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Everything posted by Wooks79

  1. Just thought, on a forum of bassists I best add that I am aware that the guy who mixed it has made an absolute dogs dinner of the bass sound It's another time where I don't understand the time we take over tone and equipment, just to have someone DI straight from the bass and end up making it sound like a fart... I guess that's for another thread though
  2. Thanks very much
  3. [media]http://youtu.be/9iI470t06eo[/media]
  4. [quote name='Matte_black' timestamp='1378579956' post='2202152'] Do you remember what options they offered when you ordered yours? [/quote] It's less options and more a case of they want to help you get what you want from your amp I felt. The only thing I wanted, but they said no to, was the light up logo, as they said they had stopped doing it as it created too much noise at times.
  5. SInce I got my Matamp, honestly the only amp GAS I have had is for another Matamp or a Matamp slave! (totally unnecessary, but just greed cos I love mine so much)
  6. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1378223456' post='2197282'] For those of you who have multiples of them...can I ask why? Do they sound different or is it just a collectors thing? [/quote] I've had 4 OC-2's through my hands, I sold the first on this forum then regretted it, so bought another from this forum. That still lives on my board to this day. I then saw one for a good price on gumtree, bought it, sold it straight on. Cue the 4th one, MEGA bargain price on gumtree, snapped it up and that is my April 1982 dated OC-2 which I'm probably just gonna keep nice and tidy and not use. They've all been japanes, and to my ears, they've all sounded the same.
  7. I love the key idea! I daren't ask To have one retrofitted to mine though
  8. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289-post-your-pedal-board-basschat-style/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/289-post-your-pedal-board-basschat-style/[/url] Probably worth a look
  9. From the other thread... [quote name='Wooks79' timestamp='1377283990' post='2185902'] Good idea Si, [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Octave - Sept 1987 - Japanese Serial 823153[/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/font] [font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Octaver - April 1982 - Japanese - Serial 171300[/font] Since I believe April 1982 was the first month of production, I am desperate to find out how early my pedal is! Not bad for £20 off Gumtree! [/quote]
  10. Good idea Si, [font="arial, helvetica, sans-serif"]Octave - Sept 1987 - Japanese Serial 823153[/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Octaver - April 1982 - Japanese - Serial 171300[/font] Since I believe April 1982 was the first month of production, I am desperate to find out how early my pedal is! Not bad for £20 off Gumtree!
  11. I'll pop mine on when I get home
  12. Good stuff, I love the Gotye album, and this sounds cool as well! Cheers.
  13. So what's your earliest then Si?
  14. ...and I'd ask the same question if you were banging on about how much you loved them, as only a fool would take such a strong opinion on board without questioning their experiences or motives (not saying you have some hidden motive, you just don't feel barefaced are for you, fair enough) As we've discussed, you don't need to validate anything to me, you might own ashdown gear and love it, whereas I hate it, but if you asked, I couldn't give you a rational reason why, and I would then expect you to take my opinions on ashdown with a pinch of salt!
  15. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1376558076' post='2175822'] Wooks79 - I've never ever seen a Barefaced. My opinions came to me in a dream. Or maybe I read them through a hole in the top of a hat? I don't know. [/quote] Thanks for your reply Toasted, I can happily place your opinions into perspective now
  16. Maple. Effects pedals I will prob never manage to shoehorn into a song. Glitchy Broken Nintendo sounds from my bass.
  17. It's pic'o'clock!
  18. Wishbass.
  19. Singlecuts.
  20. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1376506712' post='2175210'] So all those recent threads where we've been all self-congratulatory about what an easy-going liberal bunch we BCers all are was a load of old b*ll*cks then? [/quote] We are completely discriminatory... About bass gear
  21. Absolute gent, great doing business with you mate thanks!
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376503049' post='2175115'] Fair enough and it was more a general feeling that your post raised so sorry for using your post as my rant basis, still had it loads of times though especially from Ric lovers. Also yes its quite good for metal too! [/quote] No worries, I can see why you might think something like that was coming, but I'm just more interested in what's behind opinions, than actually getting dragged into the arguement
  23. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376502239' post='2175083'] I don't get this idea of the you have not owned so you don't know thing (which is obviously what you want to pull on him), sure he is trolling a bit but there are plenty of things I can make valid judgements on without owning, have I owned ricky, or an ebs rig, or coffee table bass? No but I have tried them even gigged them but they are not for me (ebs Freak loves two of those things yet we get on regardless), according to lots of people I'm not allowed to pass comment on them. [/quote] I'm not trying to 'pull' anything, like I said, I'm just interested. Like I said, I just wanna put Toasted's posts into perspective. As far as I'm concerned, everyone has different needs/opinions, and you're all entitled to them! I know what I like, and couldn't care less who agrees or not EDIT: also, if you notice, I started a thread on irrational dislikes earlier, and I have them, so why would I started judging people jut cos they had or hadn't owned something?
  24. Also, Musicman basses with a single and a humbucker. Never played one, never want to. Looks weird.
  25. Kinda following from another ongoing topic, does anyone else here have any irrational dislike of particular gear? I'll be first to hold my hands up and say I have a completely irrational dislike of Ashdown gear! I can't put my finger on why, and I'm sure at some point I must have played through some (but I couldn't swear to it) but mainly I think it just looks like a toy. Ideally this thread won't turn into a big slanging match, maybe more of a confessional
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