVELY happy with. IF the same valuer said 'you've got a £1000 vinyl in here!' your expectation would immediately change, and rightly so. Buying an item from a clueless seller on ebay who is selling on behalf of a friend (therefore having no knowledge of what they are selling) whilst knowing its true value but trying to take advantage is up to you and your moral compass. However, you can't complain if someone with different morals then informs the seller and they change the expectations of what they want for it (however accurate their new idea of its value is) as that's the seller's right. [/quote] I see what you're saying, I think maybe I just am more inclined to see both parties happy, than to see an item fulfill its alleged value. I could be biased towards this view due to what I mentioned previously, seeing my parents have stress through trying to assess and fulfill the value of a load of vinyl that they inherited. To me, they didn't ever want the vinyl that they are now in possession of, they never spent a penny on any of it, they will never and have never listened to any of it... But if I now ever mention selling it to my mother (or even as I wanted them to, give it away to a true collector and fan who would enjoy it) she gets upset. I predict that it will still be taking up the majority of their spare room storage space further down the line when they are no longer with us
  2. Someone should email him, tell him its worth more lol (dont ban me, Im just having a laugh)
  3. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1388834611' post='2326530'] Fair point. At the end of the day, I don't see any difference between knowingly offering less money for an item than I know it's worth (ie, knowingly ripping someone off) and someone trying to sell me something that's worth less than they ask (knowingly rippinge off). Sites like ebay just offer an environment in which people can take advantage of others, in both directions. [/quote] Thing with this is, either way round, regardless of its 'worth'* if someones not happy, then they don't have to buy it/sell it? (*I put this next to worth, cos isnt anything only worth what someone is willing to pay at the time you sell? If I have a one off vinyl, that is so rare its 'worth' a million, but I don't want it, and I only get offered a thousand pounds, is that not good to me still? If I was happy to accept, I would be £1000 better off!)
  4. Also, considering I kind of pointed the conversation in this direction, I would rather it moved away from pointing at gjones in this instance, and was more about the actual idea of people getting involved in sales threads/ebay/gumtree etc. when they have no interest in buying themselves, and may be giving good/bad advice, as that is what I feel is actually making an interesting conversation here, and I don't wanna see the thread get locked... Lets play nice, cos everyone whinges when a good thread get locked
  5. The way I see it is if a seller is happy to accept a price, and a buyer is happy to pay it, is that not 2 happy parties leaving a transaction? Too many 'experts' around these days. Nothing is worth more than what someone is willing to pay. I see ebay as a forum for people to pay as much or as little as they are happy to pay and the seller is happy to accept. After all, there are reserve and buy it now options for a reason. BORING EBAY EXAMPLE STORY ALERT: I recently saw an item I wanted, starting at 99p, no reserve, no bids. I contacted the seller, asked what they were looking to sell for, they replied they wanted over £100, I asked him, what are you HAPPY to sell for, he said £130, I said I was happy to pay that, I got what I wanted for half the price of a new one, he got paid the money he wanted to get for it. Could I have got it cheaper if I waited for the item to see if anyone bid? Maybe. Could the seller have got more if he let the auction run? Maybe. As it stands, we are both happy!
  6. Any trades on other effects? Got quite a few pedals spare at the mo
  7. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1388810771' post='2326377'] I found 2 completed listings on eBay for Squier JV P basses. One for £800, the other for £600, both from dealers and both looked mint. [/quote] Surely not, I had it on good authority that a battered one was worth 500-700! Admittedly that was with a polish and new strings... I'll not accept a penny less! /sarcasm
  8. Wooks79

    Nux Pedals

    [quote name='danbowskill' timestamp='1388700680' post='2325165'] £20 .. Hong Kong, 3 weeks to come but worth it. [/quote] link?
  9. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1388695316' post='2325058'] ...unless you were prepared to put your own hand in your own pocket and put your money where your mouth is, then why bother. [/quote]
  10. [quote name='deanovw' timestamp='1388670385' post='2324559'] I think it would have eventually sold for what it was worth. I have just sold a very nice JV jazz bass on ebay for £400 as thats all I could get for it. The market decides. [/quote] Kinda what I mean, you describe yours as 'very nice' and got £400, this one looks in poor nick, possibly warped, and the person may now believe with a polish and some strings it's £500-£700 worth...
  11. Maybe it's me, but I don't think a clean and some strings will increase what someone would bid, but it will now have increased her expectations... Is 500 to 700 a sensible expectation for that JV? I personally wouldn't expect that, but I'm not an expert, but now she may be expecting that. Don't get me wrong, if you feel you have done a good thing, good on you. I wouldn't have, but not for greed. I just don't think it will have helped her out if her situation is as she says... A personal example - My parents have been sat on a collection of thousands of jazz records for years that they inherited, but they don't know what to do with them, but don't want to just get someone in to bulk buy as they have been told there are some rarities in there... The result has been many years of stress over them, trying to research value, catalogue the vinyl etc. and they won't let me take it away from them to do. Just my 2p, as I found this a relevant place to mention what I thought of examples of people contacting sellers to 'do them a favour'
  12. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1388617647' post='2324189'] Maybe she took my advice and ended it early, if it didn't looked like she wasn't going to get a decent price for it. I said that, even in the manky condition that it was in, it was worth £500. Given a clean and a set of strings up to £700. She seemed, from the emails I recieved, that she just genuinely didn't have a clue. [/quote] I'll be honest and come out and say it, I really don't get it when people do this. It stops someone maybe getting a decent deal and a project to work on, and it can often fill the people who don't know about the item with unrealistic expectations and the hassle of getting it sorted! Each to their own, but I don't see it as being honest or doing anyone a favour. (For the record, I'm not interested in JV's and wouldn't have known about them myself prior to joining basschat)
  13. Wooks79

    Nux Pedals

    Where are people buying from?
  14. Brilliant for sale post. ticks all the boxes.
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1388234593' post='2319731'] I am not a bassist or a musician, though I have played the bass in many bands for many years [/quote] That's pretty much me too, always been lucky enough to be involved with talented people.
  16. I'm not a fan of wishbass, but this is far from the ugliest about.
  17. My main issue would be with the 'repaired' amp. As the manufacturer have been good so far, if be tempted to express your distrust of their repair based in their other work, and ask if the manufacturer may be happy to offer a complete replacement themselves? Slim chance, but worth and email I'd say!
  18. I'm another in the 'want a Wal, but can't afford one' camp
  19. I've got a blues jr. and I really like the clean tone of it, but I've been thinking of shifting it on for a bit, cos I'm just not a guitarist, no matter how much I try Guitarist in my last band had a fender twin, and that sounded lovely, but the valves kept dropping out. Doh!
  20. Yeah, a lot of people may, as skankdevlar said, want it seen to by a luthier, I probably would to be honest, but maybe not everyone would. I guess you could put it on eBay and see what happens?
  21. I think unfortunately the damage and home repair will lower the price under what you probably want to get I know a lad well who would love this, he's got one the same in the yellow finish, but I reckon the worry of sorting it out would be off putting.
  22. Pete very kindly contacted me after I posted a wanted ad, and after a very pleasant transaction, I'm now the owner of a Rat King Highly recommend Pete as one of many great people to deal with on BC. Thanks Pete!
  23. I'm a big fan of these straps, I use the long ones set quite short. I've not long bought a 2nd so I've got one on both basses I use regularly.
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