Just had to post this, I haven't even played through it yet, but since I fell in love with my Abominable Electronics Hail Satan muff (and then upgraded to the deluxe version) I have to say I am obsessed with Abominable Electronics pedals now...
I am now onto my sixth pedal from them, and each one is amazing so far, and the artwork is literally like a work of art in my opinion!
So this new one is a TS9 clone (or TS808 with a flip of a switch) and the design has an input cap change so it wont suck out so much low end, so I really look forward to getting a play through it.
More info here - [url="http://www.abominableelectronics.com/products/12084738-hellmouth-ts9"]http://www.abominabl...8-hellmouth-ts9[/url]
I'll report back once I've had a play in a few days
The Abominable Electronics Unholy Grail delay is excellent, but I've had that a while now, so I missed out on giving you all an NPD Thread I also use their Yeti Bite JFET Boost on my board all the time.